HMs DIY #1-6

Store Link

Because I want to keep this datafield and the app free for use I would be very grateful about a small donation to PayPal

A detailed description of how to use it can be found here: 


Thanks very much to mcinner1 for putting so much time into this documentation!

Designer download

You can contribute on my github page.
You can upload your layout so others can use it as well.
Also any changes to the fonts.txt can be updated there as well.


* switched to new SDK 7.2.1
* added devices: Approach S7 42mm, Descent Mk3 43mm /Mk3i 43mm, Descent Mk3i 51mm, Edge 1050, epix Pro Gen2 42mm, epix Pro Gen2 47mm / quatix 7 pro, epix Pro Gen2 51mm / D2 mach 1 pro / tactix 7
Fenix 7 Pro, Fenix 7 Pro Solar, Fenix 7S Pro, Fenix 7X Pro, Fenix 7xPro Solar, Forerunner 165, Forerunner 165M, Venu 3, Venu 3S, Vivoactive 5
* switched to new SDK 4.2.4
* added devices: FR265, FR265S, FR965, GPSMAP 67/67i, Marq (Gen 2), Marq (Gen 2) Aviator, EDGE 540, EDGE 840, Instinct 2x Solar
* added two new font types GLANCE, GLANCENR (only available if device supports it!)

for full releasenotes see: releasenotes.txt


  • I use Vipre it blocked the download site.  I told it to allow the site, downloaded, unzipped and scanned.  The scan found no issues.  I suspect one of the scanners that trips the false positive has flagged the site.

  • I got a response from quickheal, they have put the designer on their whitelist.

    So, at least one scanner doesn't throw an alarm anymore (-:

  • I did my second test on the weekend. I deleted all graphs from my layout to check how this will influence on update rate of the values. Now it was a little bit better and much more consistent but still update time was only every two seconds. I could see that with the timer value which updated only every two seconds and the same for the other values. Garmin values still updated every second.

    It also seems that the reaction time of the value was slower than with original Garmin values. I checked cadence when I shifted the gear. I would say it needed around 5-6 seconds to get new correct values there. With Garmin values I normally has something around 3 seconds.

    Do you also experience slower reaction and update rate compared to original values?

    Then I have the feeling that something is wrong with the powerzones. In my first ride I put as first value end value of zone 1 (e.g. 160). With that I got wrong results for power zone value (e.g.1.5 instead of 2.5). For second ride it I changed the values, so that I started with 0 for the power zone input. Now I am a little bit confused how percentage in power zone values should work. Since there are values for zones 0 to 6 and we have 7 zones in total I was thinking that value zone 0 would be right one for actual power zone 1. But it showed 0% at the end of the ride, when Garmin reported 40% in zone 1.

    It seems that those percentages and the number of powerzone doesn't match or a value for power zone 7 is missing.

    Also sum of power zones 0 - 6 end up with a value of 98.4 %.

    One more thing that was strange, that lap value and and total values are not the same. It seems that the datafield started a new lap after about 4 minutes and 1 kilometer while garmin connect only reports one lap and I didn't press lap button. I used navigation during the ride and had some issues in the beginning with being of course and finding it again. Perhaps that somehow lead to this behavior.



  • Hi

    You should provide your xml file, and your app settings otherwise its hard to tell. Refresh rate depends on how much elements are in your layout. If the cpu of your device is on its limits, I cant really do much about it. 

  • Do you also experience slower reaction and update rate compared to original values?

    Yes, but in my case I can live with it.
    To be more precisely:
    The following layout for my bioMTB consits of about 180 elements:

    In use with my "old, normal" Edge 1030 it skips 2 or 3 Second (2.5 in average) per 10 seconds.
    In use with my Edge 1030 PLUS (faster CPU) it skips sometimes 1 second per 10 seconds.

    In my experience, there is no display delay except that sometimes a second is skipped.

    Power zones:
    Yes, there are only 6 powerzones whereas Garmin Edge has 7.
    I simply omitt the last, 7th zone, because I rarely are in this zone.

    See below the configuration on my Edge and the configuration in DIY setup:
    (don't be surprised about the low values - I am not the youngest anymore Blush)

    POWER in DIY setting:

    There is no zone 0 shown - even it is counted but also not shown in Garmin Connect.
    Zone 6 starts at 178 and ends (in my case) at 300 (you can set this value to maximum as well).
    Means: Zone 6 and 7 from Garmin are united in Zone 6 from DIY.

