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2.4Ghz Wifi 0200 error


I try to use my 2.4Ghz wifi network for downloading my Spotify play list to my VA4. Despite the Wifi test in the Garmin Connect app succeeds everytime I try to download my play list, a system update or to attempt to connect to my wifi network from within the wifi settings of my VA4 I am getting a wifi 0200 error. I tried to change the wifi mode in my router from mixed to 802.11n, g and b. But that did not help. The ssid is broadcasted and the router that I have is a LinkSys EA8500.

The firmware version of my VA4 is 3.40.

Can someone help me?



  • I'm also Dutch and using Home Wifi network in Netherlands (Fenix 6 SApphire)

    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music?
      • The watch tells me it is connected to Home Wifi Network however I do not see it as connected device in my Wifi Acces Point. When trying to connect to my Iphones (8) Wifi Hotspot it is not able to connect
    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error?
      • No Updating to latest firmware only was possible via Garmin express via USB connection.
    • Are you able to remove and re-add this network?
      • Yes able to remove/add  home Wifi but infact it does not connect as device is not visible in my access point.
      • If so, does this work?
        • No still does not work
    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this)
      • It doesn't seem to be related to music services but is a general (dutch?) Wifi connecting issue. However i really bought this watch to be able to sync with spotify and that does not work

    Hope you have a solution for this otherwise I have to return the watch.

  • Hello I'm also using Dutch home Wifi with new Fenix 6 Sapphire.

    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music?
      • No I'm not able to sync anything. Athough the watch tells me I'm connected to home Wifi I'm not able to see the device in my Wifi access point /router.
    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error?
      • No Updating to latest firmware was also only possible via Garmin express on W10 PC using USB connection.
    • Are you able to remove and re-add this network?
      • Yes but same problem still not visible in access point and no syncing possible.
      • If so, does this work?
        • No
    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this)
      • It does not seem music services related. I only uses spotify and that is why I bought this watch. I really hope there will be a solution very soon otherwise I have to return the watch.
    • 1. No. Able to make connection, but when trying to connect in order to download playlist error 0200 shows up
    • 2. No
    • 3. tried to make connection via watch as well as phone. Same issue
    • 4. Only have spotify
  • 1. Nothing seems to sync via WiFi anymore

    2. Yes

    3. Yes, but it does not fix the problem

    4. Only use spotify.

  • Add me as well please. Would like to receive updates on this issue.

    1: Music does not sync via wifi

    2: No

    3:Yes, does not fix the issue

    4: Only tried Spotify 

  • As the topic starter who is from The Netherlands as well and has the problem not anymore... VA4, firmware 3.50

    1. Yes, I am able to sync via wifi.

    2. At first not, but now it works.

    3. It starter to work after I connect to the wifi of my phone and after that to my home wifi.

    4. I only use Spotify.

  • New (Dutch) Fenix 6 Sapphire pro user here experiencing the same problem...

    1. Watch sees the network (only 2.4GHz as aspected) and seems to connect. Syncing via Wifi fails and also syncing Spotify fails

    2. Nope

    3. Tried it several times, both via the watch and via the Garmin Express app - no luck. Also tried to connect to the hotspot on my phone. Setting up the network seems succesfull (same as my home network) and upon syncing via WiFi I see that it is connecting (phone tells me the watch is connected), but the watch keeps searching for WiFi network until it fails with 0200 code

    4. Only tried Spotify music service

  • Former Member

    Could you give an update about this?

  • Please update me on this issue too. I bought this watch for the spotify functionality and will return it if this is not addressed soon.

  • Is it possible to post all your WiFi settings ? (Channel, modulation, encryption type) Maybe we can replicate your setup and see if that's working