Vivosmart 5 receiving GPS data but does not record distance

My Vivosmart 5 stopped recording distance correctly when tracking activities. The problem started occuring after a year of use (approximately).

What happens:

Vivosmart is connected to phone correctly and says that it receives GPS data. Tracking the activities is normal.

After finishing and saving the activity, the distance is wrong: it is '-.-', 0 (zero) or a really odd distance (much too high).

The track and all other statistics are recorded perfectly fine. So GPS connectivity is ok.

Only the distance is wrong.

I already tried turning on/of, resetting to factory standards, making sure the right firmware/software is running, disconnecting/de-registering the device on my phone and registering it again, etc.

Saw some older threads with users with the same problem, but without a solution.

Anyone know what to do?