    Lap values:
    What lap values are you referring to?
    I never noticed a "self triggered" lap after 4 mins or 1 km.
    (Note: There is an automatic lap function on the Edge that may trigger every 1 km - if it is set that way. But then Garmin Connect would also display these laps).

  • Hello,

    unfortunately I can't add my xmls in code section here. It shows then message that I am blocked. I will try to add strings at the end in this post. First one is including graphs which was very lagging, other one is my latest layout I was using in my last ride where I have about every two seconds. This second layout shows Val:79, Graph: 66, DC:21, Total: 166.

    I was checking again with cadence value and I would say in average HM DIY is about 2-3 seconds slower in updating after gear shift. But I also have to say that I got a little bit more used to the slower refreshing and it didn't bother me that much in the last two rides.

    Either way I will try to reduce my layout more for testing to see how it influences the performance. In general I would guess it would help most to get rid of (H) values? Those values having average building over some time included probably would also need more calculation time?

    Regarding the lap issue. I did a tour on Wednesday without navigation where this problem didn't occur. Today I made another with active navigation and again it happened after short time in the ride. Unfortunately, I forgot to take picture end of ride today, so I am not sure when it exactly happened. I think it might have something to do with calculation of the track or when going off the track while calculation hasn't finished. Both times it happened I was already riding while calculation was still ongoing.

    Is there any reason why there is no 7th power zone included? Could that be added? That would be very helpful.

    Layout including graphs:

