
The Store is being decimated by a handful of developers spamming low-effort apps

IoFace, Islandic, SunEast, Echelon, Wonderful, Saraswatches, Warm, FaceTime, Estefania83, tatu_vic

They just blatantly SPAM the heck out of the store.

This issue is now a weekly subject on /r/Garmin with hundreds of upvotes and people fuming and complaining.

This has gotta stop.

  • No need to be hostile and disrespectful toward Garmin folks.

    In the end I doubt this mess is intentional. Most likely it's either due to store moderation not being a priority or due to a lack of resources. Maybe both.

    The point of the post was to try and entice Garmin to prioritize this issue and to curtail at least some of most blatant abuse.

  • It has no use to try to convince Garmin that there is an issue with spammers in the store. May we should spam them with a few hundred or thousand bug reports about this every day, every hour, every minute,.... and even then I think they will not do anything about it. Garmin sucks at this

  • Add spamers to list:

    RiseUp, TimeFace, SunVenus, cczz.

    Last one has website with 3000 of the same watchface with different background: