I'm unable to pair the new Speed Sensor 2 in Garmin Connect Mobile, tried both Android and iOS phones. However, I was able to pair it on fenix and Edge devices in both BLE and ANT modes. Any help?
I'm unable to pair the new Speed Sensor 2 in Garmin Connect Mobile, tried both Android and iOS phones. However, I was able to pair it on fenix and Edge devices in both BLE and ANT modes. Any help?
We believe this was resolved in a recent update. Please reply to this post if you are still unable to pair your Speed Sensor 2.
Is garmin support reading this forum? It’s unbelievable that after 2 years there are still the same pairing and data transmission issues!
Iphone 6s ios 14.2
app Garmin connect
Speed sensor…
Hi, I found out that my Speed Sensor was unable to pair but had a lot of automatically recorded activities stored. Whenever I tried to pair, it was unsuccessful but transferred a few activities to Garmin…
Same issue. It shows up in the device list but says attention required and won't pair. Transmits data too but I can't get to any of the settings.
That's weird, it is working now, just tried it.
Why would a server problem interfere with that?
It takes FOREVER to pair.
I connected SS2 on iPhone bluetooth but had the same issue on pairing procedure.
Resetting/Re-seating SS2 battery was the quickest fix.
- Have your bluetooth ON in iPhone.
- Get your Connect App ready to pair
- On SS2, take the battery out and in again by pressing the battery gently by thumb for temporally until you get red and green lights flashing.
It completed the pairing on the Connect App.
It still does not work for me on IOS 13 (Iphone 8). Also not with PingMonsters' instructions.
It working as expected on Android however.
Same Problem cant Connect with My iOS device ... with My Android it works
My Garmin Edge 500 pairs with Cadence Sensor 2 but will not see (or pair with) my Speed Sensor 2 device. I can pair my phone with this particular Speed Sensor 2 via Bluetooth, so I know the device works.
My Speed and cadence sensor 2 is found but will not pair. Advice
Tried everything! Battery in/out, app restart (iOS) without success. The app says pairing failed and then there's a red flash from the SS2. ANT+ working fine.
I had just recently purchased the speed and cadence sensors, which comment well with ANT+ on my Edge but not on my iPhone11. All the apps I tried showed the sensors we're connected but they wouldn't produce the data (numbers).
I have EXACTLY the same issue. Speed sensor can be 'seen' in all of the apps via BT, but they just don't receive any data.
Oddly though, the cadence sensor seems to work.fine through BT.
Been trying to get it to work for a couple of hours and been searching through the forums and it seems there is little support from Garmin so, Unfortunately, it might be a case of returning and getting something which works!