Data Field: All In One

The data field All In One integrates the logic of several of my data fields into 1 data field and gets the absolute maximum out of the available watch memory.


The functionalities which are available depend on the memory that is available on your watch for data fields. Because of memory limitations I also had to make some concessions towards configurability in favor of integrating more logic.

Connect IQ 1 devices (FR230, FR235, FR630, Vivoactive, Fenix3 (hr), D2Bravo (titanium), tactix Bravo, Quatix 3)

  • 5 customizable fields with 20 possible field options
  • ability to set up your preferences for 3 activity profiles (run / bike / other), so that you only need to store 1 connect iq field on your watch, yet are able to configure your profiles differently
  • Integration of Data Field: Fat Burner (fixed value per zone, no configurable zone values)
  • Integration of Data Field: Let There Be Light! (only enough memory to provide the choice between always on or always off)

Connect IQ 2 devices (Fr735xt, Fenix 5, Fenix 5s, Fenix Chronos, Fr935, FR645, Vivoactive 3, Vivoactive Hr, Approach S60) :

  • 5 customizable fields with 25 possible field options
  • abiltity to set up your preferences for 3 activity profiles (run / bike / other), so that you only need to store 1 connect iq field on your watch, yet are able to configure your profiles differently
  • abitlity to record metrics to fit file (defaults to off. When on the following metrics are recorded in the activity summary: fat burned, carbs burned, activity steps)
  • allow to change settings while field active
  • Integration of Data Field: Fat Burner (always interpolation method, no configurable zone values)
  • Integration of Data Field: Eat! Drink! Reminder! (up to 3 configurable alarms)
  • Integration of Data Field: Back To Start
  • Integration of Data Field: Elevation Grade (grade in percent, elevation grade not available on non barometric devices)
  • Integration of Data Field: Let There Be Light! (not enough memory to calculate sunset/sunrise, but instead you can opt to turn on the light before/after a certain reference hour)
  • Integration of Data Field: Steps Carousel (carousel of activity steps / goal completed percentage)

Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory (Fenix5x, D2Charlie, Descent Mk1):

  • All features of Connect IQ 2 devices specified above
  • Configurable Fat Burner
  • Extra graph for fat burned / carbs burned over the course of the activity (in addition to the value in the summary) so you can analyse after your activity where you burned most fat
  • Let There Be Light Setting allows to turn the light on between sunset and sunrise

Big Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory or more (Edge 820, Oregon 7, Rino 7, Edge 1000, Edge 1030):

  • All features of Connect IQ 2 devices with 128k memory specified above
  • Option to show Background image
  • Released All In One v2.2:
    • Temporarily removed Edge 130 support (waiting for Garmin fix (Garmin Device bug during initialization of the field))
    • All devices:
      • Reordering of field settings

    • Changes on devices with 128k memory (or more):
      • Add new field options: Avg Hr, Power 5s, Power 10s, Power Avg, Power Lap, Mean sea level Pressure, Ambient Pressure
      • Added possibility to configure Power Zones
      • Added coloring of Power Zones
      • Added coloring of top/lower field

    I now have to buy a 128k memory watch :p
  • Do you already know if IQ3 could help on that?
  • From what I've seen in the 3.0 beta this will make no difference in that aspect. Select devices such as the Fenix5x will still have more memory available while others will have not, just as is the case within the Connect IQ 2 sdk. It's not illogical as memory is something hardware related and you can not suddenly make more memory appear that is not there.

    Something that might potentially help in Connect Iq 3 is if the developer team has optimized how much memory the code itself consumes which would make more memory available for functionality, but this can easily be the other way round too (code consuming more memory so that certain functionalities need to be removed to get it compiled). In the beta you can't really asses that part yet, we'll have to wait for the sdk release to know the state of that part... (Sorry for the technical mumbo-jumbo ;) )
  • Hi Peter,
    Problem solved... Fast and efficient.
    Thanks a lot.
  • From what I've seen in the 3.0 beta this will make no difference in that aspect. Select devices such as the Fenix5x will still have more memory available while others will have not, just as is the case within the Connect IQ 2 sdk. It's not illogical as memory is something hardware related and you can not suddenly make more memory appear that is not there.

    Something that might potentially help in Connect Iq 3 is if the developer team has optimized how much memory the code itself consumes which would make more memory available for functionality, but this can easily be the other way round too (code consuming more memory so that certain functionalities need to be removed to get it compiled). In the beta you can't really asses that part yet, we'll have to wait for the sdk release to know the state of that part... (Sorry for the technical mumbo-jumbo ;) )

    That's quite clear, thank you for your opinion / explanations.
    It would be great if IQ3.0 would allow memory to be charged only with fields / options actually validated in configuration !!!
  • Released All In One v2.3:
    - Reenabled Edge 130 device support
    - Added position permission (new sdk requirement) for the back to start calculation.
  • Hi Peter,

    after my test with your other app I installed again this one and generally it seems to work. But the settings seem not to fit to the display.
    I have settings for For row 1 with 3 fields (left, middle, right). Then only a bottom field.
    Practically the 3 field seems not to be in a row. I have 3 rows. The 3 fields to set as row 1 are 2 in row 1 and the 3rd is in row 2 (right one). In row 2 the left field is not to change.
    Then there is a single field in row 3 I could not change as well. And at least the small bottom row where you show your donate message.
    What would make sense to me would be the following.

    Top - as it is
    Row 1 - 2 fields
    Row 2 - 3 fields
    Row 3 - 2 field

    With the information in Top and bottom you would then have more then 8 fields to show which would make then sense to replace a usual 8 field data page.

    What do you think?

    EDIT: Sorry I missed to remind - Edge 130
  • Right I fixed the settings descriptions in 2.3.1.

    To put 3 fields next to each other I would have to add another configuration setting (and I have no more memory to do that), I also think that the same font would no longer fit taking away from the look.

    Actually there are 9 fields:
    - 3 in top (time of day / configurable field 1 / battery percentage)
    - 2 fields in row 1 (2 configurable fields)
    - 2 fields in row 2 (distance + configurable field)
    - 1 field in row 3 (time)
    - 1 field in bottom row (configurable field defaulting to back to start)

    In the bottom row I could maybe another fixed field, but not sure what I'd put there that would suit everybody.
  • Right I fixed the settings descriptions in 2.3.1.

    To put 3 fields next to each other I would have to add another configuration setting (and I have no more memory to do that), I also think that the same font would no longer fit taking away from the look.

    Actually there are 9 fields:
    - 3 in top (time of day / configurable field 1 / battery percentage)
    - 2 fields in row 1 (2 configurable fields)
    - 2 fields in row 2 (distance + configurable field)
    - 1 field in row 3 (time)
    - 1 field in bottom row (configurable field defaulting to back to start)

    In the bottom row I could maybe another fixed field, but not sure what I'd put there that would suit everybody.

    Ok - got you. But would it not possible to put more fields in the middle section? The Display has a very good quality. So the standard 2 field in a row is perfectly readable.
    So at least minimum 2 fields in each row for the middle section would be like standard. A middle row with 3 field would make sense for me to show fields which needs less space like elevation with max 2 digits and percent sign.
    In the bottom row you maybe could place 2 configurable fields(or maybe three with GPS signal strength by symbols as original). Let the user decide which to place there which is not that important and a bit more difficult to read.