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Navigating a route problems

Trying to figure out how to fix this problem. On a route that downloaded into my 1040. When navigating sometimes it gives me 2 purple lines one with direction arrows. It’s alway the one with out  the arrows but sometimes there is 3? Way to confusing to try to navigate the route. Anybody no how to fix this? I have turned on and off about everything I know, and nothing seems to fix it. 
need help!!! Have a bikepacking race this weekend 360 miles and it will be almost impossible to use this. 

  • Disable Turn guidance and, in principle, you will only have your course line.

  • Thanks will try it today. Never had this problem on the 1030 or 130 plus

  • That didn’t help. I don’t understand why it does this 

  • Can you attach a screenshot, what software version are you using, I have 15.24? I am also still having navigation problems, today I could NOT disable turn guidance, it just kept doing it after restarts, reloading course, this is supposed to be Garmin’s core skill, I think they have lost it (I am a 10 year Garmin user)

  • Route Settings
    Select Menu symbol > Activity Profiles, select a profile, and select Navigation > Routing.

    Popularity Routing
    Calculates routes based on the most popular rides from Garmin ConnectTm.

    Routing Mode
    Sets the transportation method to optimize your route.

    Calculation Method
    Sets the method used to calculate your route.

    Lock on Road
    Locks the position icon, which represents your position on the map, onto the nearest road.

    Avoidance Setup
    Sets the road types to avoid while navigating.

    Course Recalculation
    Automatically recalculates the route when you deviate from the course.

    Route Recalculation
    Automatically recalculates the route when you deviate from the route.

  • Selecting an Activity for Route Calculation
    You can set the device to calculate the route based on activity type.

    Select Menu symbol > Activity Profiles.
    Select a profile.
    Select Navigation > Routing > Routing Mode.
    Select an option to calculate your route.
    For example, you can select Road Cycling for on-road navigation or Mountain Biking for off-road navigation.

  • Course Options
    Select Navigation > Courses > Menu symbol.

    Turn Guidance
    Enables or disables turn prompts.

    Off Course Warnings
    Alerts you if you stray from the course.

    Allows you to search for saved courses by name.

    Allows you to filter by course type, such as StravaTm courses.

    Allows you to sort saved courses by name, distance, or date.

    Allows you to delete all or multiple saved courses from the device.

  • I have had this problem (the pink calculated route always on screen, even ghost routes) for a few weeks when I bought it. After full reset and not importing backed profiles the problem was solved but i dont know if it is a consecuence or just a coincidence.

  • Lock on Road
    Locks the position icon, which represents your position on the map, onto the nearest road.

    Can't be disabled at this time, does it? It's a big problem as if you take a not mapped path you can imagine the mess.

  • Same problem on Edge Explore 2.
    Turn guidance is driving me nuts.