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caching issue with street names when off course

Hi there,

I've experienced an interesting issue.

At some point (when cycling in Albania) I was getting irritated with route recalculation and off course warnings. So I these off, as well as turn-by-turn navigation.

Now there's a new problem. Whenever following a route, the upcoming street names or instructions indicating direction and heading are fine, until I go off course. Then the street name displayed is effectively the one I was on when I turned off the settings. 

As you may notice, I'm riding along in Girona, Spain yet I'm told to continue on Rruga Muhedin Llagani which is in Tirana, Albania (I was riding there about a month ago!)

If I stop the course I'm on, and then re-load it, it will go back to normal and show the appropriate street names. Additionally, despite continuing to display random streets in Tirana, it does seem to show the correct topographic profile details of the course.

Here's a photo where you can clearly see Spanish road names yet I'm told to continue on some street nowhere near where I am.

  • I think it is part of the “ghost course” syndrome , I notice your route line is missing the direction chevron / arrows every 200m. I had this problem last Sunday, no chevrons, no / patchy course points / notifications, confused navigation issue instructions, ghost course displayed as well as current course…

    if you pedalled very quickly over to Albania you would have probably found your old route with the chevrons etc.

    various reports of the 1040 getting confused about which actual course it is following after an “off course” event

    issue seemed to have been fixed in 14.20 but returned in 14.50?

    I have removed all my courses and anything still left in the CALCS & POINTCACHE directories and then reloaded courses, will monitor to see if it happens again