
The Store is being decimated by a handful of developers spamming low-effort apps

IoFace, Islandic, SunEast, Echelon, Wonderful, Saraswatches, Warm, FaceTime, Estefania83, tatu_vic

They just blatantly SPAM the heck out of the store.

This issue is now a weekly subject on /r/Garmin with hundreds of upvotes and people fuming and complaining.

This has gotta stop.

  • Respectfully, the current solution is failing to meet customer expectations. It is a very poor experience. My big issues with the current store:

    • Payments for apps & faces. Why can't there be one central way to pay? E-mailing a developer to activate a watch face is super clunky.
    • Making it clear what data the developer is getting. What am I sharing with a third-party?
    • Giving customers an idea of impact to battery life when using certain apps or watch faces.
    • Discoverability & search. Some watch faces have multiple versions, but are all treated as individual apps in the UI/UX. It seems like it should be possible to group them together and create less "noise" in the browsing and search outputs. Rather than "clean 1," "clean 2," "clean 3," "clean 10000" why not just "Clean by IoFace" and then see all their versions of "Clean" under it?
    • Categorization of watch faces would assist in searching and browsing. For example, if I want to see "easy to read," "data focused," "sports and activities," "creative expressions." I don't know how to actually find watch faces that meet those expectations. I just get all of it in one big spaghetti bowl of a mess unless the store has come up with some kind of curation on the home page. Ranking by category would also really help.
    • Ability to filter based on compatibility. I just want to see the watch faces that are known to work with a specific watch. I can't figure out how to do that.
    • "Report a problem" needs to be dramatically improved. If a watch face is broken, or doesn't look right on a specific watch, how can I flag that? Can other customers see if several customers have reported a recent issue? Why do I have to copy a URL to report an issue? It is kinda terrible.
    • Confusing name. Connect, Connect IQ, Garmin Connect... ? Why not Garmin App Store or something that clearly says what it is?
    • Consistent marketing. It would be great if the ToS specifically described how to display the first "marketing" image to ensure a consistent browsing experience. For example: No photoshopping or modifying the screen shot, no distracting backgrounds, etc.

    There are many other ideas. This honestly feels like a big opportunity for Garmin to get right. App Stores have turned out to be critical to make products great, and directly impact the customer experience with the products we love. I hope Garmin will consider putting some real strategic investment into improving this experience for customers.

  • Respectfully, the current solution is failing to meet customer expectations. It is a very poor experience. My big issues with the current store:

    • Payments for apps & faces. Why can't there be one central way to pay? E-mailing a developer to activate a watch face is super clunky.
    • Making it clear what data the developer is getting. What am I sharing with a third-party?
    • Giving customers an idea of impact to battery life when using certain apps or watch faces.
    • Discoverability & search. Some watch faces have multiple versions, but are all treated as individual apps in the UI/UX. It seems like it should be possible to group them together and create less "noise" in the browsing and search outputs. Rather than "clean 1," "clean 2," "clean 3," "clean 10000" why not just "Clean by IoFace" and then see all their versions of "Clean" under it?
    • Categorization of watch faces would assist in searching and browsing. For example, if I want to see "easy to read," "data focused," "sports and activities," "creative expressions." I don't know how to actually find watch faces that meet those expectations. I just get all of it in one big spaghetti bowl of a mess unless the store has come up with some kind of curation on the home page. Ranking by category would also really help.
    • Ability to filter based on compatibility. I just want to see the watch faces that are known to work with a specific watch. I can't figure out how to do that.
    • "Report a problem" needs to be dramatically improved. If a watch face is broken, or doesn't look right on a specific watch, how can I flag that? Can other customers see if several customers have reported a recent issue? Why do I have to copy a URL to report an issue? It is kinda terrible.
    • Confusing name. Connect, Connect IQ, Garmin Connect... ? Why not Garmin App Store or something that clearly says what it is?
    • Consistent marketing. It would be great if the ToS specifically described how to display the first "marketing" image to ensure a consistent browsing experience. For example: No photoshopping or modifying the screen shot, no distracting backgrounds, etc.

    There are many other ideas. This honestly feels like a big opportunity for Garmin to get right. App Stores have turned out to be critical to make products great, and directly impact the customer experience with the products we love. I hope Garmin will consider putting some real strategic investment into improving this experience for customers.

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