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Unable to download any app on Garmin venu sq2 music edition

I got a garmin venu sq 2 music edition today. I tried installing amazon music, spotify.. any app in the connect iq store. It goes on installing and then does not install.

I have tried on both android and ios. I have updated the watch using garmin express

I have reset the watch loads of times.. paired again. Connected and disconnected via bluetooth. Reset. Name it , I have done it. But somehow i cannot install any app.

I even uninstalled the apps it came installed with and it would not install those apps again.

Really fed up by now. Planning to return the watch. I have seen similar posts here and even on reddit. Seems like an issue with garmin venu sq 2 right now.


  • This is a joke. How much more evidence do you need? After updating to a new firmware version, the watch stops downloading the contents of the IQ store. It seems that no one has looked into the matter on your part. Every single venu sq2 music has this problem. I did not receive any response to my support request. I'm shocked at how you treat your customers. Returns the purchased watch.

  • Really, Garmin? QA ****** this one up. PR, customer relations and tech support failed. Get your job done. Now!

    At least one german technewssite reported a few days ago:

  • Again they will delete my post but garmin don't care about us because venu sq2 is not their flagship watch.

  • I contacted Garmin Support over chat many times.

    I provided videos, debugging info from Connect IQ, from Connect IQ store

    I explained clear reproduce steps.

    They added me to ticket tracking this case.

    In good world with real care about customers, they would grab Venu sq 2 Music Edition device, reproduce problem, and start fixing, and provide approximate ETA of the fix.

    In current not good situation, they keep sit silent without even telling they successfully reproduced problem and without telling us how long to wait for a fix.

    GARMIN, please tell, do you plan to fix problem next year? next month? next day? Should I forget about using other Garmin products, having no confidence if they break will have to wait for weeks for a fix?

  • Such a joke, however I will be keeping mine. It works perfectly fine for everything else other than connecting spotify and downloading apps etc off Connect IQ. This watch  would honestly be perfect if it all worked properly. 

    My fingers are crossed before the summer hits that they can fix this issue, as Id like to listen to music without my phone whilst out for a trail run.


  • Garmin's (non)treatment of this bug is outrageous. We are no longer willing to wait and will also return the watch. We have already wasted far too much time with the issue.

  • Today it started working again. I didn't make any changes. I just opened the IQ Connect app and it worked. I normally downloaded apps and face watches. I hope it works for everyone! 

  • I can indeed confirm. I tried also and seems to be working at this moment 

  • YEAH!! Thank you for notifying! I just checked and it works for me. I didn't receive any updates from Garmin Support, so it may be intermittent.

    Anyone keeping their Venu SQ 2 Music - I'd highly recommend to install/update everything you need ASAP, until it's working.

    My Android app/ Venu FW auto-update is turned OFF, so if it's working - it's something about global Garmin infrastructure, not the firmware or App software related (e.g. AWS services or some other Cloud services they use, just assuming)

  • Its working finally!