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"Ghost Course", Chevrons missing & Wrong Navigation Instructions. (17.29) (Not fixed in beta 18.15!!!)

Started a short local ride following a loaded course to see what had "improved" in 17.29 and as almost always I had Turn Guidance Disabled (OFF).

First surprise, no chevrons on the map and second surprise the navigation instructions at the top of the map had no relationship to the course I was following.



The instructions on top of the map were a double surprise as I had "Guide Text" set to "When Navigating" ie only if Turn Guidance was ON. The top of map and "Turn List" instructions were both for a much longer (200kms) course I had done 6 months ago which started about 25kms from my real starting point. The "Course Points for my real (loaded,11.37 km) course were listed in the Course Point List. As I progressed in the ride the Ghost Course instructions on the map advanced as did the WPT NEXT data field.

And the most surprising is that after this sort of thing happened to me before I had kept my courses on the device to a  minimum and this course was not in the Courses directory or the Cals or PointCache directories. WHERE was the 1040 getting these instructions from ??? When I finished I scanned the 1040 file directories but could not find any trace of the Ghost Course.

 has said there is a "ticket" raised regarding this so I hope Garmin developers are working hard on a solution as it is becoming a BIG PAIN.

To help them along I have done a quick scan of the forums here for threads posted by users regarding these problems, I came up with 12 (plus 4 more since) in the 1040 forum over the last 12 months and various software versions from the original released version up to the current 17.29 and 2 in 840 forum (it's only new) , the first one contains a summary of the observed issues on page 6, Garmin, let me know if I can assist more.

A summary of the major aspects of this issue are

People see some of a number of issues including,

  • Most frequently no chevrons on the course they are following (because the chevrons are on the ghost route)
  • Getting "turn Guidance" (instructions and big white arrows) not related to the course they have loaded (happens both if Turn Guidance is enabled or disabled)
  • An actual ghost course in the pink route color as well as a separate (completely different) magenta loaded course
  • Various off course & re-route prompts even though the position cursor is on the loaded route (Virtual Partner is too)
  • Can get both Course Point notifications on a loaded course AND Turn Guidance notifications from a different ghost course especially if TG is OFF.
  • Often the issue is triggered by some GPS issue/ lost signal such as a tunnel or other temporary interruption (summary)

1040 Series (this thread) (still in beta 18.15)

840 Series

  • Same here. I have reset the unit to the factory default but I have no confidence 

  • Running 17.29.  I am using Turn Guidance as it's very  helpful with my level of vision -- I can't see the bare course line or my position marker well enough to navigate that way, but Turn Guidance puts a honking big arrow up painting just how to go and that works well for me.   Maybe it has drawbacks I haven't discovered yet.

    I am seeing similar behavior regarding the Turn List.  Turns from last week's ride are showing up after I go off course in today's ride.  I have reported this to Garmin phone support  and sent them some videos of what happened (although I did not capture the moment of chevron disappearance). They seem to believe that something is going on and seem to want to find out what it is. They have suggested I try clearing cache of last week's course, by loading last week's course and using the three dots menu item Navigation>Courses>my course>three dots>Route Calculation to clear the cache.  I intend to also try using that menu item to clear the cache of the route I'm trying to ride.

    My chevrons disappear but I haven't seen a ghost track (but maybe if I were to zoom out, or improve my eyesight, I would see the ghost track).   

    In particular my chevrons disappear sometimes (not always),  under the following conditions and in the following way:  I go off course momentarily and the device beeps and offers me two options.   I select neither option and simply get myself back on the course.  As my position marker onscreen reaches the next chevron, simultaneously I see "Course Found!" announcement at bottom of screen, and I lose my chevrons.

    I have been able to get my chevrons back by stopping the activity, powering down, and powering back up.  That is no way to live as it breaks the flow of the ride, and produces fragmented records that have to be laboriously reassembled.  I plan to experiment with a different workaround that would involve Stop Course, then reload the same course (possibly after using the above method to clear cache so that the load is done from scratch).

    My problem reports come from courses of moderate length (70 miles) but I'm going to spend three glorious months riding courses of 400 miles very soon, so would like to see this device working right.

    Below for reference are my navigation related settings:
    Activity Profiles>Road>Navigation>Map
      Auto Zoom = off
      Orientation = Track Up (though I've experimented with North Up)
      Appearance -- I have Popularity Map = On 
    Activity Profiles>Road>Navigation>Navigation Prompts
    Activity Profiles>Road>Navigation>routing
    I have popular routing = off
    Routing mode = Mixed surface cycling
    Calculation mode = minimize time
    Lock on Road = Off
    Avoidance setup = none
    Course Recalculation = Prompt only
    Route Recalculation = Off 
    Turn Guidance = on
    Off Course Warning = on
    And in the 3-dots menu for my course after load, I have Course Points turned off.
  • As I said in the other thread re-confirm the status of the "Turn Guidance" as some resets / new software version installs have reset this in the past.

