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Bug: Epix Gen 2 Disconnecting and Reconnecting to Bluetooth often

I have used my Epix Gen 2 in several training activities since it arrived a few days ago. Overall it has been a wonderful experience. 

However, I find that there are occasions where the watch disconnects from my Samsung S21 Ultra and then reconnects within two or three seconds. The behavior happens about three times in a row and then it subsides.

Because it is reconnecting so quickly, I has not posed a significant problem. But, it is odd that it happens. The phone is always on my person when it happens.

The Epix Gen 2 has the latest software update and so does my phone. 

Anyone else experience this?

  • Sorry, but, "I've spoken with Garmin" carries no weight with me.

    OK. How about, a new watch is on its way.

  • OK. How about, a new watch is on its way.

    All that proves is that Garmin has excellent customer service.

  • It's on its way now. If it were merely a software problem, I wouldn't be getting a new watch

    Accepting the risk of being shouted down, the fact that Garmin are sending you a new watch proves little. As we’ve seen over many years in this forum, Garmin Customer support is patchy. Some reps will replace watches at the drop of a hat, others need to be virtually beaten with a hammer before they’ll consider replacing them. If there was a hardware issue then surely we’d expect the issue to be more widespread than the few posts in these forums?

    It’s great to see Garmin is replacing your watch but as others have found out that does not necessarily mean the problem has been resolved. Hopefully it has for you. 

  • All that proves is that Garmin has excellent customer service.

    Sure, some Chat guy is going to hand over a new watch, without being asked, rather than tweak the software. Got it.

  • that does not necessarily mean the problem has been resolved.

    Of course the problem has not been resolved. That's why they are replacing the watch, without even being asked.

    The rep said they were aware there was a problem. Then immediately followed that with, my watch could not be fixed and needed to be replaced. I'd prefer a software patch rather than have to set the watch up from scratch, and it's not like it's so old that a new one is a big deal. But the specifics of my watch's disconnection problem (which I've described earlier in this thread) clearly told him it could not be resolved with a software update.

    I'm not saying everyone's disconnection problem is the same as mine. But no company stays in business by throwing expensive new merch at anyone who calls about a glitch, as some people here seem to think.

  • Before we jump off the "hardware issue" cliff, we should probably have some official response from Garmin first.

    We can wait forever. Many bugs have existed for years and Garmin has never commented on them. You can see that well here, how rare outer the because. On Support.inquiries in Germany you get only one other answer, as: Read the Q&A and nothing happens at the beta reporting addresses.

    My epix (Gen2) has never experienced this problem - I know, lucky me, who cares?

    It's nice that you finally realize that no one cares when you attack people who report problems with your "But it works with my watch" :-)

  • All that proves is that Garmin has excellent customer service.

    What is good customer service about that?

    Usually you have to return your watch and get a new or refurbished one.

    Because your old watch is already gone, you may suck all the settings from your fingers, for example, if you have made many settings on the training pages, you sit quite a while.

    If Garmin would first send the new watch or offer a way to take over the settings, that would be a bit more customer friendly.

    It is an imposition that a buyer of a 1000-euro watch must then wait for a replacement watch and if he's unlucky, he'll get some remanufactured junk, even though he just paid for a brand new watch. Thank goodness we still have warranty law here in Germany.

  • It's simply a case of an almost non-existant QM and Garmin simply putting out many units with flaws. Or how would you analyse the fact that my Black Sapphire was useless as far as BT connections with my headphones were concerned and my EPIX slate steel works flawlessly with exactly the same headphones? And as I and others have written, Garmin Support for Germany and  Austria is utterly useless. I finally returned my first EPIX to my dealer after 4 weeks of trying to get a solution from Garmin and then bought the second EPIX (second try) which works. The fact that your unit seems to work (up to now) helps no one that have units with problems. All it seems to prove is that there are EPIX out there that are flawless

    But the buyer has to take a gamble and hope to be lucky enough to get get one of them. Which is not acceptable for a global player like Garmin with a watch in that pricerange.

  • I'm curious, was the old version a Ti version and replaced with a Ti or Steel version that now works?  Somewhere read that maybe only the Ti versions are the ones with this issue?

  • I have the steel and it connects and disconnects all day.  I've had about enough of this crap. 

    Edited for language.