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2.4Ghz Wifi 0200 error


I try to use my 2.4Ghz wifi network for downloading my Spotify play list to my VA4. Despite the Wifi test in the Garmin Connect app succeeds everytime I try to download my play list, a system update or to attempt to connect to my wifi network from within the wifi settings of my VA4 I am getting a wifi 0200 error. I tried to change the wifi mode in my router from mixed to 802.11n, g and b. But that did not help. The ssid is broadcasted and the router that I have is a LinkSys EA8500.

The firmware version of my VA4 is 3.40.

Can someone help me?



  • Hello Michel,

    So it seems to be a regional issue (strange, I cannot think of a technical explanation), hence the few complains on the Forum.
    I've a Fenix 6 and suffering from the same issue, but it was not only Spotify (also sync via Wifi failed).
    Did you also have issues with the sync via WiFi at home?

  • For users seeing this symptom, we will need the below information to help us investigate the cause. 

    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music?
    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error?
    • Are you able to remove and re-add this network?
      • If so, does this work?
    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this)
  • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music?

    (Fenix 6X Solar/ SW4.20 / Netherlands)
    I've issues with both. Note that according my phone I've established a network connection. When trying to sync it starts to search for a network connection and errors out with error 0200

    Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error?

    No, my previous watch was a Fenix 5 plus and I've never had any issues with sync via WiFi!

    Are you able to remove and re-add this network?

    Yes, did not work (nor a re-install of Spotify). I even tried a hotspot created with by my Samsung S9 -> nothing works

    Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this)

    I only have a Spotify account, but as explained: It's not purely related to Spotify (at least not for me)!

    I'm happy to provide you all the info needed, but please keep us posted!

  • VA4 / FW3.50 / Netherlands / Spotify V1.3.17

    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music?
      • No. Testing wifi through connect shows all ok but as soon as the watch tries to connect besides that it times out with ERR0200
    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error?Are you able to remove and re-add this network?
      • I've tried multiple networks (all in NL) and none connected.
      • Even tried to scale down wifi security all the way to none in order to exclude wifi security protocol compatibility -> no fix.
    • If so, does this work?
      • Yes tried to without luck.
    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this)
      • Only able to test spotify.
    •  A user on this forum reported he was able to sync a 1st time after restart of the watch.
      • Tried that without luck,
  • I have a Venu and I'm also from the Netherlands and have the same issue:

    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music? Wasn't able to connect to a WiFi network to sync for Spotify, Runcasts or FW update.
    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error? No
    • Are you able to remove and re-add this network?
      • If so, does this work? Tried it, it doesn't make any difference.
    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this) It didn't work for Spotify and Runcasts.

    Ever since I bought the watch I haven't been able to sync to any WiFi network. Tried a 5 Ghz and a 2.4 Ghz WiFi network. A network without any password. Nothing worked.

  • I have a Fenix 6X Sapphire / sw version 4.20 / Netherlands

    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music?
      • Error happens both with synching music as well as with syncing activities, it just will not connect to wifi.
    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error?
      • yes, one time still on sw 3.0 I think.
    • Are you able to remove and re-add this network?
      • Yes, added and removed the network, also tried different wifi networks, phone hotspot, etc.
      • If so, does this work?
        • No
    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this)
      • Only tried Spotify, but not only music service related as phone just doesn't connect to wifi.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to Garmin-Blake

    Vivoactive 4s / FW3.50 / Netherlands / Spotify V1.3.17

    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music?

    No, I have tried to test the wifi network and it gives the error code 0200. With everything that needs wifi he gives the error code 0200.

    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error?

    Yes, on time when I got the watch Wednesday 9 october.

    • Are you able to remove and re-add this network?
      • If so, does this work?

    Yes, Didn't worked.

    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this)

    Only used Spotify. But the main reason is the wifi connection not related to Spotify.

    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music? --> No. Testing wifi through connect shows all ok but as soon as the watch tries to connect besides that it times out with ERR0200
    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error? --> yes, never had any problems with my Edge 1000. 
    • Are you able to remove and re-add this network? -->  yes, tried a couple of time. Even changed some of my router settings (security, unhidden SSID, ..); no luck. 
      • If so, does this work? --> no
    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this) --> it seems so. It happens when syncying spotify, but also when trying to look for system updates via WiFi.
    • Are you able to sync anything via wifi, or dis this error happen when syncing activities and music?
      No, nothing works. Only get the "Okay" when I test it via the connect app
    • Have you ever been able to sync on the wifi network that is providing this error?
    • Are you able to remove and re-add this network?
      • If so, does this work?
        I've re-added multiple networks. None of them work though, always this same error.
    • Does this error occur on multiple music services? (if you are able to try this)
  • 1. Not sure when wifi is used or Bluetooth transfer

    2. Don't think so

    3. Yes removed and re-added the network; no effect

    4. Just tried Spotify