HMs DIY #1-6

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Because I want to keep this datafield and the app free for use I would be very grateful about a small donation to PayPal

A detailed description of how to use it can be found here: 


Thanks very much to mcinner1 for putting so much time into this documentation!

Designer download

You can contribute on my github page.
You can upload your layout so others can use it as well.
Also any changes to the fonts.txt can be updated there as well.


* switched to new SDK 7.2.1
* added devices: Approach S7 42mm, Descent Mk3 43mm /Mk3i 43mm, Descent Mk3i 51mm, Edge 1050, epix Pro Gen2 42mm, epix Pro Gen2 47mm / quatix 7 pro, epix Pro Gen2 51mm / D2 mach 1 pro / tactix 7
Fenix 7 Pro, Fenix 7 Pro Solar, Fenix 7S Pro, Fenix 7X Pro, Fenix 7xPro Solar, Forerunner 165, Forerunner 165M, Venu 3, Venu 3S, Vivoactive 5
* switched to new SDK 4.2.4
* added devices: FR265, FR265S, FR965, GPSMAP 67/67i, Marq (Gen 2), Marq (Gen 2) Aviator, EDGE 540, EDGE 840, Instinct 2x Solar
* added two new font types GLANCE, GLANCENR (only available if device supports it!)

for full releasenotes see: releasenotes.txt


  • I have just used the ones provided.  I have found they are not as good as one would like, but not sure if they can be improved or not.  I suggest taking screen shots from the 830 then tweaking things in the designer based on that.

  • So back where we were yesterday, I got Clone #6 installed and my string updated so should be good WRT the odometer.

    But I still have the issue of 3.1.0 and 3.0.3 displaying incorrectly on the screen. I have tried on two computers, one 1920 x 1200, the lowest res one I've got, and one with a 4k display. Both display the same, the device screen representation is not correct at all. I've loaded many different layouts, same result. Edge 1030 for what that's worth. I'll try screenshots, I guess I can't upload them directly so a link, I guess, from Google Photos. If this doesn't work, tell me how to attach screenshots.



  • So back where we were yesterday, I got Clone #6 installed and my string updated so should be good WRT the odometer.

    But I still have the issue of 3.1.0 and 3.0.3 displaying incorrectly on the screen. I have tried on two computers, one 1920 x 1200, the lowest res one I've got, and one with a 4k display. Both display the same, the device screen representation is not correct at all. I've loaded many different layouts, same result. Edge 1030 for what that's worth. I'll try screenshots, I guess I can't upload them directly so a link, I guess, from Google Photos. If this doesn't work, tell me how to attach screenshots.



  • Please submit the XML code of the layout for picture 3.1.0  (the bad one).
    (It does not seem to be the same XML file as for picture 3.0.2)

    Meanwhile I did a test on my 4K 3840 x 2160 laptop with designer v3.1.0 and "very big" screen fonts. No problem at all.

    the only thing I noticed on designer v3.1.0 is that the header line on top of the window is centered now (was leftbound before)!
    But maybe it is a WIN 8 thing...
    I'm working usually on a desktop PC WIN7

    Screenshot of the laptopscreen:

  • My screen res is 1920 x 1080 and it seems to work as expected.  Have you tried changing windows setting?  You should be able to set a lower resolution than what your monitor is capable of.  If it is truely a resolution problem, that should give you a work around.

  • Here's the code, but it won't matter. All my xml's work in 3.0.2, none work in 3.0.3 or 3.1.0, at least on two computers tried. I have a couple more I'll try it on and see if I can find one that works for me!!I've 

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
    - <DIYLayout>
      <Device name="Edge 1030" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="FFFFFF" x="0" y="0" x2="282" y2="470" eletype="RF" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="147" x2="282" y2="147" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="205" x2="282" y2="205" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="354" x2="282" y2="354" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="412" x2="282" y2="412" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="141" y="147" x2="141" y2="205" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="141" y="206" x2="141" y2="412" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="94" y="412" x2="94" y2="470" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="188" y="412" x2="188" y2="470" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="28" y="11" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Battery" font="XTINY" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="36" y="29" fixedtext="false" eletype="BV" text="$V" font="SMALL" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="87" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="35" y="29" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="%" font="SMALL" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="256" y="11" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="GPS" font="XTINY" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
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      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="141" y="23" fixedtext="false" eletype="CC" text="$V" font="NR_MILD" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="167.34" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="176" y="30" fixedtext="false" eletype="AC" text="$V Avg" font="TINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="188.45" /> 
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      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="191" y="81" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="MPH" font="MEDIUM" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="110" y="122" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Avg" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="144" y="114" fixedtext="false" eletype="AS" text="$V" font="MEDIUM" halignment="1" precision="1" nr_values="1" sampletext="34.76" /> 
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      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="10" y="151" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Ride Time" font="XTINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="79" y="166" fixedtext="false" eletype="TT" text="$h:$M:$C" font="NR_MEDIUM" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="4374" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="150" y="151" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Distance" font="XTINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="264" y="166" fixedtext="false" eletype="DS" text="$V" font="NR_MEDIUM" halignment="0" precision="2" nr_values="1" sampletext="12.56" /> 
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      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="8" y="300" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Avg. HR" font="XTINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="8" y="334" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Max. HR" font="XTINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
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      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="274" y="334" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Max. W" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
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      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="9" y="358" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Time of Day" font="XTINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
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      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="150" y="358" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="2020 Trainer Miles" font="XTINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
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      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="10" y="416" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="Calories" font="XTINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="50" y="433" fixedtext="false" eletype="CA" text="$V" font="NR_MILD" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="1563.77" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="114" y="416" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="TE" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="116" y="423" fixedtext="false" eletype="TE" text="$V" font="LARGE" halignment="2" precision="1" nr_values="1" sampletext="4.2" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="198" y="415" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="TSS" font="XTINY" halignment="2" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="251" y="434" fixedtext="false" eletype="TS" text="$V" font="NR_MILD" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="16" sampletext="55" /> 
      <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="FF000E" valDC00="40" colDC00="00FF00" hideDC00="false" blinkDC00="false" valDC01="30" colDC01="008040" hideDC01="false" blinkDC01="false" valDC02="20" colDC02="F8C840" hideDC02="false" blinkDC02="false" valDC03="10" colDC03="F80000" hideDC03="false" blinkDC03="false" valDC04="1" colDC04="FFFFFF" hideDC04="false" blinkDC04="false" invertcolor="false" /> 

  • Is there any chance that you do not have the fonts.txt file in the same directory as the Designer.exe file?  That will definitely cause problems.

  • Hi

    One more thing you could try. Open registry editor and delete the key \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MiachSoft.

  •  - you're maybe right...
    I just opened 's code without having the "fonts.txt" file and what I've got was similar to the looking of picture 3.1.0  (but not the same...)


  • The fonts.txt file is NOT in the same directory as the Designer.exe, it's in the root of the install,'s in the same directory it's in in 3.0.2 and back. I can try copying it into the directory where the Designer.exe is, but not sure that'll work.

    I'll also try the registry hack, but how did the registry get hosed on 4 computers in my house at the same time?