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Failed to resume navigation after going off course

This morning I loaded a 25K circular course into my 1040 that I’d planned with Connect Web. A short way into the course I deviated due to a flooded road. The 1040 asked me if I wanted to re-route and I said “yes”. When I rejoined my original course I got the “course found” message, and could see the course being tracked on the map, but I no longer received any course directions. The top of the map screen said “Continue on Road”, the “Distance to next” was stuck at 2km and didn’t change. I tried stopping/starting, reloading the course, but nothing I did would make the directions come back. It still (correctly) displayed the distance to my destination - just not any directions.

Lucklily this was a short route near to home and I knew where to go - but if I’d been on a long ride it would have caused more of a problem.

Anybody have any idea what happened - and how I could force it to restart navigation guidance?

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