After update to 5.0 WHR is Trash!

EDIT: 5.74 beta fixed my problem. Now my Fenix 6X Pro is great again. Thanks.

Guess what... After 5.0 firmware update my Fenix 6X Pro WHR is trash. It was working fine. Now, I not only have Allalin72 problem, but HR overall is a "random number generator" as someone wrote on this forum.

Video showing that problem

The data:

FM: 5.00 /// GPS: 2.60 /// Wi-Fi: 2.60 /// WHR: 20.04.50 /// ANT: 4.30 /// Sensor Hub: 3.10

The data is compared to Apple Watch 4 paired with Garmin HRM Dual or with builtin AW WHR.

About 24/7 WHR widget:

It's inaccurate like hell! Not going above ~110 BPM. But that is not the worst thing... I've noticed that that during the day my HR is quite different on F6 and on AW. F6 is showing 90, AW 60. Quick check on my neck... Yeah... It's ~60. And this is repeating all day. 

So today im wearing ALL DAY my HRM Dual paired with AW. When you pair a HR strap to AW, the WHR is off all day. Its taking all the data from HRM Dual and display it constantly (1 sec) on my watch face. What I'm seeing is little bit sad. 90% of the time it's different at least 10 BPM. Funny thing is for example - I see 90 BPM on F6, 74 AW - run downstairs and back - F6 60 BPM. AW 110 BPM :D.

So to sum up - not only it's not going above 110 BPM, it's inaccurate like hell. It's only good when I sleep.

EDIT: Half day - F6 and AW+HRM Dual. Not even close... :(

About Activity WHR:

It was great for me. Now I have differences of 60 BPM! Take a look at that nice example of 1k walk with a stop in a store. AW+HRM Dual is spot on (orange). Im mad like hell!

EDIT: changed it to view by duration, not km

Firmware flashed again, watch wiped 3 times... nothing works. This is the case with Walk, Run, Bike, Cardio...

Couple days ago I was showing Allalin72 how not all devices have hisbug. One update was enough to make my F6 worse than my mothers in law Mi Band 4.


Today my Fenix was performing excellent on a walk with my little daughter.

There was a lag, but that's how all WHR work, so no problem here. F6 had two "hang times", but in recovered quite quick.

This is a walk in the city, so my pace is not consistent. Couple of times I intentionaly slowed down, to seatle my HR and speeded up. Beside that two times F6 WHR was great. At the end I've ran. F6 picked that right away.

So yeah... I'm certain if I would run with a stedy pace that HR graph would be nice and clean. Average pace from F6 and chest strap is the same - 130 bpm. So for me, thats EXELENT for na WHR.

Beside that (it was very cloudy):
GPS: EXELENT (AW was wrong)
Instant pace: EXELENT
Distance: EXELENT 
Elevation: VERY GOOD

  • Thank you, well summarized! The Fenix is currently not suitable for serious evaluations.

  • Instead of fixing the problem, Garmin prefers to bring new emojis - completely incomprehensible!
  • Yes. They should concentrate on important things again !!! Triumph

  • I wouldn't say it's trash, at least for activities.

    Hi Philips (and Merry Christmas!, can't believe it's next week). 

    It is trash for activities if you cannot rely on the data.   Even with an external band, it is as if the watch keeps switching back and forth between the band and wrist, and the HR's are very inaccurate, all over the place.  Spikes and drop outs.  I used it for 2 full hours a day for running, biking, swimming.   Swimming was utterly horrid.  Worst HR values I've ever experienced. 

    Right now I'm using an AW and the AW wrist heart rate is within 2 BPM of my Polar that is attached to my FormSwim goggles.  It's THAT good. 

    I would still own the Fenix 6 if they had made HR their absolute #1 most important thing to fix and keep accurate.  The HR affects absolutely every piece of data you look at on the watch and on connect.  EVERYTHING.  Bad data in/Bad data out.  This is supposed to be the most serious and high end outdoor fitness watch Garmin makes.  Makes you say "Hmmmm".

    But you can see all of the emojii's people text you.  That works great.

    This whole HR mess is even making me back up on my plans to consider the Fenix 6 Sport which may have LTE.  I don't want bad data.

  • Great post and this nails the problems and why I returned my Garmins, all of them 

  • Exactly. Bad data in, bad data out. Not reliable anymore. I used Garmins for 9 years and tomorrow will be my first day with the AW5.Even switching from Samsung Note 8 to iPhone to do it. Expensive but hopefully worth it.

  • tomorrow will be my first day with the AW5

    There will be some frustrations, mainly the battery life.  But if you are dedicated to fitness, the data you get from the AW is extremely reliable and accurate.

    Highly recommend the app Workoutdoors.  Has everything you need, the audio queues options will blow you away, so will the screens.

    Get Autosleep for sleep tracking. 

    I personally purchased 2 AW4's for half price and just rotate them.  have one for all day/dress, one for activities.  So it's basically never without a watch.   OldAssDude (forum member) gave some great tips.

    Sorry to post this here, but just replying to this person to help them.

  • Since the 5.0 update my WHR is actually way too high. My resting pulse is 48. I walk around and it shoots up to 100 which is absolutely not true. Weightlifting is now between 130 and 170 bpm which is absolutely untrue. I am not even out of breath. My running pulse is too high too. Easy jog should be between 130 and 140 for me but it spikes up to 170. Needless to say that the calorie burn is of course totally wrong. 1h weightlifting 700 calories without doing HIT training is just totally unrealistic.

  • i tried this and it works but only until next sync.  After next sync Move IQ on the watch shows disabled again, even if it is enabled in the app and on the web.