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Unable to download any app on Garmin venu sq2 music edition

I got a garmin venu sq 2 music edition today. I tried installing amazon music, spotify.. any app in the connect iq store. It goes on installing and then does not install.

I have tried on both android and ios. I have updated the watch using garmin express

I have reset the watch loads of times.. paired again. Connected and disconnected via bluetooth. Reset. Name it , I have done it. But somehow i cannot install any app.

I even uninstalled the apps it came installed with and it would not install those apps again.

Really fed up by now. Planning to return the watch. I have seen similar posts here and even on reddit. Seems like an issue with garmin venu sq 2 right now.


  • No. This issue is an example for bad company to customer communication. How long can it take to push the last functional firmware with a new version number as a hotfix, maybe in the beta-channel? If GARMIN will not give feedback on a regular basis or publish a roadmap for fixing this, I will return my watch within 30 days. 25 left...

  • I have the same issue over here. When can we expect a fix for this? I am unfortunate to say but I depend on my watch for training purposes( pretty sure I am not the only one) and I cannot upgrade the app for swimming That I am using. The native app from garmin does not support open water swimming. Without knowing that this was a problem with garmin I removed the app from my device and now I am not able to get it back. Neither with garmin connect. I need a fix asap 

  • We need to figure out how to take this problem to a higher level than just this forum. Nowadays, only bad publicity makes those companies that don't care about their customers do something about it.

  • start from facebook and instagram or twitter.I already made comment on their new post on Facebook.

  • Already escalated per Garmin - 

    As mentioned in my previous response, this report has been escalated and is currently being reviewed by our engineers. Once there is any additional update, I will be sure to post it here. We appreciate your patience in this matter and hope to have an update soon.

    If that's not acceptable, you can always contact Garmin directly, using the call or chat options for a more immediate response, then have yourself added to the ongoing trouble ticket -

  • I bought this watch a week ago. When I connected it to my phone I got a dialog to update the firmware, I agreed. 
    And now I have the same problem, widgets and faces are not installing. Firmware 2.64
    I called the local official garmin service. They said that I am the first person who call him with this problem.
    And they advised me to either wait for an update or I can return the watch.
    I am really sad.

  • Ive got the exact same issue.. trying to get Spotify to connect without any luck. Can't download anything off Connect IQ store and when I try update anything it just get's stuck in 'Update queued' etc

    Any update on a fix? Really disappointed with this overall experience, and surprised coming from a big reputable brand like Garmin...


  • Had online Chat again with Garmin support. Their support is exceptionally quick and friendly, though there is still no ETA from engineers who are working on a firmware fix.

    I'm thinking more why it's possible such a long fix. Sometimes large companies have to adopt some new technology for new products and deprecate old and in many cases there is no way back. From that perspective it's explainable why it's hard to deliver fix quick, but it doesn't explain why this change was made without proper testing and catching problem earlier, or at least without providing us with notification to not uninstall apps or reset watch.

  • So what caused the issue in the first place? Do you know?

  • Looks like issue appeared with recent Venu SQ 2 firmware auto-update. For me it happened month ago, I contacted Garmin on April 21st and they reported ticket to engineer team. No installs/updates worked, and my watch was reset to basic factory.

    On Apr 22 I decided to check Android app versions, realized that they are not up to date and updated both to:

    Garmin Connect ver 4.77.1
    Garmin Connect IQ ver 2.27
    After that my Venu SQ 2 Music suddenly started to install and update apps. So I happily installed everything I wanted, things worked good for day or two at least so I informed Garmin support that things are working for me, then I forgot about issue.
    On May 11 I realized there is an update to one of watchfaces, and it refused to update again. Checked more apps - same problem returned. I was not pointing attention if there was any Venu SQ 2 Music firmware update before May 11, but most likely there was one, which broke things again. Current SW Version is 2.64
    It says 2.59 > 2.64 update was on March 14
    It made me to check Android app versions, they show now:
    Garmin Connect ver 5.0
    Garmin Connect IQ 2.28.1
    In watch Garmin IQ store app ver: 2.0.14