App : Badminton Score Tracker

Hello! I am the creator of the application "Badminton Score Tracker".

Here is the link

Please use this thread to report bug, for feature request of any other question.

  • Got a feature Idea:

    What about a warmup / or match without counting mode? 

    Problem is I like to have all in one activity, but not every time I play for points. Sometimes its just fun or for warmup, but I would still like my heartrate to be recorded.

  • Also I think it's better to be asked how many matches I want to play at the end not in the beginning. I don't know how long its got to take or if there is time for another one before.

    Ideally there is a warmup phase, then I start with the match, after the match it could ask me "are you done or want to play another one" and in the end its all in one activity.

  • Hello! Thank you for your messages. The application has always been developed with the idea that one match equals one Garmin activity. It's not asking for the number of matches but for the number of sets, to be able to determine a winner at the end. The end of the match means the end of the activity, and this makes it easy to store the statistics of one match in the activity.

    I understand that it's not how some people like you would like to use the app. Obviously, if you are renting a badminton court for 1 hour, you would like to play as much time as possible. In this case, it seems appropriate that the resulting Garmin activity lasts for the whole hour, containing the warm-up phase and multiple matches.

    The problem is that these goals are quite different. Maybe I should create two modes in the app: the one that exists, and another mode that invites you to play an endless series of sets, asking for an additional set at the end of the previous one (or even remove the concept of sets, and allow you to score without any limit). Your health statistics would be recorded the whole time in the Garmin activity. I could also add the number of rallies won/played in the activity. The winner would be the one who won most of the rallies with no consideration of the sets (at least when the number of sets played is even). What do you think?

  • Hi, great work, thank you.


    1) change the app icon to the better one

    2) add more metrics, there is still plenty of space on the top and sides of the existing screen or add next

    3) the texts in individual steps after launch are not whole, they are cropped

  • Sounds great being able to chose that.

  • Hey, if you would like to update your app, Garmin has finally added Badminton as a Sports Profile. No more "other" needed. Upside down

  • Thanks for the info! I will update the app.

  • For information, after a quick check, it seems the Badminton sport profile has only been added for ConnectIQ >= 4.1.6. (see here That means it's supported only by a few watches at the moment.

  • So it could be added with a quick check if the device supports it, if yes it's used, if not it's saved as "other". Saying as someone owning one of the few devices. Slight smile

  • If I tap out by a long back button press to the watchface it ends the activity and starts from the beginning when I get back.

    Is this by design or an issue with Garmin?