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Bug: Epix Gen 2 Disconnecting and Reconnecting to Bluetooth often

I have used my Epix Gen 2 in several training activities since it arrived a few days ago. Overall it has been a wonderful experience. 

However, I find that there are occasions where the watch disconnects from my Samsung S21 Ultra and then reconnects within two or three seconds. The behavior happens about three times in a row and then it subsides.

Because it is reconnecting so quickly, I has not posed a significant problem. But, it is odd that it happens. The phone is always on my person when it happens.

The Epix Gen 2 has the latest software update and so does my phone. 

Anyone else experience this?

  • If Garmin would first send the new watch

    Actually, the watch has been sent. When I receive it, I send in mine. I had to put down a large deposit, to ensure I would do so, I suppose.

  • I am also experiencing this issue on the latest firmware...very annoying! I have it paired with s22 ultra.

  • Same here, at least 4-5 times an hour it disconnects then reconnects, and the phone is in my pocket 

  • Same here with iPhone 13 Pro Max on ios 15.4 and latest gamin firmware

  • New to GarminForums. A week ago I upgraded to Epix2 (from Fenix 3HR, Fenix 5X) in that order. Love it a lot and will love it even more once I get through my learning curve of controls, settings, and new options. Also having random BT disconnects & connects both during activities & with phone right next to me. Searching through my settings I discovered ‘Auto Pause’ was ‘On’. Apparently whenever I stopped moving or just sat for a longish time, the Pause would activate and also disconnect from BT, presumably to save battery power. I turned it ‘Off’ and just finished 6-mile hike without any disconnects and none so far when phone is near me. Fingers crossed all will be well. going forward. Good luck!

    How to AutoPause On/Off iPhone: On ‘MyDay’ screen select  ‘More’ (3 dots at lower right. Go to Devices/Epix/Activities & Apps/Edit Settings/ choose Activity (Hiking in my case)/Auto Pause-Off.

    iPhone X iOS Version: 15.4.1; Epix Gen 2 Software: 7.35;  GCM Software:; IQ Glance Watch Face Version: 2.0.7

  • I had it always off, and still have disconnecting issue… auto pause is just for stop your activity time when you stop, so it will not affect your performance result 

  • Update 4/6/2022:

    A change that will prevent frequent connection alerts should be in the next update coming mid-May.  

  • Thank you for responding! I was actually just thinking I would have to package this watch I love every other aspect of and return it this weekend. I cannot stress how annoying this bug is when it goes off. 

  • A change that will prevent frequent connection alerts should be in the next update coming mid-May.  

    Why so early? I suspect that most buyers of the 1000 Euro watch would prefer it not to work halfway reasonably until Christmas.

  • In contact with Garmin today, they have provided me with a Beta update that they hope will address the problem.  I will let you know if this works.  If not, good to know there may be a solution by May.