11.10 Battery drain - support is not support

Hi all,

so support is not answering to my questions and the try to answer me with “systems answer”. 

Battery drain is big after 11.10 update. 

I tried remove Garmin device file. Factory reset device after unpairing device and watch, I was sure don’t install CIQ apps that can propably cause problem. 

Nothing works and Garmin is not able to write me: Sorry, we made bad update, we will fix it in next week. 

Is it normal from support? When OnePlus phones started I had problems and support worked in same way, but after year they started collecting bug reports and their device now work like a charm. Why? Because their software are tested by professional big hunters. 

  • First answer:

    Hello Pavel,

    I am following up with you about a ticket that I recently put in for you about your battery draining faster after the last update. I have heard back from our help desk and they are wanting to confirm that you have seen this article and followed these steps to maximize your battery life Tips to Extend the Battery Life on a Garmin Fitness Watch If you have seen this, they also want to check to see what the pulse ox setting on your watch is currently set at. If you can check this by pressing and holding the middle left button> go to sensors and accessories> pulse oximeter. What is this set to?

    Lastly, the help desk is wanting to know about how long it takes for the watch to completely die from a full charge.

  • My answer:

    BEFORE 11.10 UPDATE (was running on 10.10):
    I had always set pulse oxymeter on and before update to 11.10 I have lost about 5% per day with one hour activity. 
    AFTER UPDATE TO 11.10:
    I lost 100% battery in 4 hours Bike activity. In one hour of activity I have drain about 30-40% (before only 3% lost in activity).
    I tried:
    Unpair phone
    Unpair watch
    Factory reset of watch (don’t use CIQ apps)
    Reinstall Garmin Connect
  • Second answer from Garmin support:


    I have heard back again from our help desk asking if you could try turning off the pulse ox feature and then charge the device to 100%. After that, monitor to see how long the watch takes to die. You will still be able to use the pulse ox widget if you go to the widget. Let me know how that goes once you have tried it out.

  • I know that pulse oxymeter drains battery, but before update battery lasted 10 days with PulseOX ON. Now it last only one day!

  • Yes, I also received a similar reply. I think that either:

    a) They are clueless about it.

    b) They are trying to win time while they work on the solution, while dodging addressing it.
    This is the same company that said they were "Down for maintenance" for a week, even
    when everybody knew that was really happening.

    c) This is actually a HW issue with the batteries, and lots of batteries are failing after
    less than a year.

    Given Garmin support answer, and since assuming a) or b) will be doubting about their
    professionalism or competence, I will assume it is c), and will get a replacement. I am also
    writing reviews in the vendor site I purchased it and others (Wiggle, etc.), warning
    prospective buyers that batteries apparently fail after a few months in many watches.

    You may want to do the same.

  • If replacement doesn’t take 1 month here in Czechia I will make RMA request immediately. But I don’t want to be without watch for one month. :/

  • In Spain it took about a week last time I had to replace one. If it is really a defective article, you will have to change it eventually. And if it is a SW issue and your watch is fine, you will be now stressing the batteries by recharging it every few days, compromising real battery longevity.

    They know people don't want to be without their watch, and they count on that to avoid having to replace all and having to pay for all those shipping costs.

      I would ask for a refund, and write reviews to alert buyers. 

  • Good point with often recharging and ruin real battery longevity. I will let know my seller. 

  • I have been waiting for more than 2 months through my dealer - no news from Garmin !

  • As I said, in my experience it was around a week, and they came home for the device the very next day.

    After 2 months (actually well before that) I would have already demanded either a replacement or a refund.