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Bug: Epix Gen 2 Disconnecting and Reconnecting to Bluetooth often

I have used my Epix Gen 2 in several training activities since it arrived a few days ago. Overall it has been a wonderful experience. 

However, I find that there are occasions where the watch disconnects from my Samsung S21 Ultra and then reconnects within two or three seconds. The behavior happens about three times in a row and then it subsides.

Because it is reconnecting so quickly, I has not posed a significant problem. But, it is odd that it happens. The phone is always on my person when it happens.

The Epix Gen 2 has the latest software update and so does my phone. 

Anyone else experience this?

  • For me, this has nothing to do with the phone as watch disconnects when i'm running without it. I have communicated with Garmin here in Sweden and have now sent the watch back to them under the guarantee. They will test it (or they send it to Denmark for it to be done) and if they cannot resolve it they will send me a new one. I have sent them this Garmin thread to read as well. They have been very helpful so far. I dug my Garmin 235 music out... not quite the same but at least i get my workouts recorded.. 

  • Happening with both iOS and Android. iPhone 13 Pro Max and Samsung S22 Ultra- so very infuriating....

  • It's apparently not a software issue. I've spoken with Garmin.

  • It's apparently not a software issue. I've spoken with Garmin.

    Does that mean the watches have a defective Bluetooth chip?

  • Not sure what specifically. But apparently it is a hardware issue.

  • That's odd.  While the issue has impacted many, it doesn't seem rampant.  Meaning I don't see the FB Epix 2 forum littered with disconnecting complaints.  Actually only 1 I saw thus far.  Bad batch maybe?

    And if hardware, I would suspect the issue to be more consistent.  My watch goes thru 'episodes' of dropping connection for about a minute 3-4 times a day, maybe a little more.  But that means out of an 18 hour day, my watch is hiccupping  for about 10mins max out of the day.  Not saying this doesn't drive me bonkers, but a hardware issue would be more consistent I would think.  Unless it's a loose BT chip...

    I am still in my return period w my retailer.  May return this bad boy.  Love it otherwise.

  • It's apparently not a software issue. I've spoken with Garmin.

    Sorry, but, "I've spoken with Garmin" carries no weight with me.  Many have related what was supposedly said by "Garmin" which later turned out not to be the case.  I have personally talked with folks at Garmin who were charged with answering the phone who really didn't know the specifics behind a problem and may have gone off script and said some things they should not have.  I suspect your call, which resulted in your conclusion that this "problem" is a software issue, may be one of these cases.

    My epix (Gen2) has never experienced this problem - I know, lucky me, who cares?  But my first hand experience leads me to believe that this "problem" is either a complicated combination of hardware settings, or software that ran across a combination of conditions that it cannot appropriately handle.

    Before we jump off the "hardware issue" cliff, we should probably have some official response from Garmin first.


  • The notification was going off once every few seconds earlier today until it stopped after disabling and later enabling the phone connection. 

    I haven't had this issue reoccur in the 10 or so hours since. IMO this is unlikely to be a hardware thing. 

  • Owning many smartwatches I have had issues with others especially outside or in windy conditions. My Samsung Galaxy watch 4 would disconnect outdoors at times when I trimmed hedges but worked fine mowing. I could go inside and walk around my 2 story house with the watch on the counter without issue but couldn't go 1 foot sometimes between the watch and my earbuds sometimes. There are so many variables that affect connection especially with so much tech in such a small watch. Sometimes I wouldn't have issues at all. My personal opinion is that it's not a software or a Garmin specific problem.

  • Bad batch maybe?

    Hard to say. My BT connection was excellent until 3 days ago. Now, when it loses connection, it tries not just to reconnect (and usually fails), it tries to re-pair watch and phone. Which is a different process. Anyway, I chatted with Garmin and, after just a couple of questions, I was told I needed a new watch. It's on its way now. If it were merely a software problem, I wouldn't be getting a new watch.