    C!!iQJ!ww*!OeBcN!!!yN!!iQJ!!!!!Jl'rS!!!!2!!iQJ!!!!!J5G0-!!!!,!!iQJ!.]TMJ0=y[!!!!(!!iQJ!.]TMJe6]r!!!!.!"4T+!w3$!J2zb;!!!!.!"4T3!w3yhJfri-!!!!.!"4^@!rrw$J,n5%!!!!!$V%!"6]["98E%M@e:'!!!!!$V°C!"7.6"9/B!J5G%B!!:OX!"7-S!ri8uN6oYe!!!!S!"7-S"TJK"Nw%JI!!!!V!"7-S!WN/uN53f]!!!!U!"7.6"9/B!J5G%F!!Ty+!"7-S"9/B!N=amm!!!!d!"7.6"9/B!J5HTr!!-a5!"7-S"9/B!Nw'='!!!!c!"7-S"9/B!N:@Iu!!!!e!"7-S"9/B!N6rWc!!!!h!"7.6"9/B!J5HTn!!:MN!"7-S"9/B!N%jy)!!!!d!"7-c!w3ytJ0xWL!!!!!!"7iF!WW3zJ.U*"!!!!!$T!"4l3!w3ynJfr:e!!!!6!"4kp!ri8oJ?\\J!!!!!!!k8U!rrw$Jw9F*!!!!!!!k8U!WW3zJ7/0S!!!!!!!k8U!WW3zJ7/0S!!!!!!!iQ:!!!!!J3`c/!!!!!!!iQ)!rrw$J.U*`!!!!!GPS!!iQ:!5QCcJ=uR!!!!!!!"5/+!w3ykJ:R;V!!!!!!"4lz!w3ylJ7/%6!!!!!!!iQ*!ww*"PeeVz!!!!j"BjYs!WW0"Lp8?a!!)L`!!iQ)$ig8-O9$mh!!!!!Speed (km/h)!"Gz%!w3yuJ?`4`!!!!!!"G"j!ri9zMd\TK!!!""!!iQ:!w3'!J3d;E!!!!!!!iQJ!ww*!JPf[P!!!!+!"G:q"oeTzJ,pp^!!!!!Batt.!"GKd!ri8uO9$Vp!!!!!$T!"%oR!rrw$Jha@x!!!!!Ø$V!!iQ)!!%NLJ-$jR!!!!!!"yc-!s!iOJg(W9!!!!!L$V!"'V]!WW3zJg(VL!!!!!$V!"y2b!rr?$Jg!t'!!!!!m$V!"%WB!WW3zJl-oE!!!!!$V"B$pf!WW0"LnSLu!!4iw!!iQ*!ww*"Peprd!!!"e!!iQ*!ww*"Mt1Dn!!!!j!!iQ)%fcS0O9$oK!!!!!Cadence (1/min)!"(bH!rrw$J2+zq!!!!!Ø$V!"Da*"9/BzP`[Ob!!!!l!"Da*"9/BzPE@Fa!!!"y!"Da:!w3yuJ72/9!!!!!!"Da*"9/BzPG)\I!!!"y!"E$1"oeTzJ,q)x!!!!!Batt.!"E49!ri8uO9$dQ!!!!!$T!")%X!rr?$J0@c^!!!!!m$V!"(J8!WW3zJ73j*!!!!!$V!"^7q!5QCcO9P^i!!!!!!!jDY!5QCcO9RQU!!!!!!!iQ)!PlLdO9RQN!!!!!vz3ow)!WW0"NRDKX!"!%B!"Jo%!ri8uO90+3!!!!!$T!"JE0!w3yuJ7='x!!!!!!!iQ)zljr*O90)P!!!!!Power (W)!"A'?!w3yWK`f7K!!!!,!"A?G!w3yXK`dPp!!!!,!"AWO!w3yYK`bj@!!!!,!"AoW!w3yZK`a.e!!!!,!"B2_!w3y[K`_H5!!!!,!"BJg!w3y\K`]aZ!!!!,!"Bbo!w3y]K`\y*!!!!,!"A5Xz64`(OorKU!!!!!Z1: $V%!"AMhz64`(Oope%!!!!!Z2: $V%!"Afzz64`(Ooo)J!!!!!Z3: $V%!"B)3z64`(OomBo!!!!!Z4: $V%!"BACz64`(Ook\?!!!!!Z5: $V%!"BYSz64`(Ooiud!!!!!Z6: $V%!"Bqcz64`(Ooh:4!!!!!Z7: $V%!zf$C!WW3zLiV.A!!!!!$V!!iQ)"onW'L]amH!!!!!P-Zone!$y)=!WW3zMGl4o!!!!!$V!)d!y"onW'L_HGT!!!!!10s $V!")n3"TSNyL_xB7!!!!!1s $V!"*1C!rrw$J28?@!!!!!Ø$V!"-TY!s!iOJ0U%G!!!!!L$V!"L=u"98E%O:lNa!!!!!L$V%!"LV0"98E%O:o@\!!!!!R$V%!"+=."98E%J0N*-!!!!!NP$V!"*IS!rr?$J0Jiy!!!!!m$V!!iQ*!ww*"Pf*,K!!!ztz4isO!WW0"NT9eO!!=?x!";CI!w3yHK`qT7!!!!-!";[Q!w3yIK`oaX!!!!-!";sY!w3yJK`mo$!!!!-!"w6a!w3yKK`l'E!!!!-!"wNi!w3yLK`j4f!!!!-!";Olz64`(Op(hA!!!!!Z1: $V%!";h'z64`(Opyub!!!!!Z2: $V%!"w+7z64`(Op%..!!!!!Z3: $V%!"wCGz64`(Opz;O!!!!!Z4: $V%!"w[Wz64`(Op!Hp!!!!!Z5: $V%!"1S:!rrw$J2D7w!!!!!