Watchface: Glance


With introduction of Garmin Pay, I am starting to add a new payment option for some of my apps. The system is not flexible enough to just add Garmin Pay to existing apps, so I'll publish a copy of an app, with the same functionality but Garmin Pay as the payment provider.

The first one out is Glance Ultra (a copy of Glance Dual Screen):

EASY Round - 2023 #1 watch face of the year (by Garmin):

EASY Round

GLANCE WATCH FACE app won THE BEST NEW WATCH FACE APP OF 2022 ! At the Developers conference Garmin announced nominees and winners for the best apps in different categories. Glance Watch Face was nominated and won in the best new watch face category Slight smile! Garmin didn't post the video from the conference yet, but it was already reported by other websites:

The idea for this app is simple:
- Use only large fonts, so that all data are visible at a glance (hence the name of the app: Glance   )
- Put as much data on the screen as possible, without sacrificing font size above
- Make all data fields customizeable to your needs
- Make colors customizeable as much as possible, so users can create their own design

The "Glance Watch Face" app is 100% FREE - no hidden restrictions, nagging, or expiration: ... 07e8035fae

There is also a mostly free app - BIG EASY:

There are also two paid versions of this app - "Glance Pro":

and "Glance Dual Screen":

Paid versions are identical to the free version (so no worries, FREE doesn't mean bad!), but have a lot of extra features features:

  • Open Weather Map support
  • Setting for TIME font weight
  • New way to use shared color themes
  • Support for many new metrics (like Body Battery, Stress Level, and lots more)
  • Extra progress bars and Graphs (in Dual Screen only)
  • Two separate data screens (in Dual Screen only) 
  • A lot more - see apps description for the full list
  • You have an opportunity (and a small incentive) to support the development Slight smile

Unique feature of the Glance apps - you can save your own Color Themes and quicly switch between them righ on the watch.

NEW: Now you can SHARE your Color Theme! You can also quickly apply Color Themes shared with you. Here is a full description of how it all works:

Here is the current Color Themes Gallery:

Color themes are compatible between "Glance" and "Glance Pro" (except for "inactive status icons color", which became obsolete in "Pro").

I'd love to see all color combinations you came up with. Please post your themes in the Reviews and I'll add them to the gallery!

Questions and suggestions are welcome!

  • I would like to know if pixel shifting is implemented, at watchface or system level, and how and how often it changes the pattern to avoid the same pixels to be on for too long.

    Yes, shifting happens every minute by alternating lines or shifting chess pattern (depending on the app). Garmin forces apps to do it - it disables AOD for the app otherwise.

  • Thanks, so the answer to the main question is that yes, pixel shift is implemented at app/watchface level, otherwise enforced by Garmin CIQ. Right?

    Then, for Glance Pro watchface, it is alternating lines or shifting chess pattern? At the end, what matters for me is to understand the end result: in hypothetic static image (worst case), each individual pixel 'on' time is reduced to 50%?

    A 50% reduction time would surely reduce pixel expected wear by half. But AOD time sums up quickly, it could still be worth to evaluate burn-in protection with more sophisticated methods, like slightly shifting the AOD elements (why not combined with shifting pixels for added protection).

    There will always be a lot of unknown factors (OLED pixel life expectation color by color, font digit overlaps, pixel intensity lightning depending on the ambien light sensor...) to consider when deciding if AOD is worth the burn-in risk during the device expected service time. But I would like to at least have this concrete relevant factor clear.


    What Qualifies as Burn-In

    Pixels in an AMOLED display only draw power when illuminated, so a pixel is considered on when rendering any color other than black, and is considered off when and only when rendering black pixel.

    Burn-in protection is only activated when Connect IQ watch face is in foreground and after system enters sleep mode. Under such conditions, if more than 10% of the screen pixels are on or any pixel is on for longer than 3 minutes, the system will shut off the screen.

    Glance Pro alternates lines (mostly).

  • Love this Watchface! I have no idea how to search this forum thread so I am posting what is likely a question that has been asked already. 

    I dont want the display on all the time. I am new to the Garmin Forerunner 245 and I have no idea how to set the display to turn off unless I want to look at it. 

    Any help is appreciated!

  • FR245 has MIP screen that doesn't consume energy when it displays something without backlight. So, that is why it is always on. It is possible to erase everything on the screen during the sleep, but my apps do not support this feature on MIP screens - it is implemented only for watches with AMOLED screens.

  • Thank you! Appreciate the response.

  • Great watch face!!! Can you add stock price as metric?

  • How long does the install stay on queu?

  • Installation is a Garmin functionality - apps have absolutely no way to affect it.
    You can try the following:
    - Use Garmin Express to install or update the app.
    - Reboot your phone and your watch.
    If it doesn't help, please contact Garmin support - only Garmin can help with installation.

  • How do you get the altitude to work?