
The Store is being decimated by a handful of developers spamming low-effort apps

IoFace, Islandic, SunEast, Echelon, Wonderful, Saraswatches, Warm, FaceTime, Estefania83, tatu_vic

They just blatantly SPAM the heck out of the store.

This issue is now a weekly subject on /r/Garmin with hundreds of upvotes and people fuming and complaining.

This has gotta stop.

  • Wow. Just wow.

    Have you, yourself, tried using the Store?

    Like really use it - just browse available faces by category and actually finding something that is NOT from one of these "prolific developers casting a wide net"?

    What people on that sub are suggesting - an option of hiding content from select developers - is a very sensible request. Does Garmin you have any plans to support that?

  • Wow. Just wow.

    Have you, yourself, tried using the Store?

    Like really use it - just browse available faces by category and actually finding something that is NOT from one of these "prolific developers casting a wide net"?

    What people on that sub are suggesting - an option of hiding content from select developers - is a very sensible request. Does Garmin you have any plans to support that?

  • There are many solutions to this problem, but Garmin prefers no solution that costs no money.

    It's understandable, they are addicted to mediocrity.

    But hey, they can't even afford to add simple filtering by rating, that's strange.

    Other problems: why is there no cap on the number of apps released by a single developer? What are these idiotic rules?

    I think it's logical that a start-up publisher should have a limit, say 5 apps in the first 3 months.

    Later, the limit can be raised on request depending on the trust score, which is modified by, for example, reports and app ratings.

    Corporate publishers of well-known brands have other limits, of course, but it is already known that they are not spammers.

    This is feasible, but apparently garmin is too weak for this.