Ø$V!"1kJ!rr?$J0YFn!!!!!m$V!"2_%!s!iOJ0`f?!!!!!L$V!!iQ)%0-A.O9x87!!!!!Heart (1/min)!"2.Z!WW3zMH"Q[!!!!!$V!!iQ)"onW'L]m54!!!!!H-Zone!"5Qp"onW'JgJN2!!!!!Eff $V!"1"o!WW3zLibbQ!!!!!$V!!iQ*!ww*"Pf5U;!!!$p!!iQ*!ww*"MtK'E!!!yy!!iQ)$ig8-O9Ia'!!!!!Altitude (m)"Cf_l!WW0"LrDJ3!"]-9!!iQ*!WW3zMfi:9!!!%*!!iQ*!WW3zMq)(D!!!%*!!iQ*!rrw$Mks[i!!!%4!!iQ*!WW3zMfrXB!!!%`!!iQ*!WW3zMq2FM!!!%`!!iQ*!rrw$Ml%c2!!!%f!".H4!WW3zJ0e%z!!!!!$V!".`D!WW3zJ0ku=!!!!!$V!"%'"!WW3zJ0hS2!!!!!$V!%Rj?!rrw$MH1Qt!!!!!$V%!"3"5"onW'Jd-J5!!!!!VAM $V!".0$!WW3zLfJhy!!!!!$V!!iQ)zQOi)O9Ib_!!!!!Training!"3:E"onW'JgG[F!!!!!Var $V!"3RU"onW'JgJMA!!!!!Int $V!"xZr"onW'J0fJ5!!!!!TSS $V!"3je"TSNyJ0l-]!!!!!cal$V!!iQ)zljr*O9WL`!!!!!Dist (km)!""dL!WW3zNyN0"!!!!!$V!"zX'!s!iON$j:n!!!!!L$V!"z'\zQFf%MAGQn!!!!!Dest $V!!iQ*!ww*"PfC3g!!!yy!!iQ*!ww*"M$CJO!!!yo!!iQ*!ww*"Nomkx!!!yo!!iQ*!ww*"PfMQ7!!!yo!!iQ)"TSNyO9WKW!!!!!Clock!!nC:$3(z'L_fxc!!!!!arr $H:$M!!lCt"TSNyLc6_j!!!!!$H:$M!"V:R$3,MULaRj`!!!!!Set $H:$M!!iQ)"TSNyO9WMi!!!!!Timer!!nsZ%K?G+L_f@u!!!!!Dest $H:$M:$C!!l\/zQOi)Lc6b'!!!!!$H:$M:$S!!mgozloJULaRls!!!!!L$h:$M:$S!"6ukz_7FjJ/2if!!!!!free $Vb!!og5z64`(J-Y.G!!!!!$m:$S /!"z?lzljr*Q3ZJ]!!!!! $V km to!!j,I!!!!!Q3ZKZ!!!!!(\e4:!.]TM!!!,b!.]TM!!!!!(\e4B!!!$!!!!,b!!!$!!!!!!(\e4J!!%NL!!!,b!!%NL!!!!!(\e4R!ww'!!!!,b!ww'!!!!!!(\e4Z!w7R7!!!,b!w7R7!!!!!(\e4b!w3$!!!!,b!w3$!!!!!!(\e4j!w7TL!!!,b!w7TL!!!!!(\e2l!!!$!!!!,b!!!$!!!!!!(\e2t!!%NL!!!,b!!%NL!!!!!(\e3'!ww'!!!!,b!ww'!!!!!!(\e3/!w7R7!!!,b!w7QL!!!!!(\e37!w3$!!!!,b!w3$!!!!!!:\Y0P!!%NL!!!,b!!yVk!!!)4!!(=F!!!'H!/Q@g!!!yk!w5:a!!!%\!w3$!!!!":zlal)!!!!qzf+6k!!!!+!5QCc!!!!!(\e60!!*$!!!!!+zlal)!!!!!0DGdP!!'b6!!!!I!!*$!!!!!?!ww'!!!!!5zlal)!!!!+zf+6k!!!!!0DGdX!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!?!ww'!!!!!5zlal)!!!!+zlal)!!!!!0DGd`"98E%!!!!I"98E%!!!!?"TSN%!!!!5!ww*!!!!!+!ww*!!!!!!5PPKz!1s5k!!!(X!w3$!!!!y:!w5:a!!!%]!w7QL!!!%+!!'b6!!!z?!!*$!!!!!q!5QCc!!!!!=83$C!1s5k!!!/]!w3$!!!!/+!w9y!!!!-q!33%!!!!,X!!'b6!!!+S!!*$!!!!*D!!'b6!!!(b!33%!!!!%]!w9y!!!!"0!5QCc!!!!!8,*xCzbM(s!!!6bzlal)!!!5!!w5:a!!!3g!w7QL!!!35!!'b6!!!0:!!*$!!!!'I!.]TM!!!"0!5QCc!!!!!(\e6p!!*'!!!!!+"TJH%!!!!!(\e7z!ww*!!!!!+"TJH%!!!!!-hmr;!!!!!!!!!?zljo)!!!!5zlal)!!!!+"TO"y!!!!!-hmrC!!*'!!!!!?zQXo)!!!!5zQXo)!!!!+"TO"y!!!!!

