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Unable to download any app on Garmin venu sq2 music edition

I got a garmin venu sq 2 music edition today. I tried installing amazon music, spotify.. any app in the connect iq store. It goes on installing and then does not install.

I have tried on both android and ios. I have updated the watch using garmin express

I have reset the watch loads of times.. paired again. Connected and disconnected via bluetooth. Reset. Name it , I have done it. But somehow i cannot install any app.

I even uninstalled the apps it came installed with and it would not install those apps again.

Really fed up by now. Planning to return the watch. I have seen similar posts here and even on reddit. Seems like an issue with garmin venu sq 2 right now.


  • Hmm interesting..

    Does it affect sleep score at all? I put my watch on last night for the first time and woke up this morning with no sleep data?

  • Yes, for me personally over 2+ years it's a great source to track sleep quality, stress level. You need to setup bed time in Garmin - it's native functionality, should work without installing extra apps.

    I'm using Instinct Mission and Vega watchfaces to show charts of stress/heartrate realtime.

  • It shouldn't affect sleep score. I have the watch for about two weeks now, I am returning it though. The first night it tracked my sleep score, the second night it didn't. I googled it and it said you need to have the watch on your wrist at least two hours before bed for it to be able to track, which I did not for the second night. Hopefully that's the same case for you. 

  • The watch-firmware 2.64 ist buggy an broke the installation process for anything going to the watch. I got my Venu Sq 2 last week with the older firmware and everything worked fine. Problem occured right after firmware-update. I was dumb enough to not look in the forums but for the mistake on my side and reset the watch in an last effort. Now Spotify and all other apps and watch faces I already had installed are gone. Extremely dissapointed by GARMIN.

  • Its Been 5 Days now since this Forum has seen a Post/Update from Garmin...Very Unprofessional

    Can we please get some feedback other than "the matter has been escalated and being reviewed by the Engineers" 

    It is very Frustrating that we are posting our complaints but not getting regular responses from Garmin to keep us posted with the progress of the fault.

  • hi - bought the sq2 on Monday, also cant download apps, e.g. Spotify? Can u confirm fix? Have tried Express, have checked compatibility, etc. No joy, pls resolve or let me know i must return?

  • I agree this needs fixing ASAP.

  • Can someone from Garmin at least give an update here? This issue has been going on for more than a month now and all that was said so far is that  it's "being worked on". No updates on any progress, no word on compensation for severely limiting the features of a piece of hardware, nothing. The communication on this has been absolutely atrocious. As a new Garmin user, I don't think I will ever buy anything from Garmin again. Still thinking about returning my Venu Sq2. I thought this would be absolutely high priority and thus solved in a timely matter but it seems like the Garmin engineers are either incompetent (sorry, but what the ***), or don't care enough to fix this quickly.

  • Good to know - is there a support desk that responds? Have just been asked to rate the service of the SR I raised but haven’t actually had any reply! Can’t make it up

  • Thanks for contacting Garmin, I'm sorry to hear about the issues that you are having with your device.

    Please have a look at the steps here if you have not already

    Issues Downloading Connect IQ Items to a Compatible Outdoor Device

    Please also try updating the device through Garmin Express

    Using Garmin Express to Update Your Watch's Software

    If the issues persist after following the steps above, please get back to me with the following so we can review this further for you.

    List of some apps and watch faces that you have tried to install on the device, and links to these if possible.

    Video of what happens when downloading an app, so we can see exactly what happens. Please upload this here: 

    Garmin folder from your device, please use code 8V4HW if prompted Sending a Garmin Folder From a Device to Product Support

    Garmin Connect app logs, please use code NO9E8 when prompted Sending App Logs From the Garmin Connect App to Garmin Product Support

    Connect IQ app logs, please use code PKXFN when prompted Sending App Logs From the Connect IQ Store App to Garmin Product Support

    Phone model being used.

    We can then review this further for you. 

    Due to the nature of internet forums, people will express their personal views which they are entitled to do and we have no control over this. Our preference would be for them to contact us first so that we can offer support.

    You will likely therefore, find other users that have experienced similar issues to yourself, and the same can be found for any electrical device and potential issue, but these do only make up a very small minority of users, and very few of these turn out to be genuine faults. As such, whilst regrettably faults can occur, as they can on any electrical device, there are no known faults with these, which can cause this.