HMs DIY #1-6

Store Link

Because I want to keep this datafield and the app free for use I would be very grateful about a small donation to PayPal

A detailed description of how to use it can be found here: 


Thanks very much to mcinner1 for putting so much time into this documentation!

Designer download

You can contribute on my github page.
You can upload your layout so others can use it as well.
Also any changes to the fonts.txt can be updated there as well.


* switched to new SDK 7.2.1
* added devices: Approach S7 42mm, Descent Mk3 43mm /Mk3i 43mm, Descent Mk3i 51mm, Edge 1050, epix Pro Gen2 42mm, epix Pro Gen2 47mm / quatix 7 pro, epix Pro Gen2 51mm / D2 mach 1 pro / tactix 7
Fenix 7 Pro, Fenix 7 Pro Solar, Fenix 7S Pro, Fenix 7X Pro, Fenix 7xPro Solar, Forerunner 165, Forerunner 165M, Venu 3, Venu 3S, Vivoactive 5
* switched to new SDK 4.2.4
* added devices: FR265, FR265S, FR965, GPSMAP 67/67i, Marq (Gen 2), Marq (Gen 2) Aviator, EDGE 540, EDGE 840, Instinct 2x Solar
* added two new font types GLANCE, GLANCENR (only available if device supports it!)

for full releasenotes see: releasenotes.txt


  • I will do a test today!

    I did a test today.
    I divided my tour into an uphill part and a downhill part to test VAM without descents.
    Here are the results of the uphill part:

    This all looks very good!


  • New version 2.5.3 on clone #4:

    * new value: VAM current avg: there are two VAM values now available, the "VAM total avg" and the "VAM current avg".
    "VAM total avg": shows the average Ascent/h over the whole activity
    "VAM current avg": "nr of values" has to be set to your liking. If you set it to, for example 30 then this values shows the average VAM over the last 30 seconds.
    a "nr of values" of 1 does not really make sense because the value jumps too much to be usesful.
    * because of recent additions I had to change the max number of elements for (M) devices from 60 to 50.
    * added auto repeat for buttons (keeps clicking when mouse button is down)
    * optimized some variables in datafield

  • @mcinner1:

    Which tool do you use to plot the above diagram?

  • @HM

    I have a feature request.

    I would like to see the current (beeline) distance to my starting point and a pointer pointing to my starting point.
    Do you think it's (easy) realizable? Thinking


  • Off-Topic:
    Which tool do you use to plot the above diagram?

    Garmin Connect on PC. Click on double-arrow right/top of graphic:

  • Sorry, I am totaly mad. I have a layout with power and HR view but I only can see how HR and zone 0 of power change ( are filled ). The rest of power zones are fulled when i start my workout. Could you test my layout? I have made a lot of changes with none success.