    Layout without graphs:

    C!!iQJ!ww*!OeBcN!!!yN!!iQJ!!!!!Jl'rS!!!!2!!iQJ!!!!!J5G0-!!!!,!!iQJ!.]TMJ0=y[!!!!(!!iQJ!.]TMJe6]r!!!!.!"4T+!w3$!J2zb;!!!!.!"4T3!w3yhJfri-!!!!.!"4^@!rrw$J.U(]!!!!!$V%!"6]["98E%M@e./!!!!!$V°C!"7.6"9/B!J5G%B!!:OX!"7-S!ri8uN6oYe!!!!S!"7-S"TJK"Nw%JI!!!!V!"7-S!WN/uN53f]!!!!U!"7.6"9/B!J5G%F!!Ty+!"7-S"9/B!N=amm!!!!d!"7.6"9/B!J5HTr!!-a5!"7-S"9/B!Nw'='!!!!c!"7-S"9/B!N:@Iu!!!!e!"7-S"9/B!N6rWc!!!!h!"7.6"9/B!J5HTn!!:MN!"7-S"9/B!N%jy)!!!!d!"7-c!w3ytJ0xWL!!!!!!"7iF!WW3zJ.U*"!!!!!$T!"4l3!w3ynJfr:e!!!!6!"4kp!ri8oJ?\\J!!!!!!!k8U!rrw$Jw9F*!!!!!!!k8U!WW3zJ7/0S!!!!!!!k8U!WW3zJ7/0S!!!!!!!iQ:!!!!!J3`c/!!!!!!!iQ)!rrw$J.U*`!!!!!GPS!!iQ:!5QCcJ=uR!!!!!!!"5/+!w3ykJ:R;V!!!!!!"4lz!w3ylJ7/%6!!!!!!!iQ*!ww*"PeeVz!!!!j!!iQ)$ig8-O9$mh!!!!!Speed (km/h)!"Gz%!w3yuJ?`4`!!!!!!"G"j!ri9zMd\TK!!!""!!iQ:!w3'!J3d;E!!!!!!!iQJ!ww*!JPf[P!!!!+!"G:q"oeTzJ,pp^!!!!!Batt.!"GKd!ri8uO9$Vp!!!!!$T!"%oR!rrw$Jha@x!!!!!Ø$V!!iQ)!!%NLJ-$jR!!!!!!"yc-!s!iOJg(W9!!!!!L$V!"'V]!WW3zJg(VL!!!!!$V!"y2b!rr?$Jg!t'!!!!!m$V!"%WB!WW3zJl-oE!!!!!$V!!iQ*!ww*"Peprd!!!"e!!iQ*!ww*"Mt1Dn!!!!j!!iQ)%fcS0O9$oK!!!!!Cadence (1/min)!"(bH!rrw$J2+zq!!!!!Ø$V!"Da*"9/BzP`[Ob!!!!l!"Da*"9/BzPE@Fa!!!"y!"Da:!w3yuJ72/9!!!!!!"Da*"9/BzPG)\I!!!"y!"E$1"oeTzJ,q)x!!!!!Batt.!"E49!ri8uO9$dQ!!!!!$T!")%X!rr?$J0@c^!!!!!m$V!"(J8!WW3zJ5L_)!!!!!$V!"^7q!5QCcO9aj\!!!!!!!jDY!5QCcO9ak\!!!!!!!iQ)!PlLdO9akU!!!!!v!"Jo%!ri8uO90+.!!!!!$T!"JE0!w3yuJ7='w!!!!!!!iQ)zljr*O90)P!!!!!Power (W)!"A?G!w3yWK`f7K!!!!,!"AWO!w3yXK`dPp!!!!,!"AoW!w3yYK`bj@!!!!,!"B2_!w3yZK`a.e!!!!,!"BJg!w3y[K`_H5!!!!,!"Bbo!w3y\K`]aZ!!!!,!"A'?!w3y]K`\y*!!!!,!"AMhzQOi)OorKU!!!!!Z1: $V %!"AfzzQOi)Oope%!!!!!Z2: $V %!"B)3zQOi)Ooo)J!!!!!Z3: $V %!"BACzQOi)OomBo!!!!!Z4: $V %!"BYSzQOi)Ook\?!!!!!Z5: $V %!"BqczQOi)Ooiud!!!!!Z6: $V %!"A5X!WW3zOoh:4!!!!!$V!zf$C!WW3zLiV.A!!!!!$V!!iQ)"onW'L]amH!!!!!P-Zone!$y)=!WW3zMGl4o!!!!!$V!)d!y"onW'L_HGT!!!!!10s $V!")n3"TSNyL_xB7!!!!!1s $V!"*1C!rrw$J28?@!!!!!Ø$V!"-TY!s!iOJ0U%G!!!!!L$V!"L=u"98E%O:lNa!!!!!L$V%!"LV0"98E%O:o@\!!!!!R$V%!"+=."98E%J0N*-!!!!!NP$V!"*IS!rr?$J0Jiy!!!!!m$V!!iQ*!ww*"Pf*,K!!!zt!";CI!w3yHK`qT7!!!!