Run Power: Data Field

A single run field...with power.

Works with standard power meters, including running pods such as Stryd. [Garmin Running Power not supported.]

Supported devices
- All Garmin Connect IQ watches except Epix

Get Run Power from the app store:

Full Manual
Everything you need to know and all the latest info will always be here:

Please use this thread for questions, comments and suggestions. I'd love to hear whether this field is useful and how it can be improved!


  • Power Zones
    • All watches support 5 zones
    • Most watches support up to 10 zones
    • Customize zone names
  • Power Alerts
    • Lap Power Alerts
    • Structured Workout Power Alerts (not 735XT / VAHR / Approach S60)
    • Custom Power Alerts (high/low)
    • Zone-based Power Alerts
  • Color-coded Power/HR/Cadence (optional)
  • Custom colors for Power
  • 6 fields
  • Literally 100s of metrics to choose from, especially variations on power (and normalized power)
    • Easily select metrics by choosing phrases from 3 short lists. e.g. "Lap", "Maximum", "Power"
  • Define custom metrics with formula like "Power/HR"
  • Optionally records power to activity FIT file:
    • Graph
    • Lap Average and Maximum
    • Activity Average and Maximum
  • Filters abnormally high power values [above 2000] to get around Garmin firmware bug which messes up your power stats

Feature support varies by device. For more information:

Available Metrics:

Any meaningful combo of:

  • Overall [current/total], Lap, Last Lap
  • Average, Minimum, Maximum, 3/10/30 second average, or none of the above
  • The following "base metrics":
    • Time, Distance, Pace, Power, Power Zone, Efficiency Index, Efficiency Factor, Power/HR, Running Effectiveness, Speed, Cadence, Heart Rate
    • Calories, Elevation, Ascent, Descent
    • HR Zone, HR %Max, HRR%, %FTP
    • Normalized Power, Normalized Power Zone, Intensity Factor

For example, if you're interested in power, you've got:
Current Power, Average Power, Minimum Power, Maximum Power, and 3s/10s/30s Power
Lap / Last Lap: Avg, Min, and Max Power

Full Change History:

  • [3/4] Like this post if you prefer this alternate style: transparent header and footer. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/\/6X48Dnb\/runpower-headers-alt.png"}[/IMG2]

  • [4/4] Like this post if you prefer the second alternate style: header and footer that's always black. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/\/ysPVDZ4\/runpower-headers-alt2.png"}[/IMG2]
  • My two cents on aesthetics:

    aesthetics really come 2nd.
    Flexibility comes 1st.
    Please finish the wishlist :-)

    P.S What's going on with this forum, it keeps asking for login every 30 seconds or smth...
  • ge0kas thanks!

    I forgot to mention that while I think aesthetics are important, especially for attracting people to use an app, some of the changes that even I want to make may not be noticeable while running hard.

    e.g. Run Power uses lines that are 1-pixel wide, while another app of mine with a similar 6-field layout uses 2-pixel wide lines. (Because I noticed that the native data field layout uses 2 pixels and so do most 3rd-party data fields.) While it looks slightly better, does it really make a difference to me while I run? I really have no idea. Did anyone even notice that the lines were only 1 pixel wide? If I had changed it without saying anything, would people have noticed or subconciously thought "This looks nicer?" Who knows.

    I certainly see the point of having beautiful watchfaces, and even a nice-looking stopwatch app (I tried to make one, although I basically copied Garmin's 935 stopwatch), but to me it's harder to make the case for a beautiful data field that you use while you're running hard intervals.

    Then again, in a perfect world, all apps would look nice. Run Power is a bunch of compromises, and I have to admit I did put aesthetics second. So I am aware it could look better, and maybe it will one day.

    When I (finally) finish the first version of Run Power+, hopefully I will be able to address some of the items on the wishlist. (Especially with the additional memory that will become available on watches not named "Fenix 5 Plus").
  • This looks fantastic - especially the fact that Run Power displays Running Effectiveness. Just one question: Since I am using another CIQ data field as my standard basic field, I would have to use Run Power as a replacement for the Stryd data field. I understand this should be possible if I am using the non-native method and enter the ANT+ ID of my Stryd pot. Will all the metrics, that the Stryd data field writes to the FIT file (e.g. Ground Contact Time or LSS) be written to the FIT file by Run Power?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    FlowState I did actually notice the 1 pixel vs 2 pixel thing, but never bothered to mention. :) Doesn't really bother me, but I guess it would go better with the native screens next to it.
  • JTH9 damnit! Well that's good to know. To be fair, I did change it for Lap+, the data field that I use every day, so I guess I noticed too. One day I may fix this for Run Power, but probably not any time soon.

    DerDembo Run Power can record Power to FIT file, for 645 Music, Fenix 5X or Fenix 5 Plus (all "Plus" variants). Other Stryd metrics are not supported at this time.

    Run Power+, an upcoming app, will bring recording (of Power) to watches such as Vivoactive 3, VAHR, FR735XT, Fenix 5 and 935.
  • I 'd like to mention that I follow a Marathon Plan (popular coach) which is completely based on % of FTP.
    An idea would be to enter everything (zones, alerts, fields) in % of FTP so when I change FTP, everything changes accordingly.
    (You can see Garmin's way when entering % of Lactate Threshold zones, you enter the % and it gives you immediately the absolute value in a box)

    edit: forget it, just saw
  • Stryd user with 935. Loving this data field, thank you!

    Is it possible to add SMO2 to the data field set please?
  • dobssi thanks for the feedback.

    Sorry, SMO2 is not directly available to CIQ data fields.