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Vivosmart 5 receiving GPS data but does not record distance

My Vivosmart 5 stopped recording distance correctly when tracking activities. The problem started occuring after a year of use (approximately).

What happens:

Vivosmart is connected to phone correctly and says that it receives GPS data. Tracking the activities is normal.

After finishing and saving the activity, the distance is wrong: it is '-.-', 0 (zero) or a really odd distance (much too high).

The track and all other statistics are recorded perfectly fine. So GPS connectivity is ok.

Only the distance is wrong.

I already tried turning on/of, resetting to factory standards, making sure the right firmware/software is running, disconnecting/de-registering the device on my phone and registering it again, etc.

Saw some older threads with users with the same problem, but without a solution.

Anyone know what to do?

  • Hi, I'm have the same issue.
    Either the distance at start immediately goes to several km's or it stops updating the distance somewhere along the exercise.

    It started after the firmware update to 3.13, I'm currently on firmware 3.14

  • Same issue here. I’ve got a map of the run route but no distance or I have a map showing the route but the distance is approximately 10x the actual route. For example today I ran 35.5 miles in 35 miWinktes Wink

  • I just noticed the same thing for a walk I did yesterday. GPS from phone OK, GPS track on activity is ok. But the distance is at least 3 times what it was actually. I have no idea when it went "bad" because in over a year I don't ever think I used the GPS.

    I normally just start a walk activity without GPS (I really don't care about a map/track) so I don't have to carry the phone. Since I set my stride metrics in the app the distance is pretty accurate, even if I use it on a treadmill indoors. If I feel I want a GPS map for outdoors I'd use my Venu 2 which I think is better than the cell phone GPS link of the VS5

  • Still the same issue for me. This morning I ran 17.29 miles in 45 minutes. Go me! Would like it resolved or I’ll have to buy a different fit watch. 

  • Hey I’ve just started having this same issue, but only in this last two weeks with my Vivo smart 5. Either 0.0km recorded or around 45km. Noticed it happening when I was just walking the dog, after a round 10-15 minutes out the house I’d covered 44.97km, but it didn’t change at all after that. GPS has recorded the route fine and seemingly the step count and calories are correct too. 
    Garmin are you listening? I’ve seen a few of these posts related to this same issue, but haven’t seen any answers on how to fix it. 

  • For the vivosmart 5 it has been fixed in firmware 3.22

    They released this firmware some weeks ago.

  • Unfortunately, it is not. Yesterday I completed a 75 km walking session. Garmin seems to have forgotten about us guys and doesn’t care about the user of a $150 fitness bracelet. For more expensive series, fixes and beta versions are released a few days after a confirmed bug of the function.

  • Funnily enough my problems have started since I installed the last update a week or 2 ago that was supposed to have fixed the problem (which wasn’t a problem for me)

  • I don't, no. All my distances are multiplied by 10, so a 4 mile run is 40 miles... makes my family laugh.

  • Unfortunately the update hasn’t worked for me. I am getting more accurate distance tho. Just not the splits per mile which is a pain