-!";[Q!w3yIK`oaX!!!!-!";sY!w3yJK`mo$!!!!-!"w6a!w3yKK`l'E!!!!-!"wNi!w3yLK`j4f!!!!-!";Olz64`(Op(hA!!!!!Z1: $V%!";h'z64`(Opyub!!!!!Z2: $V%!"w+7z64`(Op%..!!!!!Z3: $V%!"wCGz64`(Opz;O!!!!!Z4: $V%!"w[Wz64`(Op!Hp!!!!!Z5: $V%!"1S:!rrw$J2D7w!!!!!Ø$V!"1kJ!rr?$J0YFn!!!!!m$V!"2_%!s!iOJ0`f?!!!!!L$V!!iQ)%0-A.O9x87!!!!!Heart (1/min)!"2.Z!WW3zMH"Q[!!!!!$V!!iQ)"onW'L]m54!!!!!H-Zone!"5Qp"onW'JgK5F!!!!!Eff $V!"1"o!WW3zLibbQ!!!!!$V!!iQ*!ww*"Pf5U;!!!$p!!iQ*!ww*"MtK'E!!!yy!!iQ)$ig8-O9Ia'!!!!!Altitude (m)!!iQ*!WW3zMfi:9!!!%*!!iQ*!WW3zMq)(D!!!%*!!iQ*!rrw$Mks[i!!!%4!!iQ*!WW3zMfrXB!!!%`!!iQ*!WW3zMq2FM!!!%`!!iQ*!rrw$Ml%c2!!!%f!".H4!WW3zJ0e%z!!!!!$V!".`D!WW3zJ0ku=!!!!!$V!"%'"!WW3zJ0hS2!!!!!$V!)i[g!rrw$MDc;V!!!!!$V%!".0$!WW3zMD^xq!!!!!$V!!iQ)zQOi)O9Ib_!!!!!Training!"3:E"onW'JgG[F!!!!!Var $V!"3RU"onW'JgK4U!!!!!Int $V!"xZr"onW'J0fJ5!!!!!TSS $V!"3je"onW'J0mQ0!!!!!cal $V!!iQ)zljr*O9WL`!!!!!Dist (km)!""dL!WW3zNyN0"!!!!!$V!"zX'!s!iON$j:n!!!!!L$V!"z'\zQFf%MAGQn!!!!!Dest $V!!iQ*!ww*"PfC3g!!!yy!!iQ*!ww*"M$CJO!!!yo!!iQ*!ww*"Nomkx!!!yo!!iQ*!ww*"PfMQ7!!!yo!!iQ)"TSNyO9WKW!!!!!Clock!!nC:$3(z'L_fxc!!!!!arr $H:$M!!lCt"TSNyLc6_j!!!!!$H:$M!"V:R$%P8@LaRj`!!!!!Set $H:$M!!iQ)"TSNyO9WMi!!!!!Timer!!nsZ%K?G+L_f@u!!!!!Dest $H:$M:$C!!l\/zQOi)Lc6b'!!!!!$H:$M:$S!!mgozloJULaRls!!!!!L$h:$M:$S!"6uk%"NjnO9ai/!!!!!free $V byte(\e4:!.]TM!!!,b!.]TM!!!!!(\e4B!!!$!!!!,b!!!$!!!!!!(\e4J!!%NL!!!,b!!%NL!!!!!(\e4R!ww'!!!!,b!ww'!!!!!!(\e4Z!w7R7!!!,b!w7R7!!!!!(\e4b!w3$!!!!,b!w3$!!!!!!(\e4j!w7TL!!!,b!w7TL!!!!!(\e2l!!!$!!!!,b!!!$!!!!!!(\e2t!!%NL!!!,b!!%NL!!!!!(\e3'!ww'!!!!,b!ww'!!!!!!(\e3/!w7R7!!!,b!w7QL!!!!!(\e37!w3$!!!!,b!w3$!!!!!!:\Y0P!!%NL!!!,b!!yVk!!!)4!!(=F!!!'H!/Q@g!!!yk!w5:a!!!%\!w3$!!!!":zlal)!!!!qzf+6k!!!!+!5QCc!!!!!(\e60!!*$!!!!!+zlal)!!!!!0DGdP!!'b6!!!!I!!*$!!!!!?!ww'!!!!!5zlal)!!!!+zf+6k!!!!!0DGdX!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!?!ww'!!!!!5zlal)!!!!+zlal)!!!!!0DGd`"98E%!!!!I"98E%!!!!?"TSN%!!!!5!ww*!!!!!+!ww*!!!!!!(\e6p!!!"L!!!!+"TJH%!!!!!(\e7z!ww*!!!!!+"TJH%!!!!!-hmr;!!!!!!!!!?zljo)!!!!5zlal)!!!!+"TO"y!!!!!-hmrC!!*'!!!!!?zQXo)!!!!5zQXo)!!!!+"TO"y!!!!!

