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Bug: Epix Gen 2 Disconnecting and Reconnecting to Bluetooth often

I have used my Epix Gen 2 in several training activities since it arrived a few days ago. Overall it has been a wonderful experience. 

However, I find that there are occasions where the watch disconnects from my Samsung S21 Ultra and then reconnects within two or three seconds. The behavior happens about three times in a row and then it subsides.

Because it is reconnecting so quickly, I has not posed a significant problem. But, it is odd that it happens. The phone is always on my person when it happens.

The Epix Gen 2 has the latest software update and so does my phone. 

Anyone else experience this?

  • Out of curiosity after reading this thread I enabled phone connection alerts a couple of days ago.

    I do not see the same unstability as others are reporting. I only got an alert once, and that was triggered correctly when phone was out of range of the watch.

    (Epix Sapphire 7.24 / iPhone 12 iOS 15.3.1)

    EDIT: Not trying to say there's no issue - just wanted to point out that not everyone is experiencing it

  • I'm having the same problem even if the phone is in my hand and the device on my wrist.  I also have issues, sometimes, in the morning to check my stats and the connection is off.  I have to turn my cell on and off to get it to reconnect, very frustrating.  I've had two other Fenix watches and never these issues. 

  • UPDATE (3.14.2022): So, I switched the functionality back on and the problem persists. I have software version 7.24 installed.

  •  the latest update and the problem still persists .... is Garmin really such an amateur that he is not able to finally make a fix for two updates? The watch is not cheap and I'm starting to get really pissed

  • Please reach out to Garmin support with this issue. I've already done it.

  • I to have this issue if anything the latest software has made it worse. My Fenix 6 didn’t have this problem and had far better range re connectivity with the phone. It’s really frustrating. 

  • Yes, looking like it is worse now. Disconnection happens even when my phone is the pocket with watch next to it on my wrist.

  • I am now on software version 7.35 and the problem still persists, albeit less frequently. So, I am seeing improvement but no definitive resolution as of yet.

  • I have the exact problem with my AirPods Pro, it happens every time I pass next to someone else. I’ve try resetting the Bluetooth connection, changing the watch to the other wrist, and checking that I have the latest software installed but nothing seems to fix the issue.

  • Sitting in my lounge this evening with the watch connecting and disconnecting approx every 5 mins with my phone being within 2feet. Come on garmin let’s get this sorted.