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(RESOLVED) - GPS Accuracy Issues Starting January 1st 2021

Fenix 6X Pro - s/w 13.10

My last 2 walking routes seem to be way off the mark when viewed on a map, whether in Garmin Connect or Strava. One had me starting 5 miles away.

Any reason for this? Is the GPS accuracy really bad? Are there any tips to improve accuracy?

Thanks for any assistance.

  • Did you re-sync your watch today. I also had the same issue on my run yesterday and 'soaking' gps work around helped, but today it is working after I updated using garmin express. Just give it a try.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    Synced mine via garmin express, did a soft reset, and soaked it for about an hour on my windowsill. Seems to be back to normal now.

  • Today's run recorded fine.  However, my run from 1/2/2021 has not fixed itself.  The map still shows part of the route shifted to the left where it should be.  I synced up my Fenix 6 with Garmin Connect on my phone and checked by watch's CPE status which is "Current".  Thanks!

  • Tracking Ofine on my run today. Used GPS Only setting this time, but issue may have simply been resolved as advised by Garmin.

  • When they released the patch they said activities with bugged tracking couldn't be fixed/corrected -

  • For me the problem is NOT resolved.

    I reset my Fenix 6 to factory settings (data and settings). Synchronize with Connect. Left watch outside on a chair in my garden for 30 minut with gps and then left again for 9 minutes with running activity. Start position and stop position should be on the same place or very close - not almost 50 meters away.

    What else can I do?

  • Try to record a slightly longer route

  • Ok, so this one is from yesterday. Running - 10,6 km in a city. Started and ended specially in the same place to check gps accuracy. I was running on the same side of the road and you see according to gps that i was running on both side. I was running near Wisła river - according to gps i was swimming ...

    CPE was/is current. My old Forerunner 645 was better.

    This is only part of the road.

  • My daily tracks are not better than that. (F6 Pro). Running back and forth along the same side of the road, and usually there is an average of 10 meters between them. (area free from buildings). Should I expect better? (BTW, my previous Forerunner 230 and 235 also did better, but with Fenix 6 / SW 13.1 /GPS 4.80 never got a consistent accuracy better than that)

  • Software 13.10 GPS 5.00 from beta because the 4.8 are really bad accuracy!!!!

    Befor 2021 the GPS was perfect for me, now it´s bad, CPE updated and valid!

    Yesterday and today i make a run! The Garmin finds the right place, yesterday not really perfect, i have waited for 5 minutes and the position was 10-15 off! The route tracking was really bad (i have ran in the river or on the other way 5m higher) bevor the new year started!

    Today i make a long run (okay only 9km), the start position was perfect on the map! But during the run the tracks are 5-15 off the right course, at 2-3 km it found the accuracy but at 2-3km 5-15m off the right course, then little bit better for 1-2km, then 5-15 m offset, then for 3-4km nearly perfect accuracy!

    How will be the new sony sensor for the Garmin fenix 7 or whatelse?

    Here are the screenshots, the red/grey line my route today, i am not perfect at painting, the other two screenshots are better!