Absurd speeds and distances

Hi all, 

Lately my wife's vivosmart 5 is calculating absurd intervals and statistics.

Recently we went on a walk where she apparently walked vastly libger than I did. Inspecting the data she apparently managed to walk 4.63 km in 1.1 seconds. Or minutes? Both pretty astonishing. 

Today we went biking. Again, she achieved inhuman feats:

She is getting pretty serious with her biking. But I'm fairly certain she did not go 237 kph on her bike. Even better, she did manage to achieve this 5 kilometers of this interval in just about 300 meters.

This may be related:

Pretty sure her bike isn't rated for this speed. I plan to do a full inspection on her bike just in case she did achieve 0.2 percent of the speedbof light on her bike.

Jokes aside this is a recent development and we are wondering if this may be related to the update about a week ago. GPS is done on the phone, we know, but it does seem illogical that there are no safeguards against data or GPS issues when calculating speed or distance. I have had flawless GPS reception during the same ride. On my 955 as well as the phone. She and I both use a samsung s23 in case that is something you are interested in.

Any tips how to improve the situation?

  • Did anyone work out what was going on here?  My other half got a vivosmart 5 at first she had issues that after starting and waiting for it to show phone connected and ready it kept having no tracking after walks.  However, the incidence of this has reduced to rare it doesn’t record GPS tracking,  however it’s now more often than not reporting utterly rediculous distances like 40miles for a 2 mile walk.  However on checking the gps map it is totally correct and doesn’t show any crazy distance or weird long lines just the exact route she walked.  If map shows correct route why the heck can’t the activity show correct distance.

  • Yes. Fix crazy distance  after update 3.22 . Haven't been able to check this yet

  • Ah cool, upgrade hasn’t appeared through connect for other half yet. Hopefully won’t be long.  Can’t understand why there isn’t a way to click check for update in connect.

  • I received the update yesterday. So far it works!!!

  • I  agree, seems to be resolved. I did a walk with someone who wore a VS4 and they seemed pretty close. I still prefer the map track laid down by a watch with it's own GPS. I think it depends on how close the cell towers are, and if buildings are in the way when you use a GPS connected to the phone. It's really not the same tech.

  • Did the watch update the other day. Initial results were promising for a few rides and a long walk much like the last watch update that we thought would resolve this issue. Unfortunately my ride home from work today that is normally around 20-21 km or so came up at 167.77 km. Issue does not appear to be fixed. Anyone else?

  • Well, Garmin support approached me a while ago and they asked me to send in logs from the app and the VS5. I haven't heard back from them yet. So I guess the issue has not yet been resolved...

  • Thought the new update had worked for the first couple of goes, but now it's back to absurd distances again. Consistently 70-80km distances for a half hour walk...

  • The same for me: correct distance from the moment I installed the update, but today the device came with 83 kms instead of the expected 16. Back to a regular restart of the device ...

    When I download the .fit file from the website, I see that the wrong distance is already in the first record, when normally the distance should be 0, because you haven't started yet. The distance ("83527.5", tag <DistanceMeters> in <Lap> and <Trackpoint>) doesn't change during the rest of the file, instead of incrementing, as expected. Garmin, are you watching??

    First part of the .fit file, displayed as csv:


  • I've found a solution that works for me 100% of the time. I used it 4-5 times already. Turn your smartwatch off and on again. Afterwards the measurements are correct until a time they are not. Then do the same thing again.