ANT+ HRM Heart Rate Monitor

As far as I know that is not possible. Once you connect the chest strap in the watch menu it becomes the only source of data. This means that even the functions that otherwise return the ohr hr will return…
Good job for developing this and making it accessible to the public. A really great idea to help in pacing a group ride.
I love it!
If your only goal is to compare the OHR and HRM after the activity is saved and you rather do all the above steps, then it's not necessary (I didn't know this is possible, and of course it wasn't even possible when I wrote ANT+ HRM)
But there are many other use cases for ANT+ HRM:
Yes, I agree. Like I said, I love this app.
I only wanted to point out that there's now a way to do the one use case which is not supported by this app: record both wrist and external hr, while (mostly) using the external hr as the source for the activity hr. (The cost is that sometimes you get bad data from the wrist hr, unless/until Garmin fixes the source switching bug.)
I should've said that this field isn't necessary to compare wrist hr and external hr after the fact (as long as you have a supported Garmin strap and you're willing to put up with the source switching bug *).
EDIT: [*] actually, Garmin devices that support source switching will also record both wrist hr and external hr even if the external hr is not a supported Garmin strap, as long as source switching is enabled (which it is, by default).
And is a great tool regardless of whether you use it to analyze the data from this app, from source switching or to look at other FIT file internals.
The overlay feature in Connect is pretty cool, but as you mention, the y-axis is sometimes off.
I ended up installing GoldenCheetah. I find that tool not so user friendly, so I didn't managed to plot the data. However, I could fairly easy copy the data into Excel and created the plots I needed.
The overlay feature in Connect is pretty cool, but as you mention, the y-axis is sometimes off.
If you export the FIT file (*) and open it with, you can graph two metrics at the same with a single y-axis.
(*) open the activity in the Connect website and select gear icon (upper-right hand corner) > Export File
Thanks for this suggestion. is a really great site, and super easy to use. I can easily plot my data and use the data from this field.
Some users ask where can they see the statistics after recording an activity or race. It's in the activity data, can be seen either in the web or mobile version of Garmin Connect.
On the phone open the activity, go to the Stats tab and scroll down to the bottom Connect IQ section:
Then go to the laps tab, make sure you're viewing in landscape mode (meaning the screen is wider than it is high) and scroll all the way to the right: