Are only 3 custom activities possible??

Is the limit for custom activities only 3 on the F6X?? I have 3 of them already, and when i try to create a 4th one, the watch tells me i it cannot save it and i should delete another one and try again. 

Update to spare you from reading the whole thread: There is a limit of 60 activities (activity profiles) and also not installed activities count against that limit. There is currently no way of deleting the not installed activities from the watch. In the latest firmware (20.87 Beta) we are now down to only 2 custom activities. With Garmin adding more and more activities, soon custom activities will not be possible anymore at all, if this issue is not resolved. 

Update 29.04.2022: Garmin confirmed that they do not acknowledge this as an issue. If you would like to add more custom activities, please request to Garmin to increase the limit or to enable us to delete unused profiles. Refer to to submit your wish to Garmin. There is currently nothing else we can do.

Update 15.08.2022: Back in June, Garmin acknowledged the problem and agreed to deliver a fix. In August, Garmin gave the update that they plan to increase the total limit to 60 in the Q4 feature release (so somewhere end of this year).

  • Is there a way to delete some of the preprogrammed activities?  I'll never need Jumpmaster or Pilates and several others.  But I do need to create custom activities such as Sled Push, Box Jumps, Kettlebell, Burpees, etc.

  • Garmin decided we all didn't want this feature anymore, even suggesting that we put it to the ideas team?!. ... No we can't delete them unfortunately. 

  • I've been hounding them for years, no luck.  So many multi-activity sports and workout needs and yet my $700 "multi-sport" watch cannot do them.  CrossFit, DekaFit, Hyrox, Spartan Obstacle Course Racing, Tactical competitions, and just your daily gym "WOD" (stands for workout of the day) consist of box jumps, air assault bike, farmers carry, wall balls, jump rope, burpees, sled push/pull, etc.  I've got so many profiles on my watch that I'll never use, more than half of them.  I thought the new Forerunner 955 would increase the number of workout/activity profiles but nope, still not possible.  Why?  Especially now that they make the activities customizable on Garmin Connect, why not allow us to create the multi-sport watch that fits our needs?  

    My guess is that Apple will surpass Garmin because of their slow to act business model.  I'd rather stay with Garmin but I'll switch to whomever creates a watch that allows me to maximize my $700 (or more).  

  • Yes, they have crippled one of the most differentiating features of these watches: the flexibility of creating personal custom profiles instead of being forced to use the built in ones. It is sad that the official (?) answer to this is this "is by design" and if we want "for the total to be increased, please refer to our webpage". This is a BUG in the UX (and more exactly a REGRESSION for those into development), not a suggestion or idea. Garmin has slowly taken this functionality away. And because of how they have reacted I think/hope that initially they weren't even aware, so the right path would be to admit the mistake, and adopt a solution (the community has provided 3 possible fixes/workarounds already). Everybody makes mistakes, that is no problem at all. The problem is the arrogance of not admitting them and maybe trying to correct them.

  • Maybe it is time to look somewhere else for a tracking watch. Without the option to personalize the sports and profiles and being forced to change setting every time instead of having five or six profiles for same sport under different circumstances, the versatility of the Fenix start to fade away. I have five or six motorcycle routes, with different lap distances and other fine tunning. But if Garmin thinks that it is better for me to have yoga or pilates instead of five moto riding profiles, well, this is not the watch for me.

  • It is real annoying, so I resort to a partial workaround by renaming pre-defined profiles and adapting them as far as possible (data screens). I guesstimate what's a potentially usable one by the name and color coding, if I need to use a bike power meter I'll use a 'cycling' type for instance. So far my renamed profiles have been left alone by updates, but of course will be gone after a reset.

  • That doesn't help if one wants to use multiple navigation profiles, for example. This situation is really frustrating.

  • I created a bug report for that issue in the beta section:

    Please vote for the bug to raise Garmin's attention on our frustration. I don't think that you need to be a beta tester to vote. 

  • I can confirm you don't need to be a beta tester to upvote, I just did and I'm not in the beta program.