Run Power: Data Field

A single run field...with power.

Works with standard power meters, including running pods such as Stryd. [Garmin Running Power not supported.]

Supported devices
- All Garmin Connect IQ watches except Epix

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Full Manual
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Please use this thread for questions, comments and suggestions. I'd love to hear whether this field is useful and how it can be improved!


  • Power Zones
    • All watches support 5 zones
    • Most watches support up to 10 zones
    • Customize zone names
  • Power Alerts
    • Lap Power Alerts
    • Structured Workout Power Alerts (not 735XT / VAHR / Approach S60)
    • Custom Power Alerts (high/low)
    • Zone-based Power Alerts
  • Color-coded Power/HR/Cadence (optional)
  • Custom colors for Power
  • 6 fields
  • Literally 100s of metrics to choose from, especially variations on power (and normalized power)
    • Easily select metrics by choosing phrases from 3 short lists. e.g. "Lap", "Maximum", "Power"
  • Define custom metrics with formula like "Power/HR"
  • Optionally records power to activity FIT file:
    • Graph
    • Lap Average and Maximum
    • Activity Average and Maximum
  • Filters abnormally high power values [above 2000] to get around Garmin firmware bug which messes up your power stats

Feature support varies by device. For more information:

Available Metrics:

Any meaningful combo of:

  • Overall [current/total], Lap, Last Lap
  • Average, Minimum, Maximum, 3/10/30 second average, or none of the above
  • The following "base metrics":
    • Time, Distance, Pace, Power, Power Zone, Efficiency Index, Efficiency Factor, Power/HR, Running Effectiveness, Speed, Cadence, Heart Rate
    • Calories, Elevation, Ascent, Descent
    • HR Zone, HR %Max, HRR%, %FTP
    • Normalized Power, Normalized Power Zone, Intensity Factor

For example, if you're interested in power, you've got:
Current Power, Average Power, Minimum Power, Maximum Power, and 3s/10s/30s Power
Lap / Last Lap: Avg, Min, and Max Power

Full Change History:

  • Update 8.7
    - Custom metrics: fix crash with certain formulas. Add "steps" variable (steps during activity)
  • Michele17 After some testing, I realized that there is a slight cosmetic issue with the formula I gave you for NP + IF. The problem is that both numbers will display with decimals, which means that they will not fit in some fields. To fix this issue, enclose the NP part of formula in formatnumber().

    e.g. Original formula:
    recordsummary(record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25)) + " " + avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249

    New formula
    formatnumber(recordsummary(record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25))) + " " + avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249
  • Great piece of software!
    First time I've actually seen reliable ANT+ Power reading on my VAHR.
    Any chance of seeing (power) FIT recording on T2 devices?
  • emilholt thanks for the feedback. Glad you like it. I’d appreciate a review in the store if you found Run Power useful, as positive reviews help motivate me to continue development of free apps for the Garmin ecosystem.

    Currently I am working on Run Power+, a new app which will move all app settings from Garmin Connect to an external web app to free up memory for more features. Tentatively, T2 and T3 watches will get FIT recording: Power, Lap Power and Avg Power.
  • FlowState I'll give send in a review for sure!
    It'll also be interesting to follow your development and I think the external settings web app has some merit.
    However, personally I'd just like to see a really simple data field that doesn't do much beside show current power (perhaps with a 3 sec average) and record it to the FIT file. I mostly do data analysis after and not during sessions.
  • emilholt a data field that shows just power (in run mode) would be interesting, but I think one consideration is that you can only have 2 CIQ data fields, so a field that only displays one thing might feel like a waste for some. As a dev, I always felt like the simpler fields already exist, so I try to avoid duplicating them. (I have a few exceptions in the store, like “elevation change”.)

    Anyway, what you are asking for already exists in the store. I haven’t tried it but it seems well reviewed.
    ANT+ Power
  • FlowState I've tried that one out a couple of times. My experience of it is that unlike yours it only gets a read about one time out of twenty and is generally really unreliable. :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    Sorry if I didn't get the idea but doesn't stryd power IQ field already do this i.e. show one metric and record all the data?