    You might also refer the Garmin Support persons to this thread to confirm to them that many other people are having this issue over the last 12 months on the 1040 and now also on the new 540 / 840 devices.

  • I experienced something similar with my 1040 after updating to version 17.29. I live in Germany and I started riding a course and noticed the navigation prompts were completely wrong. I was wondering why all the street names were in English. I stopped and checked my ride profile settings and found that all my EU maps showed 'Disabled,' and only my North America map was enabled.  Since then, the only issue I have experienced is that sometimes the audio prompt says "turn right on..." when it's left, and the 1040 displays the correct information. Only the audio prompt is wrong.

  • I made a factory reset of the Garmin and in the configuration wizard I haven´t import the profiles, I made it new. For the momment after 3 rides the chevrons are working well

  • OK, I have referred the Garmin Support person I'm working with to this thread.   

    I quote from his latest message below.  It includes an ask for something helpful we could provide: Video of the moment at which the chevrons disappear.  I will try to capture that sometime this week on a back road with no traffic.

    It is safe to follow that forum recommendation. Deleting all .cal files in the "Calcs" folder will remove the cached course info and should prevent the Edge from displaying turn guidance from a different course file.

    It looks like this is a software issue and it is not specific to your Edge 1040. We are tracking several reports and I will keep you updated with an expected resolution.
    Please be safe and don't risk trying to get this for my sake, but seeing [on video] exactly when a courses directional arrow (chevrons) disappear would be useful for us.
  • Hello everyone,

    I hope you don't mind the length of this post, but I want to provide a detailed description of a problem I encountered today with my Garmin Edge 1040. This issue could potentially impact safety.

    I have been using the Edge 1040 for approximately two months now and have had a smooth experience with it. However, today, when I attempted to delete some old courses to have a clearer view of the new ones I added, I encountered several problems that persisted throughout my ride.

    Firstly, I experienced difficulties initiating the ride. Upon clicking the "ride" button, the ride started momentarily, only to prompt me to start the ride again. I had to repeat this process four times before it finally began properly.

    Initially, everything seemed fine as I started on a 40km course with the navigation chevrons displaying correctly. However, the route suddenly recalculated, resulting in the chevrons appearing in reverse, as if I were heading in the opposite direction. The course itself remained the same, including the same side of the road and path. Strangely, whenever I reached a turn point, the device emitted numerous beeping sounds (around 10 times) and displayed the arrow indicating the opposite direction instead of the correct direction.

    Despite the chevrons being reversed, other information such as the "distance to destination" and "time to destination" appeared accurate. It was solely the navigation arrows and chevrons that were incorrect. Deciding to continue despite this issue, I rode for approximately 30km when the navigation recalculated again. At this point, the chevrons and turn arrows were correct, but other data became unreliable. The "distance to destination" showed 32km, while the "time to destination" constantly fluctuated between 1 minute and 10 seconds.

    During yet another recalculation, both the chevrons and turn arrows disappeared, and only the "time to destination" and "distance to destination" readings were accurate. This is when I noticed multiple pink lines on the display, resembling a "Ghost Course" that I wasn't supposed to follow. This confusion caused me to lose track of the correct route

    Naturally, I was quite frustrated at this point, but I found my way back home by relying on my familiarity with a certain part of the course. Upon completing the ride, all the data successfully synced with Garmin Connect.

    I have come across some threads suggesting that this issue may be related to the course names, particularly if they share a name with deleted courses. However, in my case, I name my courses with the date of the ride, and today's course was labeled as "20.06.2023," so it couldn't have had the same name as any previous courses.

    Given that these problems only arose after deleting old courses, it seems plausible that there is a connection. Unfortunately, I cannot determine the exact cause.

    I wanted to report this problem as it not only affects the functionality of the device but also raises potential safety concerns. Firstly, it could mislead users into riding much longer routes than intended, especially when exploring new routes. Moreover, the reversed chevrons may lead individuals to mistakenly ride on the wrong side of the road, potentially resulting in accidents.

    Garmin, please have a look into it.

  • Having screen recording available in the 1040 would help a lot in this case,

  • That would be  very powerful for documenting problems in a way that could get them fixed.  It seems though that such a feature could be very demanding of resources (CPU time, battery, maybe storage).   Have you seen such a feature on other GPS devices?

  • This feature is usually enabled in the beta versions. I have recorded 2 hour rides with no issues. I guess we could work on some usage guidelines or tips.