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Fenix 6 Pro v25.00 Strength Training Restarting

During strength training activities, after the first set, when I press the lap button to complete the set, the watch restarts. After restarting, the watch allows me to resume the activity, but the first set is lost and treated as rest instead of a set. When this happens it also results in the loss of all non-synced HR data prior to the reboot for the day.

Missing HR data

  • we're not looking for workaround, we try to find the bug and let Garmin to fix it. BTW your workaround doesn't work in all scenarios. i.e when you left your phone at home :)

  • Agree. i just wanted to find out if you have the same crash when you have your phone connected to the watch. I just put my watch in airplane mode and started a free strength. Pressed the lap button and no crashes. Did 2 sets and discarded the workout. So i guess BT is not the culprit

  • don't discard it, save it, and then start another Strength workout. That's the way I reproduced it today, but it's not sure it'll happen to you when you try, and even if it doesn't happen now it doesn't mean probably that it couldn't or wouldn't another time. BTW I also disabled the BT a few hours prior to the workout, to give it enough time to collect some HR, steps, stress data on the watch that isn't synced with the phone (before the crash) so maybe that's also part of it.

  • Ok, i am going to the gym tomorrow so i will not discard the workout. I will try at least 2 with BT disabled. I put my watch in airplane mode at night. I will not urn it back on in the morning prior going to the gym. I'll update you tomorrow

  • Chris sent me a email. In this he recommended me to make a factory reset and delete some folders. Before I did this I had this failure in 2 out of 2 trainings. After I haven't had the failure in 3 trainings. Nothing else changed. I will keep you updated if the failure occurs again. 

    Thank you Chris in advanced 

  • Turned on airplane mode last night and left it like that. Went to the gym and started 3 sets of reps. No crashes. Saved and started another round. Still no crashes. Turned back on Bluetooth to connect my strap and finished my workout. 

  • The bug seems to be quite random for me. I have had the 25.00 firmware for at least 3 workout sessions, without issues, then out of the sudden it crashed once and then I was unable to reproduce. I didn't change my workout schedule, phone is always connected - as I said, it's random.

  • yes, this is the way it behaves here as well.

  • Never happened to me and i do strength twice a week for 40 MN. Hope it stays that way. I wonder if it is related to the watch face in use. 

  • I'm having the same issue with my F6 pro when strength training with "Free" profile.

    Firmware version  25.10 (87dca62)