EDGE MapFields

IQ Store Link

New device: EDGE 1050 !

Edge Mapfields is meant for use with the mapscreen on your device.
There are 4 fields, which every field can set with many options (see below).
It's created for Edge 1030, 1040, 1050, 530 and 830, 540, 840 and Explore and Explore2

This datafield is free of charge, but if you like it and use it, it would be nice to be invited to a beer: paypal.me/AndreasWirth

After installing the datafield on your device, place a full-width field under the map. In this field you put the EdgeMapsFields.

In the setup you can choose a display for each quadrant from many different options:

Both metric and statute format!

Time to Destination is calculated by your average speed. In the beginning - when no average speed is available - Time to Dest. is calculated by 10 km/h ( 6.214 mi/h).

Timer format is mm:ss for time less than one hour, and h:mm for time more than one hour.

Of course you can use this datafield on every screen with a datafield of 1/5 of the screen height.

Note: the pictures below are photoshoped to show all options on one picture.
You can only set one datafield on your device!




  • Hi McInner,

    I love your MapDashboard and I will feature it soon in our ENJOYYOURBIKE YouTube channel (German). I also featured it in our Podcast a few months ago  

    I have a request for you to add workout datafields

  • Hi McInner,

    I do a lot of workouts. Can you ad interval timer?

    I also use the field Lap Power and Lap Heartrate to show my actual lap efforts. This does not work on your lap fields. The original Garmin lap field shows new stats after each interval. Yours don‘t. 
    Yours only works for manual lap button, not the laps that will automatically started after each interval. 

    BTW: we will feature your fields soon on our ENJOYYOURBIKE YouTube channel and already featured it in our podcast and in my Edge 1050 review. Is there a link or a possibility to send you some donations for your work?

    Best regards


  • Yes - workout steps do not trigger the „on lap“ event. One has to use „onworkout step finished“, what I have done for the option field „LAP count“. I have to check to add this alternate trigger to all LAP fields…

    BTW: I have submitted a workout datafield a month ago - maybe you want try out:

    I will add a workout timer to Mapfields (upcount for not time based targets, countdown for time based targets?) Will take some time, cause I‘m working on a Edge 1040 & 1050 „Clean Edge“ datafield - based on my „Edge All in One“ series, but with bigger numbers and a more clear layout.

    For a donation (welcomed Thumbsup) please goto the MapField store - there is a link!

  • I‘ve just tested my MapFields riding a 3-step test workout.

    All LAP values behaved as expected. Laps are triggered automatically after reaching each step target (time or what else…) without pressing the lap button on Edge.
    LAP Timer starts with every finished step with 0:00, LAP power shows the average power value of the current lap, and the same with all other LAP values.

    I don‘t know, why this does not work for you…  

    Maybe you haven‘t updated the MapFields for a long time…

  • Ah thanks, donation is out :-)
    No worries, take your time.

    I usually ride with my map while doing intervals. This is why I want to see the Lap Power and Lap Heartrate (usually I am doing zone 2 training at that time). And time countdown, yes. I think most of the workouts are time based nower days.

    Meanwhile I will build a workaround page with the new Map-Data field of the Edge 1050.

    Best regards


  • Sorry, read this after my last post. I will test it out, maybe it is fixed meanwhile. Could also have been an Edge 1050 firmware issue.

  • I released a new version of MapFields - only for clone #4 at the moment as Beta:

    -Lap Timer counts down for time based workouts as Step Timer
    -new option field: max. Speed

    If there are no problems, I will release this version on all clones in a view days.