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Garmin Connect app broken for Android tablets. Watch won't pair with the 4.75 release

Is the app broken for Android tablets? My watch won't pair with the 4.75 release of the app. Last successful sync was with 4.74.1

I do see the other posts in a related thread and can also see the complaints on the play store that indicate others are having the exact same problem. So I know I am not raising something new here.

But I was just on a chat with support and they said there is no known issue related to tablets. I would liked to know if Garmin is saying that the current version of the app does work with Android tablets (suggesting that I have some hardware problem) or if there is a fix coming. Does anyone have any info here?


  • With the power of the Internet, it's very apparent that this issue is most certainly not confined to just tablets.  Phones are having same issues since the update!!!!   Just read what people are actually saying, after having read several on the forum threads.  I have unistalled reinstalled,  re set watch, cleaned phone and all other elimantes.  I haven't the time or patience to sit on the phone talking to Product Support to resolve something that can't be resolved.  This is starting to sound lke another tsunami of failure similar the 'The Post Office Scandal' UK.  The update is the problem..... Maybe a SAMSUNG would be an easier solution & less stressful. 

  • Look at Polar and the data they offer and how the Flow app handles it vs Garmin.

  • This is completely unnacceptable.  Does your dev team not understand the words "emergency" or "expedited"?  While I dont know what certifications or hoops you have to jump through to get a new version available on the play store, it probably doesnt take this long.

    The product owners and BAs need to be fired.  You didnt just drop the ball here.  This is massive levels of incompetence.  The original failure of QA was just a enormous oops and oversight.  Had an emergency fix come out within days, no one would have cared.

  • You are absolutely right. In case it was difficult for them to modify App in a short period of time then they should have made available 4.74.1 version. But no one care to respond to the needs of thousands of users. 

  • Maybe it's time for anyone affected to start posting comments all over the place - on forums and you tube that hawk Garmons watches.  Maybe then they'll fix this problem that they created almost 3 weeks ago

    Let the shoppers know how our watches have been rendered almost useless by Garmin itself

  • I've been waiting for an attorney who is affected to fire up a class action. There are certainly enough people involved.

  • I don't know how to post things all over the place ...I'm on no other forums but  this one...stupid me bought a new watch thinking my old one died ...I would love at this point to bash someone's head or reputation against the wall ...tell he how it's done... 27 days and counting...climate change I'm ready to bike this weekend in ontario ... my garmin watch still tells time but that's  all ...and I loved it before when it did sooo many thingys  so simply so many stats...I could overlook that my garmin 35 was so butt ugly but now I'd rather see Mickey 

  • my garmin watch still tells time but that's  all

    Are you having the issue described by the OP? It's specifically about syncing with Android tablets.

  • Someone had dropped the word refund before... maybe that would be an appropriate solution for some of us.

    I bought my watch in the second half of january and it was getting nearly useless for me within not even 2 weeks because of the GC update. 

    Having only a tablet and needing (and buying in the first place) the watch due to health issues this is a real pity!

  • I wonder what percentage of users use an Android tablet. I'm lucky I that I also sync to my laptop but it's not as convenient. You would think Garmin would be more upfront regarding the issue.