Data Field: All In One

The data field All In One integrates the logic of several of my data fields into 1 data field and gets the absolute maximum out of the available watch memory.


The functionalities which are available depend on the memory that is available on your watch for data fields. Because of memory limitations I also had to make some concessions towards configurability in favor of integrating more logic.

Connect IQ 1 devices (FR230, FR235, FR630, Vivoactive, Fenix3 (hr), D2Bravo (titanium), tactix Bravo, Quatix 3)

  • 5 customizable fields with 20 possible field options
  • ability to set up your preferences for 3 activity profiles (run / bike / other), so that you only need to store 1 connect iq field on your watch, yet are able to configure your profiles differently
  • Integration of Data Field: Fat Burner (fixed value per zone, no configurable zone values)
  • Integration of Data Field: Let There Be Light! (only enough memory to provide the choice between always on or always off)

Connect IQ 2 devices (Fr735xt, Fenix 5, Fenix 5s, Fenix Chronos, Fr935, FR645, Vivoactive 3, Vivoactive Hr, Approach S60) :

  • 5 customizable fields with 25 possible field options
  • abiltity to set up your preferences for 3 activity profiles (run / bike / other), so that you only need to store 1 connect iq field on your watch, yet are able to configure your profiles differently
  • abitlity to record metrics to fit file (defaults to off. When on the following metrics are recorded in the activity summary: fat burned, carbs burned, activity steps)
  • allow to change settings while field active
  • Integration of Data Field: Fat Burner (always interpolation method, no configurable zone values)
  • Integration of Data Field: Eat! Drink! Reminder! (up to 3 configurable alarms)
  • Integration of Data Field: Back To Start
  • Integration of Data Field: Elevation Grade (grade in percent, elevation grade not available on non barometric devices)
  • Integration of Data Field: Let There Be Light! (not enough memory to calculate sunset/sunrise, but instead you can opt to turn on the light before/after a certain reference hour)
  • Integration of Data Field: Steps Carousel (carousel of activity steps / goal completed percentage)

Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory (Fenix5x, D2Charlie, Descent Mk1):

  • All features of Connect IQ 2 devices specified above
  • Configurable Fat Burner
  • Extra graph for fat burned / carbs burned over the course of the activity (in addition to the value in the summary) so you can analyse after your activity where you burned most fat
  • Let There Be Light Setting allows to turn the light on between sunset and sunrise

Big Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory or more (Edge 820, Oregon 7, Rino 7, Edge 1000, Edge 1030):

  • All features of Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory specified above
  • Option to show Background image
  • Hello Peter. First of all, I like this data field very much.
    It would be more useful for me (and others I suppose) if I could display Training Effect (aerobic / anaerobic if possible) and Performance condition. I am not sure if API allows that but if it does it would be great to have an option to display it.

  • Hi Peter, btw - did you reduce the number of fields for the Edge 130 or in general for the last version?
  • Not since last time you posted hulster, the last update of this field is from June 18th.

    Piotr the api contains a value for training effect (combined value for anaerobic and aerobic), performance condition is not provided by the api. I can add the training effect but this likely will only make it in the devices which have 128k or more memory as I'm pretty much maxed out in memory on the other devices (see the first post of the topic for the list).

  • the api contains a value for training effect (combined value for anaerobic and aerobic), performance condition is not provided by the api. I can add the training effect but this likely will only make it in the devices which have 128k or more memory as I'm pretty much maxed out in memory on the other devices (see the first post of the topic for the list).

    ok I see. Thanks for the answer. I have Fenix 5, so anyway it won't work for me. Anyway it is petty that Garmin doesn't give an access to more values
  • Not since last time you posted hulster, the last update of this field is from June 18th.

    Mmmmh - strange. On the 130 it seems the field you have added in the 3rd row is gone and row 2 left ist fixed distance as in your original version when we started to discuss. On the phone the additional field is as well missing, but the row 2 left field is configurable - theoretically. Practically after save it keeps distance on the 130.
  • There has been a time that the fields were more cramped together indeed, maybe you didn't install the latest update back then.

    The fields within the yellow rectangle are configurable, all other fields are fixed (because of memory reasons I can't make them configurable)

  • I haven't changed anything from my side - but we know. - it's Garmin. Let me see if I can check the version number.
    Aah - and 1 more thing. The Bottom line is currently showing Pace and not as all the time "back to start". Maybe ths gives you a hint.what happened.
  • Then you probably havent the latest version. You can use uninstall/ reinstall to get to the latest version.
  • Then you probably havent the latest version. You can use uninstall/ reinstall to get to the latest version.

    Seems you are right. But no idea how this version get onto the device. You can't download any old version and mine was - as you know - definitely the lastest. I have download again and looks ok now.
    Garmin sucks.
  • Good Day,

    Recently I've run into the same problem with both this app and "Single Run" data field app. The app itself runs fine but some reason HR is displayed as 0 for the duration of my Run Activity. HR shows correctly on a stock Garmin data field and HR is stored for later review and download. It's just being populated in the appropriate field on both these apps. Since the same problem is cropping up in two independant apps, I'm guessing something changed on Garmin's end. Do you have any insight?

    Equip - Fenix 3HR ver. 4.90