  • I have set your layout (without graphs) on my Edge 1030.

    To be able to watch original Garmin's Cadence - I chose a 3 datafield layout:
    On top Garmin's origin Cadence
    Beneath 2 times your layout to keep the CPU busy. Although you see only the upper third of each layout - all calculations for the whole layout are carried out - 2 times!

    See the result in that small video - Delay of cadence when shifting is the same on original and DIY datafield!
    The time from the moment you can hear the shifting to the moment the new cadence (68 rpm) is shown takes about 3 or max. 4 seconds - for both the datafields.

  • Thank you very much for your test. It is quiet interesting and doesn't show same behavior as on my edge 1030. By the way I counted 9 refresing values in your video within those 14 second, which is slightly better than on my unit.

    Yesterday, I tried to duplicate your test, but on outside ride, so I was not able to take a video. I used Garmin cadance, the provided layout you used in your test and a reduced version, where almost all (H) values were deleted.

    It was really strange, because most times values were different between Garmin and the other two layout. It seems that it somehow did not do all calculation in one time. There were 2-3 times, where Garmin reacted faster to the shifting but in other cases it was on the same level. But still slower (1-2s) for all three values compared to layout were only Garmin datafields are shown.

    In second part of my ride I deleted this test page and only used reduced layout. In this case I had 2-3 skips per 10 seconds (instead of 4-5 with the old layout) and couldn't really find a big difference to garmin values in case of cadence reaction.

    It seems that my unit is somehow slower or doing more background tasks while riding, so it is not on the same level as yours. Also I have noticed very high battery consumption (about 20% per hour). With the reduced layout it's get a bit better but also I loose some values, I would like to have. I think I need to try a little bit more to find best set up for myself or depending on the ride use two setups.

  • I counted 9 refresing values in your video within those 14 second, which is slightly better than on my unit.

    I'm wondering how it is possible to count "real" refreshes in that video...
    If you pedall steady - same cadence, same power, same speed: you would find no refresh at all in that data:

    Refreshes can be count only if you watch the timer clock and look for second skipping, but the timer is not visible - that's what I think.

  • You are right, I took a little bit naive approach and checked only when speed value changed. Now I counted again and checked power, cadence and speed (including average which raised all the time). I think it would be big coincidence of all those values would stay the same.

    I noticed that on one step there was no change in speed, so in total there have been 10 different values within those 14 seconds of video.

    I just wanted to get a feeling how your unit compared to mine, because I suspect somehow that my unit is not completly behaving normal.

    For real world driving timer is indeed only thing to count for skipping.