Watchface: Glance



With introduction of Garmin Pay, I am starting to add a new payment option for some of my apps. The system is not flexible enough to just add Garmin Pay to existing apps, so I'll publish a copy of an app, with the same functionality but Garmin Pay as the payment provider.

The first one out is Glance Ultra (a copy of Glance Dual Screen):

EASY Round - 2023 #1 watch face of the year (by Garmin):

EASY Round

GLANCE WATCH FACE app won THE BEST NEW WATCH FACE APP OF 2022 ! At the Developers conference Garmin announced nominees and winners for the best apps in different categories. Glance Watch Face was nominated and won in the best new watch face category Slight smile! Garmin didn't post the video from the conference yet, but it was already reported by other websites:

The idea for this app is simple:
- Use only large fonts, so that all data are visible at a glance (hence the name of the app: Glance   )
- Put as much data on the screen as possible, without sacrificing font size above
- Make all data fields customizeable to your needs
- Make colors customizeable as much as possible, so users can create their own design

The "Glance Watch Face" app is 100% FREE - no hidden restrictions, nagging, or expiration: ... 07e8035fae

There is also a mostly free app - BIG EASY:

There are also two paid versions of this app - "Glance Pro":

and "Glance Dual Screen":

Paid versions are identical to the free version (so no worries, FREE doesn't mean bad!), but have a lot of extra features features:

  • Open Weather Map support
  • Setting for TIME font weight
  • New way to use shared color themes
  • Support for many new metrics (like Body Battery, Stress Level, and lots more)
  • Extra progress bars and Graphs (in Dual Screen only)
  • Two separate data screens (in Dual Screen only) 
  • A lot more - see apps description for the full list
  • You have an opportunity (and a small incentive) to support the development Slight smile

Unique feature of the Glance apps - you can save your own Color Themes and quicly switch between them righ on the watch.

NEW: Now you can SHARE your Color Theme! You can also quickly apply Color Themes shared with you. Here is a full description of how it all works:

Here is the current Color Themes Gallery:

Color themes are compatible between "Glance" and "Glance Pro" (except for "inactive status icons color", which became obsolete in "Pro").

I'd love to see all color combinations you came up with. Please post your themes in the Reviews and I'll add them to the gallery!

Questions and suggestions are welcome!

  • Your watch face is absolutely amazing, I used Vivoactive 3 a lot of years and a few months ago I jumped to Vivoactive 4 because of issue with pressure sensor. I tried a million of watch faces on VA3, but when I installed your watch face on VA4, I had to tell thatI don’t need to try searching another one, very professional work with sensitivity graphics feeling and customer oriented attitude. 

    Finally one question for possibility to add new data to data fields. We have possibilities to change data fields by dozens inputs from Garmin, perfect job, really. I’m not expert but it possible to add body battery and hydration?

  • Thank you - always a pleasure to read feedback like yours!

    Body battery and Stress level are not yet available to 3rd party apps - only Garmin native apps can use them. They might be coming soon with a firmware update to some watches - no dates or list of watches that will support it yet.

    Hydration is even worse. The only option there is to have some kind of custom solution - no standard metric visible to all apps is available yet as far as I know Disappointed

  • Fenomenal muy buena pantalla recomendable 100%

  • I really like your watch face.

    I have some ideas for improvement:

    1) I don't know if it is for other models, but with Vivoactive 4 there is no center-aligned time. It would be possible to expand it more (see picture).

    ‎ ‎‎2) Opravdu se mi líbila jedna funkce na mém předchozím ciferníku, což je automatické přepínání tématu po západu slunce (světlé pozadí / tmavé písmo) / východ slunce (tmavé pozadí / světlé písmo).‎

  • Hi,

    1) I'm glad you asked! This one is already addressed from the start - there is a setting "Shift position of TIME on screen UP by" (it is at the very end of the list of settings). On my Vivoactive 4 I set it to "2", and time becomes nicely centered. This is due to seemingly random margins difference in fonts on different Garmin watch models. Seems like on newer models the font is more centered then on older ones.

    2) Theme auto switch is possible (and was requested before). So far I just can't find a good solution on how to do regular color changes when the watch is in night mode (for example). It will come to me one day though Slight smile

  • Former Member
    Former Member over 3 years ago

    Hi. Love the watch faces but I have a question about the colors.. when I install it on my watch the colors aren’t as deep and bright as the picture examples. Is this normal?



  • The pictures are coming from a simulator on a computer, which has a full range of colors. It will look exactly the same on Garmin Venu watches with AMOLED display, but most other Garmin watches have "transflective memory-in-pixel" (MIP) display, which has great battery life, but pretty dull colors. That is absolutelly normal.


  • I just posted a very FUN update. Now you can SHARE your Color Theme! You can also quickly apply Color Themes shared with you. Here is a full description of how it all works:

    Post your themes here and in the Reviews!