Run Power: Data Field

A single run field...with power.

Works with standard power meters, including running pods such as Stryd. [Garmin Running Power not supported.]

Supported devices
- All Garmin Connect IQ watches except Epix

Get Run Power from the app store:

Full Manual
Everything you need to know and all the latest info will always be here:

Please use this thread for questions, comments and suggestions. I'd love to hear whether this field is useful and how it can be improved!


  • Power Zones
    • All watches support 5 zones
    • Most watches support up to 10 zones
    • Customize zone names
  • Power Alerts
    • Lap Power Alerts
    • Structured Workout Power Alerts (not 735XT / VAHR / Approach S60)
    • Custom Power Alerts (high/low)
    • Zone-based Power Alerts
  • Color-coded Power/HR/Cadence (optional)
  • Custom colors for Power
  • 6 fields
  • Literally 100s of metrics to choose from, especially variations on power (and normalized power)
    • Easily select metrics by choosing phrases from 3 short lists. e.g. "Lap", "Maximum", "Power"
  • Define custom metrics with formula like "Power/HR"
  • Optionally records power to activity FIT file:
    • Graph
    • Lap Average and Maximum
    • Activity Average and Maximum
  • Filters abnormally high power values [above 2000] to get around Garmin firmware bug which messes up your power stats

Feature support varies by device. For more information:

Available Metrics:

Any meaningful combo of:

  • Overall [current/total], Lap, Last Lap
  • Average, Minimum, Maximum, 3/10/30 second average, or none of the above
  • The following "base metrics":
    • Time, Distance, Pace, Power, Power Zone, Efficiency Index, Efficiency Factor, Power/HR, Running Effectiveness, Speed, Cadence, Heart Rate
    • Calories, Elevation, Ascent, Descent
    • HR Zone, HR %Max, HRR%, %FTP
    • Normalized Power, Normalized Power Zone, Intensity Factor

For example, if you're interested in power, you've got:
Current Power, Average Power, Minimum Power, Maximum Power, and 3s/10s/30s Power
Lap / Last Lap: Avg, Min, and Max Power

Full Change History:

  • Hi ...

    The datafield is awesome as it is.... Nevertheless, I would suggest another feature: to force the backlight on as long as the activity lasts. I find this useful at sunset and night. My eyesight is not that good anymore. :)

    Sorry to revisit this so late, but I think you said in another post that you have a Fenix 5X Plus? Doesn't that already have an option to disable the backlight timeout? The 935 has it.

  • I have looked through everything and it appears that setting power alerts on FR235 is not possible? Thanks
  • Hello, I have a quick question about your Data Field. Would it be possible to set sth like this up with it:
    So i want to change the datafield in the structured workout field to see current power vs. power i should be running without switching pages and remembering my zones. Thanks for your help.
  • Warren_Udd, sorry, power alerts are not available on the 235 due to limited memory for CIQ data fields, and the fact that a significant chunk of the limited memory is used to simply talk to the Stryd directly (as the 235 does not support power meters natively)

    bucjo It depends on what watch you have.

    - To see the time for the current interval/step of your structured workout (Lap Time), you would need one of the following watches, due to missing CIQ support for structured workouts for older watches:
    Vivoactive 3 (Music), 935, 645 (Music), Fenix 5 (any variant), Descent MK1, D2 Charlie, D2 Delta
    - By default, Run Power has a 6 field layout. It doesn't have a 3-field layout, but the 5 or 4 field C layout may be close to what you want. These alternate layouts are available for all the watches listed above, except Fenix 5S.

    Run Power doesn't support gauges, but it does support colour-coded zones. So you could have the following fields in a 4-field layout:
    - Power
    - % FTP
    - Lap Time
    - Other

    Power and %FTP would be colour-coded by default (assuming you have 5 power zones configured in the app settings).
  • Hi FlowState,
    Can you help me figure out the correct formula to get a custom field "Required pace to meet target" where I set a desired distance and time in the formula.
    So a target could be to run 5K in 20 minutes (4:00 pace) - and the field should show 4:00 if I am exact on target, but if for example I have run the first 1k in 5 minutes - the field would show 3:45 which is required pace to run 4K in 15 minutes...
    Thank you for any input!
  • erniedk I will assume that your distance units on the watch are set to km.

    The formula would be:

    (5 - Distance) / (20 * 60 - Timer) * 3600

    That would give you a speed in km per hour. Use the Pace display format to display that speed in minutes per km.

    The Pace display format takes any speed in (distance unit) per hour and changes it to minutes per (distance unit)

    - The units of the Timer variable are seconds

    - The units of the Distance variable change depending on your watch distance units. If your watch distance units are set to km the Distance is in km. If your watch was set to miles, then Distance would be in miles. Another alternative would be to use Distance_raw, which is always in metres and to do the appropriate conversion to miles/km with multiplication.

    - The derivation of the formula is as follows:
    Speed = Distance / Time
    Required Speed = Remaining Distance / Remaining Time
    Required Speed = (Target Distance - Current Distance) / (Target Time - Current Time)

    Speed in km per hour = Speed in km per second * (seconds per hour)
    Speed in km per hour = Speed in km per second * 3600
  • Thank you FlowState !
    The result of the formula is not what I expected. When I type in "5 - Distance / (20 * 60 - Timer) * 3600" the field starts by showing 12:00 after one second and no distance recorded (just testing indoor) and the drift is towards 12:01, 12:02 etc.. If time is running and distance not moving I would need to go faster which in this case would be starting at 4:00 moving towards 3:59, 3:58 etc.
  • erniedk sorry I forgot the brackets around “5 - distance”. I've edited the post with the correct formula.
  • Hi FlowState,
    Yes, thank you!!
    I confirm the formula works now :)
    The field is available from other apps as well, but not flexible like your app. It could even be more advanced so it would adjust target to plan B if I am behind for example halfway in race.
  • Dont know if this is true or not, but is average lap power (in your app) lower than the normal native Stryd lap power? Sometimes it feels like it is lower ...

    Edit: By slower i mean that the numbers in your app and the one in the Stryd app are different.