Run Power: Data Field

A single run field...with power.

Works with standard power meters, including running pods such as Stryd. [Garmin Running Power not supported.]

Supported devices
- All Garmin Connect IQ watches except Epix

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Full Manual
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Please use this thread for questions, comments and suggestions. I'd love to hear whether this field is useful and how it can be improved!


  • Power Zones
    • All watches support 5 zones
    • Most watches support up to 10 zones
    • Customize zone names
  • Power Alerts
    • Lap Power Alerts
    • Structured Workout Power Alerts (not 735XT / VAHR / Approach S60)
    • Custom Power Alerts (high/low)
    • Zone-based Power Alerts
  • Color-coded Power/HR/Cadence (optional)
  • Custom colors for Power
  • 6 fields
  • Literally 100s of metrics to choose from, especially variations on power (and normalized power)
    • Easily select metrics by choosing phrases from 3 short lists. e.g. "Lap", "Maximum", "Power"
  • Define custom metrics with formula like "Power/HR"
  • Optionally records power to activity FIT file:
    • Graph
    • Lap Average and Maximum
    • Activity Average and Maximum
  • Filters abnormally high power values [above 2000] to get around Garmin firmware bug which messes up your power stats

Feature support varies by device. For more information:

Available Metrics:

Any meaningful combo of:

  • Overall [current/total], Lap, Last Lap
  • Average, Minimum, Maximum, 3/10/30 second average, or none of the above
  • The following "base metrics":
    • Time, Distance, Pace, Power, Power Zone, Efficiency Index, Efficiency Factor, Power/HR, Running Effectiveness, Speed, Cadence, Heart Rate
    • Calories, Elevation, Ascent, Descent
    • HR Zone, HR %Max, HRR%, %FTP
    • Normalized Power, Normalized Power Zone, Intensity Factor

For example, if you're interested in power, you've got:
Current Power, Average Power, Minimum Power, Maximum Power, and 3s/10s/30s Power
Lap / Last Lap: Avg, Min, and Max Power

Full Change History:

  • What about NP? does it record also this value (both lap and total NP) when you mean Power?

    Michele17 No, power (in the context of recording) is just power. If you wanted to record NP you could use a custom metric (as you alluded to) and record that. With the custom metrics, you can record up to 2 additional pieces of data for each of:
    - Activity graph
    - Lap summary
    - Activity summary

    Can you write me the both formulas and formulas for time,laptime,distance and lap distance?

    Can i use cutom metric field tu put in the same space NP + IF and in the other LAP NP + LAP IF ?

    Yes, but unfortunately they don't have access to Run Power's special power metrics or FTP (from settings) (*), so you would have to use the formulas below:

    Normalized Power

    Lap np

    Intensity Factor:
    avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / YOUR_FTP

    (YOUR_FTP is just a number you type in manually)

    (*) If I saw more interest in the custom metrics, I might consider adding support.
  • Michele17 No, power (in the context of recording) is just power. If you wanted to record NP you could use a custom metric (as you alluded to) and record that. With the custom metrics, you can record up to 2 additional pieces of data for each of:
    - Activity graph
    - Lap summary
    - Activity summary

    You could use the custom metrics as described, but unfortunately they don't have access to Run Power's special power metrics or FTP (from settings), so you would have to use the formulas below:

    Normalized Power (native): Activity average

    Lap np (native):

    Intensity Factor:
    avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / YOUR_FTP

    If I saw more interest in the custom metrics, I might consider adding support.

    Ok, sorry just lust couple things.

    Can you write me a complete formula to show AND RECORD NP and IF both in the same space side by side? Just to undertand how to put all formulas because i don't understand well. I think that will be the same on appbuilder right?
  • Michele17 Okay, no worries.

    - You need to check the "Record to FIT" checkbox for recording, of course.
    - You can only record one thing (for each of graph, lap and summary) for each custom metric, so you will need two formulas: A and B.
    - You need to select custom metric A and custom metric B in data fields for calculation/recording to work. Right now the way it works is that you can't use the custom metrics to record something without also selecting them for at least one field. This could change one day.

    Here I will pretend your FTP is 249.

    Custom Metric A (records NP, shows NP + IF, separated by a space):
    record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25) + " " + avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249

    Custom Metric B (records IF, shows X, where X is anything you want):
    record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249) ;X

    NP will show up in GC as custom metric A, and IF will show up as custom metric B. Unfortunately it's not possible to change these labels (due to the way the labels are defined) or write some sort of description to FIT (because of the limit on FIT data size.) If you need to remember what metric A and metric B are in the future, I would recommend adding notes in GC.

    And yes, it will be the same in AppBuilder.

    If you also want to record the final values of NP and IF to the summary, then use the following formulas
    Custom Metric A (records NP, shows NP + IF, separated by a space):
    recordsummary(record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25)) + " " + avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249

    Custom Metric B (records IF, shows X, where X is anything you want):
    recordsummary(record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249)) ;X
  • Michele17 Okay, no worries.