    They now also have an Stryd Pace IQ field for pace so there you loose 2 slots and can only show 1 metric for both.

    Connecting foot pod and showing pace (and recording distance & pace to IQ fields) would actually be helpful for lower end watches that cannot otherwise benefit from better pace / distance accuracy of Stryd.

    So adding this kind of option could attract more users of those watches. Again those watches have least memory so that kind of makes it impossible without taking out other features, I suppose.
  • Sorry if I didn't get the idea but doesn't stryd power IQ field already do this i.e. show one metric and record all the data?

    That's what I was gonna say actually.... (but I didn't bother to double-check)

    They now also have an Stryd Pace IQ field for pace so there you loose 2 slots and can only show 1 metric for both.

    Connecting foot pod and showing pace (and recording distance & pace to IQ fields) would actually be helpful for lower end watches that cannot otherwise benefit from better pace / distance accuracy of Stryd.

    So adding this kind of option could attract more users of those watches. Again those watches have least memory so that kind of makes it impossible without taking out other features, I suppose.

    Yeah, distance and pace from footpod has been brought up, although maybe in the context of the large memory watches.

    The problem here is the same problem that all IQ apps have: distance and pace from an IQ app cannot override native distance and pace.

    So if you care about the following, you're SOL:
    - Workouts (unless the app builds its own workout system, which tbh, I would never even consider doing)
    - Pace alerts
    - Native distance and pace metrics in GC

    Obviously Garmin wants you to buy the expensive watches if you want distance/pace from footpod with GPS enabled.

    Besides I hate to bring this up (again), but the "market" for all these apps, even with a price tag of $0, seems awfully small. When Run Power was released, there was a brief surge of interest (maybe 200 downloads for the first two days), and now it's down to 700/month.

    Could Run Power be better? Of course. I don't even like the aesthetics that much, tbh. (Which is not to say that I think 7-field layouts look nice, either....)

    And I know the complexity of the settings is a turn off for some.

    But the problem from my POV is:
    - I have no idea why people don't download Run Power. Is it because they don't like the way it looks, they don't get what it does, they think it's too complicated, or they don't need it?

    It's so niche and if Stryd already provides what people need, maybe that should be good enough.

    I'm still working on Run Power+ in the background, as I kinda like the challenge of cramming as many features into CIQ data fields as possible >_>. But I really don't foresee a huge spike in demand. It won't be the next dwMap or Dozen Run, for sure. And maybe it was never meant to be.
  • Update 8.8

    T0, T2 and T3 watches:

    Restored theme color setting. (Now all watches have it again.) Believe me, I hated getting rid of this feature, so now it's back!

    Unfortunately, for these watches, theme color must be entered as a CSS color code. e.g. Dark Red = AA0000. Here's the list of supported colors:

    The above link is also included as a "Help Link" in Run Power's Garmin Connect settings. Unfortunately, I think this link is not visible in Garmin Express, although this bug has been reported, so I guess it could be fixed at any time. Nonetheless, the link is also in the settings label as a shortened link ( so hopefully I covered all the bases.

    Sorry for the inconvenience! Believe it or not, having a dropdown list of colors in the settings just takes up too much valuable memory. :/

    (I'll get on my soapbox and say that, IMO, a dropdown list of colors in the settings should take zero memory for an app, since the app doesn't need it at run time. But the CIQ ecosystem is what it is.)


    Note on Run Power+:

    I haven't forgotten about this although tbh I'm not working on it every day. Everything in the app itself is done (except for adding any last minute features for T0 and T1.) The bulk of the work is in the settings web app, and I want this to be pretty much perfect, since Run Power+ will pretty much live and die by the settings app.

    I will say that multiple profiles may not be in the first release, but you'll obviously always be able to store your settings codes in your phone's Notes app (or whatever), so you can manage your own multiple profiles at first.