HMs DIY #1-6

Store Link

Because I want to keep this datafield and the app free for use I would be very grateful about a small donation to PayPal

A detailed description of how to use it can be found here: 


Thanks very much to mcinner1 for putting so much time into this documentation!

Designer download

You can contribute on my github page.
You can upload your layout so others can use it as well.
Also any changes to the fonts.txt can be updated there as well.


* switched to new SDK 7.2.1
* added devices: Approach S7 42mm, Descent Mk3 43mm /Mk3i 43mm, Descent Mk3i 51mm, Edge 1050, epix Pro Gen2 42mm, epix Pro Gen2 47mm / quatix 7 pro, epix Pro Gen2 51mm / D2 mach 1 pro / tactix 7
Fenix 7 Pro, Fenix 7 Pro Solar, Fenix 7S Pro, Fenix 7X Pro, Fenix 7xPro Solar, Forerunner 165, Forerunner 165M, Venu 3, Venu 3S, Vivoactive 5
* switched to new SDK 4.2.4
* added devices: FR265, FR265S, FR965, GPSMAP 67/67i, Marq (Gen 2), Marq (Gen 2) Aviator, EDGE 540, EDGE 840, Instinct 2x Solar
* added two new font types GLANCE, GLANCENR (only available if device supports it!)

for full releasenotes see: releasenotes.txt


  • Hi hundsmiachn,

    First of all, thanks for your great work. I am using your great datafield. I designed a high density layout and this is how it looks like:

    (sorry, I couldn't attach the image to the message as a jpeg file.)

    But I have an issue on edge 1030. After workout, I save the ride, than press the "power down" or "sleep" (soft)buttons but the battery drains to 0% after 3-4 days without using. I solve the problem while pressing the power (hard)button 10 seconds then reseting the device. After reset, the battery doesn't drain even 1% for a month without using. What may be the problem? (May it be a ram related issue or does any kind of element in my layout cause that problem?)

    (If I delete the datafiled completely, I don't have any battery drain problem also.)

    Thanks a lot.

  • Workaround for Fenix 8 Amoled

    Following on From Steve's reply about using an older watch with the same resolution, I've mapped a temporary workaround for the F8 Amoled based on the Forerunner 965.

    You'll need to rename your existing fonts.txt file to create a backup.

    Then copy and paste the "Forerunner 965" mapping for Fenix 8 below to a new text file and name it fonts.txt

    You can then use the Designer to create datafields for the F8 using the "Forerunner 965" profile.

    If you want to design for another device then go back to the original fonts.txt file

    At some point I'll try and create a similar workaround for the Forerunner 165 using mapping based on the Vivoactive 5 profile.

    In the meantime, if you create anything for the F8, share your layout string in a reply - It'll be cool to see what people come up with.

    I'm busy with a Mountain Biking layout string for my F8 which I'll share as soon as I'm done Slight smile

    Here's the font mapping for the temp fonts.txt file

    # Important notice:
    # Fenix 8 Font Mapping for Designer v3.7.1 with HMs DIY #6 beta v3.7.3
    # This is the best mapping I've found for the Fenix 8 47/51 AMOLED.
    # This will NOT WORK for the Solar versions, and I haven't tested with the 43mm Amoled.
    # This mapping requires you to use "FORERUNNER 965" in the Designer, NOT the Fenix 8.
    # The text fonts are very close to what is displayed on the actual watch.
    # The numerals in the designer are very close IN SIZE (height and width) to those on
    # the watch, however numerals in the Designer are more rounded whereas on the watch
    # they display more 'square'.
    # This is not a problem. The SPACING of your layout in the Designer will be accurate on
    # the watch,and that's the most important.
    # Note:
    # It seems that Garmin has implemented pixel shifting on the datafield to prevent burn
    # in during activities. This may have been around for a while, but my last watch was
    # MIP so I didn't notice it when doing font mapping previously.
    # On my F8 this means that sometimes the centre line of the design (227px) is not centered
    # on the watch. In turn this means that you shouldn't design right to the edges of the
    # display or it will sometimes be cut-off.
    # I find the best way around this is to draw a circle with the values
    # X: 227, Y:227, Radius: 200
    # and design inside that circle.