    - You need to check the "Record to FIT" checkbox for recording, of course.
    - You can only record one thing (for each of graph, lap and summary) for each custom metric, so you will need two formulas: A and B.
    - You need to select custom metric A and custom metric B in data fields for calculation/recording to work. Right now the way it works is that you can't use the custom metrics to record something without also selecting them for at least one field. This could change one day.

    Here I will pretend your FTP is 249.

    Custom Metric A (records NP, shows NP + IF, separated by a space):
    record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25) + " " + avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249

    Custom Metric B (records IF, shows X, where X is anything you want):
    record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249) ;X

    NP will show up in GC as custom metric A, and IF will show up as custom metric B. Unfortunately it's not possible to change these labels (due to the way the labels are defined) or write some sort of description to FIT (because of the limit on FIT data size.) If you need to remember what metric A and metric B are in the future, I would recommend adding notes in GC.

    And yes, it will be the same in AppBuilder.

    If you also want to record the final values of NP and IF to the summary, then use the following formulas
    Custom Metric A (records NP, shows NP + IF, separated by a space):
    recordsummary(record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25)) + " " + avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249

    Custom Metric B (records IF, shows X, where X is anything you want):
    recordsummary(record(avg(timeavg(power,30,1)^4)^0.25 / 249)) ;X

    Thank you again! I will test all in the weekend. I see that when i'm in tredmill mode, my fenix 5+ say me that one iq field is already in use but it's not correct (with only 1 page showing clock the setting menu say iq data 1/2). This problem is only in treadmill mode while running, trail and all others are ok. Do you know if it's a garmin problem or something related to runpower?
  • Hey FlowState. Thanks again for the Data Field, it's really a best app in the Garmin Store.
    I would like to write about two things:
    1. Sometimes, when I'm starting a run, FR935 replaces my two IQ datafields (Stryd and Run Power) with default one - timer. I don't know if it is connected to the Run Power, but it seems like this started to happen since I'm using it.
    2. In structured workout, after the last workout lap ends, watch finishes the workout, and starts a new lap. But Run Power doesn't notice it, and show Lap Averages, Lap Time, etc, as if the last lap still continues.
  • Thank you again! I will test all in the weekend. I see that when i'm in tredmill mode, my fenix 5+ say me that one iq field is already in use but it's not correct (with only 1 page showing clock the setting menu say iq data 1/2). This problem is only in treadmill mode while running, trail and all others are ok. Do you know if it's a garmin problem or something related to runpower?

    Michele17 this is a problem I have seen on my 935 in the past and I don't think it has anything to do with Run Power. You may to contact Garmin support about this. I think you can resolve it by selecting Menu > Treadmill Settings > Restore Defaults, although I've also been lucky for it to go away by itself in the past, possibly when updating or uninstalling CIQ fields.
  • Hey FlowState. Thanks again for the Data Field, it's really a best app in the Garmin Store.
    I would like to write about two things:
    1. Sometimes, when I'm starting a run, FR935 replaces my two IQ datafields (Stryd and Run Power) with default one - timer. I don't know if it is connected to the Run Power, but it seems like this started to happen since I'm using it.
    2. In structured workout, after the last workout lap ends, watch finishes the workout, and starts a new lap. But Run Power doesn't notice it, and show Lap Averages, Lap Time, etc, as if the last lap still continues.

    1. I think this happens when there is some sort of crash. Could you please connect your watch to USB and see if there is a CIQ_LOG.YML file in the GARMIN/APPS/LOGS folder?

    2. This seems to be a problem on Garmin's end, although I can't be 100% sure. I'll file a bug report.
  • 1. I think this happens when there is some sort of crash. Could you please connect your watch to USB and see if there is a CIQ_LOG.YML file in the GARMIN/APPS/LOGS folder?

    2. This seems to be a problem on Garmin's end, although I can't be 100% sure. I'll file a bug report.

    1. There are no new entries in the CIQ_LOG.YML, and now I remember, that this behavior started with the Final Surge app, not the Run Power. I wrote the customer support.
  • FlowState I am now able to precisely replicate the bug with the Run Power app not showing power, while the Stryd app does.
    In addition, I have a workaround which fixes it.

    What does not work:
    • Starting the Run app
    • Pressing Start to start the run
    • Result: Run Power shows "Searching..." while Stryd shows values for power

    What works:
    • Starting the Run app
    • Going into Run Settings -> Data Fields -> Run Power (Preview)
    • Wait for the data field to show power values
    • Go back to ready screen
    • Pressing Start to start the run
    • Result: Both apps show power values

    I hope this is helpful for fixing the bug and for other people running into it.
  • kiudee thanks for that! I'm glad that at least you have a way to get it to work. Does it work if you just scroll to Run Power normally, as opposed to going into the settings?

    Sorry for the inconvenience - I can't think off the top of my head why that should be necessary. When I get the chance, I'll try to reproduce that.
    EDIT: It might be tough, because I don't own a Stryd, and a Stryd works a bit differently than most sensors as it allows multiple connections.

    If anyone else is experiencing the same symptoms, let me know. You would need to be using a non-multisport watch (where you enter the ANT+ ID in Run Power settings) and maybe also the Stryd field at the same time as Run Power.