    4300.Rodillo block.txt
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Device name="Edge 1030"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="FFFFFF" x="0" y="0" x2="282" y2="470" eletype="RF" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***   DATAFIELD LINES   ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="117" x2="282" y2="117" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="70" x2="278" y2="70" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
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        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="205" y="185" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="% FTP" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
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        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***   Zone 1 ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="C0C0C1" x="6" y="395" x2="60" y2="467" eletype="RV" valuetype="P1" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
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        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***   Zone 2   ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="38C8F9" x="61" y="395" x2="115" y2="467" eletype="RV" valuetype="P2" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="88" y="448" fixedtext="false" eletype="P2" text="$V %" font="XTINY" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="10"/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="38C8F9" valDC00="1000" colDC00="38C8F8" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="38C8F8" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***   Zone 3 ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="00F501" x="116" y="395" x2="169" y2="467" eletype="RV" valuetype="P3" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="144" y="448" fixedtext="false" eletype="P3" text="$V %" font="XTINY" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="18"/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="00F501" valDC00="1000" colDC00="00F500" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="00F500" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***   Zone 4   ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="FF8081" x="170" y="395" x2="224" y2="467" eletype="RV" valuetype="P4" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="203" y="448" fixedtext="false" eletype="P4" text="$V %" font="XTINY" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="13"/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="FF8081" valDC00="1000" colDC00="FF8080" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="FF8080" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***   Zone 5   ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="FF80C0" x="225" y="395" x2="276" y2="467" eletype="RV" valuetype="P5" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="248" y="448" fixedtext="false" eletype="P5" text="$V %" font="XTINY" halignment="1" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="19"/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="FF80C0" valDC00="1000" colDC00="FF80C0" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="FF80C0" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="*** WATTS ZONE ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***  Zone 0 ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="C0C0C1" x="3" y="215" x2="44" y2="350" eletype="RV" valuetype="S0" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="50" y="290" fixedtext="false" eletype="H0" text="$M:$S" font="SMALL" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="326"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="45" y="214" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="RECUP" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="45" y="247" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="&lt;55" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="C0C0C0" valDC00="1000" colDC00="C0C0C0" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="C0C0C0" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="*** Zone 1***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="FFFF01" x="45" y="215" x2="83" y2="350" eletype="RV" valuetype="S1" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="87" y="322" fixedtext="false" eletype="H1" text="$M:$S" font="SMALL" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="425"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="85" y="230" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="RESIST" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="85" y="259" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="56-75" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
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        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***Zone 2 ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="51E1D1" x="84" y="215" x2="121" y2="350" eletype="RV" valuetype="S2" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="125" y="290" fixedtext="false" eletype="H2" text="$M:$S" font="SMALL" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="528"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="123" y="214" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="TEMPO" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="123" y="247" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="76-90" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="51E1DA" valDC00="1000" colDC00="51E1DA" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="51E1DA" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="*** Zone 3 ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="00FF01" x="122" y="215" x2="160" y2="350" eletype="RV" valuetype="S3" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="164" y="322" fixedtext="false" eletype="H3" text="$M:$S" font="SMALL" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="219"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="161" y="230" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="UMBRA" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="161" y="259" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="91-105" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="00FF00" valDC00="1000" colDC00="00FF00" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="00FF00" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="*** Zone 4 ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="FF8081" x="161" y="215" x2="199" y2="350" eletype="RV" valuetype="S4" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="203" y="290" fixedtext="false" eletype="H4" text="$M:$S" font="SMALL" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="126"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="200" y="214" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="VO2" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="202" y="247" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="106-120" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="FF8080" valDC00="1000" colDC00="FF8080" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="FF8080" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="*** Zone 5 ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="FF00F1" x="200" y="215" x2="238" y2="350" eletype="RV" valuetype="S5" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="242" y="322" fixedtext="false" eletype="H5" text="$M:$S" font="SMALL" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="621"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="240" y="230" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="ANAER" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="242" y="259" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="121-150" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="FF00FF" valDC00="1000" colDC00="FF00FF" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="FF00FF" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="*** Zone 6 ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="BAC001" x="238" y="215" x2="276" y2="350" eletype="RV" valuetype="S6" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="280" y="290" fixedtext="false" eletype="H6" text="$M:$S" font="SMALL" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext="121"/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="277" y="214" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="NEURO" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="0" color="000000" x="277" y="247" fixedtext="true" eletype="FX" text="&gt;150" font="XTINY" halignment="0" precision="0" nr_values="1" sampletext=""/>
        <LayoutElement type="2" replDC="BAC000" valDC00="1000" colDC00="BAC000" hideDC00="false" valDC01="1" colDC01="BAC000" hideDC01="false" invertcolor="false"/>

  • New version 2.5.4 is on clone #4:

    * new elements: distance to coordinate, direction arrow (both only for HighMem devices!): x/y define the center of the arrow,
    radius defines the length from center of the arrow (total arrow length is 2x radius), stroke defines thickness of the arrow.
    There is a new setting in the config for the datafield -> Coordinates ['Lat.xx, Long.xx' or 'N']
    There are 3 different ways to use this feature:
    1. Leave the Coordinate field empty -> the direction arrow shows to the starting point of the activity and the value 'distance to coordinate' shows distance to starting point.
    2. Enter a coordinate in the format 'Lat.xx, Long.xx' (for example: '47.12345, 15.55667') -> direction arrow/'distance to coordinate' points to this coordinate
    3. Enter 'N' in the Coordinate field -> direction arrows points always to north. 'distance to coordinate' makes no sense here (shows distance to north pole)

  • Hi

    Your "vert rectangle filled" do not have a dynamic color! EVERY vert./horiz filled object has to have a dynamic color!

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Device name="Edge 1030"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="FFFFFF" x="0" y="0" x2="282" y2="470" eletype="RF" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***   DATAFIELD LINES   ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="117" x2="282" y2="117" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="70" x2="278" y2="70" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="175" x2="282" y2="175" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="0" y="354" x2="282" y2="354" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="120" y="175" x2="120" y2="208" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="160" y="175" x2="160" y2="208" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="120" y="208" x2="160" y2="208" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="141" y="118" x2="141" y2="175" eletype="LN" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
        <LayoutElement type="3" text="***   BATTERY   ***"/>
        <LayoutElement type="1" color="000000" x="14" y="15" x2="46" y2="29" eletype="RF" valuetype="FX" radius="0" stroke="1" nr_values="1"/>
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    You can see if a element has a dynamic color when next to the color a "*" is shown (in the element list).

    Also your "rect filled" for the power zones have to be moved up so they are behind the text (times in zones)



  • Some good additions in this update to try on my hike configuration. Thank you.

    I'm wondering if there are any workarounds that can be implemented to populate the Lap based elements of the datafield with the correct values when following a multi-step following a workout.

    Currently a CIQ Lap Event isn't triggered when a workout step changes as it does when the Lap Button is pressed though each workout step is seen as a new lap by the device.

    I was wondering if rather than using the Lap Event to trigger a new lap in the datafield whether the Lap Timer value is an attribute that is available to CIQ apps? If it was; could the Lap Timer value be used trigger a new lap each time it gets set to zero when a workout step change or lap button press occurs?