    # "Forerunner 965" mapping for Fenix 8 47 / 51 Amoled

    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_23;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 30; -5; 0; 6; 1
    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_29;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 40; -7; 0; 7; 1
    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_33;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 43; -8; 0; 8; 1
    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_38;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 53; -10; 0; 10; 1
    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_44;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 60; -11; 0; 11; 1

    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_64;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 79; -14; 0; 15; 10
    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_80;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 102; -18; 0; 19; 15
    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_95;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 116; -19; 0; 22; 17
    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_110;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 140; -22; 0; 26; 20

    FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_26;IDR_FNT_DEJAVUSANS_COND; 45; -6; 0; 7; 1

    # "Forerunner 965" mapping for Fenix 8 47 / 51 Amoled

    "Forerunner 965" - "XTINY" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_23
    "Forerunner 965" - "TINY" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_29
    "Forerunner 965" - "SMALL" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_33
    "Forerunner 965" - "MEDIUM" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_38
    "Forerunner 965" - "LARGE" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_44

    "Forerunner 965" - "NR_MILD" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_64
    "Forerunner 965" - "NR_MEDIUM" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_80
    "Forerunner 965" - "NR_HOT" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_95
    "Forerunner 965" - "NR_THAI_HOT" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_110

    "Forerunner 965" - "S_XTINY" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_23
    "Forerunner 965" - "S_TINY" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_29
    "Forerunner 965" - "S_SMALL" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_33
    "Forerunner 965" - "S_MEDIUM" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_38
    "Forerunner 965" - "S_LARGE" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_44

    "Forerunner 965" - "S_NR_MILD" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_64
    "Forerunner 965" - "S_NR_MEDIUM" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_80
    "Forerunner 965" - "S_NR_HOT" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_95
    "Forerunner 965" - "S_NR_THAI_HOT" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_110

    "Forerunner 965" - "GLANCE" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_26
    "Forerunner 965" - "GLANCENR" ==> FNT_006B431500_ROBOTO_REGULAR_33

  • I'm trying to make a custom bike layout for the Garmin Forerunner 920XT, but I'm missing the Cadence and Power options in ValueType. This device is compatible with ant+ cadence and power sensor. Can you add Cadence and Power to the ValueType? Or tell me how to do it. Thanks

  • FR920XT is a „low memory“ device with only 16kb datafield memory.

    See Guidance pdf page 21 and page 44 !

  • hola no me deja instalar pantallas me sale incopatibilidad version 3.6.2

    solucion por favor?

  • Hey guys, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction here...

    I'm wanting to make a Difference Avg-Curr Speed Bar.

    If current speed is above the average speed then the arc should dynamically fill up with green.
    If current speed is below the average speed then the arc should dynamically fill down with red

    To do this I'm using two Arcs with dynamic fill.

    I saw in the Guidance pdf that negative values can be set.
    The example there was temperature however negative values display for this as well, just not as expected.

    The green bar i.e. positive values behave as expected.

    The red bar i.e. negative values behave in reverse of what's expected.
    At -1 the red bar is full whereas at e.g. -5 it is close to empty (depending on the max speed below average one sets).

    I've tried a couple of permutations of this; changing the order of negative values e.g. -1 to -5 vs -5 to -1, swopping the start and end angles around, and combinations of those, but I can't get it right.

    I'm probably missing something obvious and I'm hoping someone can point it out for me.

    I'm trying to add a screenshot, but it doesn't seem to be working...
    Here's the xml string if someone would be kind enough to take a look :)

    C!!iQJ!!!!!*+6iC!!!yx!"'Q/+9;EB%7F22!!L8S(^KgC!!*$!!!!"0!!*$!!!!!""98E%!!!!!!"'Q/+TDEB%7F22!!\R!+8xgC"98E%!!!!!!w3$!!"],2!w3$!!"]-@!"'V]!rrwzz]byy!!!!!$V!!iQ))?9a:zRzu!!!!!!Difference Avg-Curr Speed

    Edit: Managed to include the screenshot in a reply to this post.

  • I'm not quite sure if I've thought this through properly, but... what, if you:

    for the negative part:
    First draw a red arc - not dynamically, but fixed. Let‘s assume minimum is -5, maximum is 0 - like on your pic.
    Then draw a dynamic arc in black (background color) above the red arc, with same: min=-5, max=0.

    Now, if the speed difference is -5, the red arc is shown completely.
    With growing values up to 0, the red arc is more and more hidden with the black arc.


  • McInner, that's brilliant!

    I've tested it walking around my garden and it looks good. I've give it a go at meaningful speeds on my next bike ride.

    All I needed to do in addition to your suggestion was reverse the start and end angles for the dynamic (black) arc because the revealing arc needs work in the opposite direction to a standard one.

    Great idea! Thanks for your help.

  •    You‘re welcome!