ANT+ HRM Heart Rate Monitor ️data field

ANT+ HRM Heart Rate Monitor Heart

Displays the heart rate from an external ANT+ heart rate monitor (chest strap or arm band or another watch).

I'm proud to be one of the Runner up's in the Best New App category of 2022 Connect IQ Developer Award Winners:
ANT+ HRM logo Auxiliary HR with HR Zone Gauge Fractional zones 
This data field connects to an ANT+ external (auxiliary) heart rate monitor in addition to the built-in OHR (optical heart rate sensor) or the sensor paired in the system settings, displays the HR and records it to a FIT file for comparison and analysis of the measured HR.

Fields saved to the FIT file: HR, min/avg/max lap/session HR, AntID, alias, HR zone.

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Note: you shouldn't pair the ANT HRM with the watch!
(You can disable it: Menu - Sensors & Accessories - [Your HRM] - Status - Remove or Off)
### Terms

- "internal", "watch", "WHR", "OHR" sensor is used for either the built-in wrist heart rate sensor or an external (ANT or Bluetooth) sensor that is paired and connected to the watch (Menu - Sensors & Accessories - [Your HRM] - Status - Connected)

- "external" or "HRM" or "auxiliary" is used for any ANT sensor that is not connected to the watch but is broadcasting and the watch is receiving it's signal. It can be a chest EKG sensor or optical armband or even the training partner's watch that is set to broadcast HR on ANT (Menu - Sensors & Accessories - Wrist Heart Rate - Broadcast During Activity - On)

Initially, the strongest external sensor's signal is picked up and remembered throughout the activity.

To avoid tracking the wrong sensor (for example during a race where many people run with ANT HR sensors), the ANT ID can be fixed in the data field settings.

### Use cases

- Comparing an auxiliary heart rate sensor (i.e: chest strap or armband) to the internal optical HR sensor of the watch

- Compare two ANT+ sensors (one connected to the watch vs one not connected to the watch) to see the difference and analyse them

- Monitor and record a training partner's HR for pacing during an activity. My device natively connects to my HR sensor and this data field connects to my partner's, so during the activity I can see how hard they are going while pacing in the front, and still - in parallel - see and record my own HR

- Monitor a horse's HR during a horseback ride

### Settings

- Only connect to ANT ID - If set, then it will only connect to that device. Set to 0 to search and connect to the closest device.
- Set name for connected ANT HRM - Enter an alias for the currently connected sensor. This alias will be saved & displayed in Garmin Connect in any activity recorded using this sensor.

You can save multiple users.
- Name
- HR Zones - "u" - use user's HR zones | "m:{maxHR}" | "z:{minZ1},{maxZ1},{maxZ2},{maxZ3},{maxZ4},{maxZ5}"
- Low/High HR Alert - alert when below/above given zone/HR - (0 - off | 1..5 - when below/above zone | 30..255 - when below/above HR)

The display format can be set using 2 format strings. The watch will automatically adjust the font size and place the 2 parts in 1 or 2 lines depending on the available space. Format for both parts: AntHR:{H}, AntZone:integer(i.e: 2):{Z},fraction(i.e: 2.34):{z}, AntName:{N}, WHR:{h}
- Display format part 1 - i.e: "{H}"
- Display format part 2 - i.e: "z{z}"

- Delay Low HR Alert - don't alert on low HR for X seconds at the beginning of the activity

- Show HR zone gauge
- Show HR zone color - color background according to zone

### Supported devices
Any ANT+ HR monitor, see:, i.e:
4iiii Viiiiva
Accuro LYNK2
BKOOL, Bontrager
Echelon Beat
Garmin HRM/SS/Dual/Swim/Run/Tri/Pro
Kinetic inRide H1
Polar H9/H10/OH1/Verity Sense
Scosche Rhythm
Senda JetBlack
Sigma R1
Wahoo Fitness: TICKR/FIT/Run/X

## Languages


## Changelog

2.4.0 (2024-03-27)
- added setting to hide label
- added fr165
- bug fixes

2.3.2 (2024-01-28)
- bug fixes

2.3.1 (2023-11-12)
- added new devices
- bug fixes
2.3.0 (2023-03-19)
- use bigger fonts when possible
- fixed label font size
- fixed position on edge devices
- different low HR and high HR alert tone
- changed OHR in the display format from {h} to {o}.
- bug fixes

2.2.0 (2023-01-17)
- added Low / High HR Alert (newer devices only)
- removed sensors from settings
- added new devices
- bug fixes

2.1.0 (2022-10-24)
- changed format to use {.} instead of $.$ to prevent crashes because of bad settings
- allow extended 20-bit ANT ID-s
- fixed HR zone color, display '--' when disconnected during activity
- only connect to the same sensor when resuming activity

2.0.0 (2022-10-03)
- show name in the field label
- added HR zones
- added graphical HR zone gauge

1.0.2 (2022-06-05)
- fixed a bug in some watches

1.0.1 (2022-06-03)
- added fr255, fr955, code optimizations

1.0.0 (2022-05-31)
- IMPORTANT: Please delete and install again!
- complete rewrite. Settings have changed.
- can save alias for 3 external sensors
- added all older devices with only 16Kb memory

0.3.1 (2022-05-09)
- optimized fit file
- added settings for internal(watch) HR display
- fixed ANT certification problems

0.1 - Based on versions of IMGrant, flyingflo
  • If your only goal is to compare the OHR and HRM after the activity is saved and you rather do all the above steps, then it's not necessary (I didn't know this is possible, and of course it wasn't even possible when I wrote ANT+ HRM)
    But there are many other use cases for ANT+ HRM:

    Yes, I agree. Like I said, I love this app.

    I only wanted to point out that there's now a way to do the one use case which is not supported by this app: record both wrist and external hr, while (mostly) using the external hr as the source for the activity hr. (The cost is that sometimes you get bad data from the wrist hr, unless/until Garmin fixes the source switching bug.)

    I should've said that this field isn't necessary to compare wrist hr and external hr after the fact (as long as you have a supported Garmin strap and you're willing to put up with the source switching bug *).

    EDIT: [*] actually, Garmin devices that support source switching will also record both wrist hr and external hr even if the external hr is not a supported Garmin strap, as long as source switching is enabled (which it is, by default). 

    And is a great tool regardless of whether you use it to analyze the data from this app, from source switching or to look at other FIT file internals.

  • Thanks.

    The overlay feature in Connect is pretty cool, but as you mention, the y-axis is sometimes off.

    I ended up installing GoldenCheetah. I find that tool not so user friendly, so I didn't managed to plot the data. However, I could fairly easy copy the data into Excel and created the plots I needed.

  • The overlay feature in Connect is pretty cool, but as you mention, the y-axis is sometimes off.

    If you export the FIT file (*) and open it with, you can graph two metrics at the same with a single y-axis.

    (*) open the activity in the Connect website and select gear icon (upper-right hand corner) > Export File

  • Thanks for this suggestion. is a really great site, and super easy to use. I can easily plot my data and use the data from this field.

  • Some users ask where can they see the statistics after recording an activity or race. It's in the activity data, can be seen either in the web or mobile version of Garmin Connect.

    On the phone open the activity, go to the Stats tab and scroll down to the bottom Connect IQ section:

    Then go to the laps tab, make sure you're viewing in landscape mode (meaning the screen is wider than it is high) and scroll all the way to the right: