Absurd speeds and distances

Hi all, 

Lately my wife's vivosmart 5 is calculating absurd intervals and statistics.

Recently we went on a walk where she apparently walked vastly libger than I did. Inspecting the data she apparently managed to walk 4.63 km in 1.1 seconds. Or minutes? Both pretty astonishing. 

Today we went biking. Again, she achieved inhuman feats:

She is getting pretty serious with her biking. But I'm fairly certain she did not go 237 kph on her bike. Even better, she did manage to achieve this 5 kilometers of this interval in just about 300 meters.

This may be related:

Pretty sure her bike isn't rated for this speed. I plan to do a full inspection on her bike just in case she did achieve 0.2 percent of the speedbof light on her bike.

Jokes aside this is a recent development and we are wondering if this may be related to the update about a week ago. GPS is done on the phone, we know, but it does seem illogical that there are no safeguards against data or GPS issues when calculating speed or distance. I have had flawless GPS reception during the same ride. On my 955 as well as the phone. She and I both use a samsung s23 in case that is something you are interested in.

Any tips how to improve the situation?

  • It seems that fixed only the wrong distance on walking.

    But after 3.22 I did not see problems when walking with the display of the distance traveled.

  • So I have been back in contact with Garmin Tech Support as my "ticket" hasn't been formally closed as far as I know (I just continue with the email thread). I have mentioned I did the latest (3.22) update, that the initial results were promising (like the last update we thought would fix the issue) and it has gone right back to doing what it did prior to the update with the wrong distance travelled for some of my walks & bike rides. I also mentioned my frustration asking if there was an option for a different Garmin watch as this has gone on for several months now and it's getting tiring. I was told that the 3.22 update should have fixed the issue, they haven't heard of anyone else with the issue since the update (I hope they are reading this thread and/or have heard from some of you), they would appreciate more of my data from the watch (I just emailed them the last couple weeks of activities or so), and that they will give me the option to exchange my watch for a replacement Vivosmart 5. My concern is, is this a hardware of a firmware issue? With a new watch, what if it happens again? Has anyone else tried a different vivosmart 5 and had that fix the issue for them? 

  • In my ride of today, I see a speed of 4294966.5 in the first three records of the tcx file. The remaining records are correct.


  • And another ride with three ridiculous speed records, today 4294966.5 and 4294967.0. 

    And, the same as yesterday, the map in the app is only shown the first time I open the activity. After that, the map window remains completely white or black. The website however shows the map correctly. App version, vivosmart version 3.22.

    Maybe get back to version 3.20?

  • Yes

    Yes (However, FYI I already fixed my data by exporting GPX from Strava and re-uploading so you won't see any bad data in my account unless you archive my deleted ones)


    I wonder if it is a compatibility issue with phone GPS.  If it matters, my Vivosmart 5 is paired with a Samsung S23 Ultra.

  • I have the issue as well and had it with my previous phone (Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra) and with my current one (Samsung Galaxy S23 Plus).

    It could still be a Samsung problem of course, but I'm leaning towards Garmin.

  • I have an iPhone. Since the update mine was working great until Saturday. This time was different. It just stopped recording distance. But then map was good.

  • It's back to crazy distances when using the GPS. The update did NOT solve the problem.

    I did a bike ride today and recorded almost 100 miles in less than 30 minutes. Does that qualify as a new Personal Record?

    I am tired of this piece of crap. Sorry I bought it. So many problems. Stress, Sleep, etc all nonsense.

    I am going to turn off the HR sensor and use it for step counting around my ankle when using a treadmill. Otherwise it will be turned off.

    My wife's Vivosmart 4 is more reliable than this thing.....

    If I glue some glitter to the band and put a hook on the end, maybe I could use it as a fishing lure...it would wiggle good in the water when trolling.

  • Today a ride of 20km. resulting in 102km. The distance tag in the tcx file is correct until the last record, where it goes from 19937.939453125 to 102219.828125. In this last record, the position tag is missing.

    It is such a pity that a software error like this cannot be solved. Garmin, compare the code to 3.20, please.

  • I was fortunate enough so display in my vivosmart stopped working and seller gave me back money and I bought instinct 2 :D