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I'm going to complain a bit about my Garmin 1040,

I'm going to complain a bit about my Garmin 1040, I had a 530 and thought that if I switch to a higher model it would be better, unfortunately it's worse Slight frown

1. the navigation is some kind of massacre, I drive straight through an intersection because the Garmin doesn't show anything about turning, and after 200m it says I'm off the route. WTF?

2. every now and then I find some bike road and it tells me to go on it, in the course I avoid all the bike roads and it still finds that 500 m next to it there is a bike road and tells me to go there. Maybe I need to select in the routing options that I am riding a motorbike? Anyone know how these options work?

3. today I deleted all the courses from the device, tidying up. I uploaded one course from the GC, turn on the meter, select the only course there is and the 1040 leads me on another course. I don't comprehend this!

4 How do these popularity maps in Garmin work? I select road cycling, and it gives me a route on a dirt road on some housing estate. No road cyclists ride there for sure. Or on some total potholes where the teeth fall out at 30 km/h.

5. ClimbPro, once showing climbs too early, once too late, probably never showed correctly.

6. warnings of busy doglegs show already after driving on that road

Do you also have this? I'm not hoping for a solution, just pouring out my frustrations here.

I am using a translator, I hope it translates well and can be understood :)

  • Je suis d'accord : j'ai fait le tour du Cotentin avec un vélo de randonnée lourdement chargé ; j'ai indiqué que je ne voulais que des routes goudronnées et mon Garmin 1040 m'a envoyé sur des sentiers qui étaient plutôt des lits de torrents où même un VTT aurait eu du mal.

    Quant au Climb Pro, il est quasi systématiquement en décalage avec le terrain.

  • 3. today I deleted all the courses from the device, tidying up. I uploaded one course from the GC, turn on the meter, select the only course there is and the 1040 leads me on another course. I don't comprehend this

    That one is so long running I conclude it must be a “feature”, over 12 months now, I will add your mention to my list of forum threads (19) regarding this issue, most with multiple sightings, hopefully they fix it before they replace the 1040 with the “plus” edition

    ps the issue has two versions, with or without “Turn Guidance”, which is yours?

  • 2. every now and then I find some bike road and it tells me to go on it, in the course I avoid all the bike roads and it still finds that 500 m next to it there is a bike road and tells me to go there. Maybe I need to select in the routing options that I am riding a motorbike? Anyone know how these options work?

    It does the same on the 530/830.  If it sees a path next to the route you planned it will use it even if you didn't route down it.  If the path is marked as not allowed for cycling it will use it.  It is annoying.  Selecting a routing type of car or motorbike is probably the best way to get it to avoid them.

  • In my opinion and for my type of riding (Audax) there is so much wrong with navigation especially x40 navigation that I just don't use it, turn guidance OFF which makes the "ghost course" issue so annoying as even with guidance OFF you still can get notifications as if it was ON and often for a different course which might be 100s of km away, you would think it would be something quite difficult to program but Garmin manages! I am told a fix will be in the next version but my confidence is low and my patience near exhausted.

  • He was showing directions on how to drive, for a course that wasn't even in the device! When I re-enabled the course I wanted to drive it didn't show any directions, after the fact it showed I was off course. 

  • I have a similar issue with my 1030Plus. to compound matters I plan my routes in Komoot that also likes to randomly assign to offload bike paths or pavements which have a very slow speed limit. Assuming I clean up the route before its sent to Garmin the Edge device randomly starts asking to you turn onto a "trail" which is usually a bike path. Its very annoying and confusing.

    Is it the same on your 1040?