App: Hike2

The next generation of the Hike app. With additional memory and sensors on the vivoactive HR, all be looking at adding new stuff. Right now, it makes use of the hardware compass and barometric Altimeter!

Like Hike, it's stats up and once it gets GPS, press start to begin the recording. There are then a number of screens you can swipe through to see data, like time-distance, pace-speed, altitude data, lat/lon data, and a chart that shows your hike so far. Pressing the back button while recording marks a waypoint, and pressing start pauses the recording, and gives you the option to resume, save, or discard the recording.

To learn about some of the basic functionaly here, see the thread for the initial version:

Please post questions and problems here.
  • Is this bug fixed in firmware 2.80?

    YES! the oHR started working in one of the beta releases, and works in the production FW!
  • Coming soon! Hike2 version 2.01

    I'm waiting for production FW to be out with the new Connect IQ for the 735, but I'm thinking it will be soon!

    You'll notice this once you get the upgrade. The screens look different (and better, IMHO):

    • There are also a few new screens (with graphs for hr, watch temperate, elevation, air pressure - what's there will vary between the va-hr and 735, as the 735 doesn't have a baro altimeter, and I'm not sure about an internal temperature sensor)
    • The ability to save your waypoints and uses the same ones again (also up to 50 waypoints!)
    • Other things I'll go into later!
  • Export recorded data

    Can someone please tell me how to export the track and waypoints from VivoActive HR? I plug into my computer using USB, but I can find any files that resemble a track or waypoint file. I just hiked (and recorded using the Hike2 App) Mt Rainier, and I'd love to export the data to view in Garmin Basecamp and Google Earth.

  • When you sync with Garmin Connect, your route will be uploaded. If you turn on "lap marks", that will show your waypoints.

    I've never tried this myself, but I "think" in GC you export the activity as a GPX file, and import that into basecamp. A user got this to work a few months back and there is a post about it in the "Hike" thread and I'll see if I can find it...

    The info you're looking for might be here:
  • I'm planning the 2.01 release for Monday!

    A friend with a 735 checked a few things for me so I can now talk about specifics for the va-hr and 735!

    The big changes are - More screens, more Way Points (and the ability to save and reuse them), data graphs, a large compass on both the va-hr and 735.

    The first thing you'll notice is the initial screens are different ("Waiting for GPS" and and "Ready - Press Start"). In 2.00, swipes or up/down buttons were used to change between hike and walk recording. But in 2.01, there is a menu (press the menu key on your device). There are three things there:

    • Toggle Walk and Hike - Like the old swipe/buttons used to do..
    • Toggle Loading WPs - Much more about this later
    • Toggle Background - change between a white and black background color set (I moved this to the watch from app-settings so you could change while you are out)

    While recording, here are the availabe screens (not all are available on the 735, and all but the first one can be turned off with app-setting from GCM/GE)

    • Time and Distance (the one you can't turn off!)
    • Pace and Speed (with averages)
    • Steps and Calories (with daily numbers if activity tracking is on)
    • Cadence (with avg and max)
    • (new) HeartRate (with avg and max and the Firmware's approximately 4 hour graph of the data.
    • Waypoints, with distance and direction to them, and an indicator if you "found" one. (the Loaded Waypoints come into play here, but I'll talk about that later!)
    • Chart (more on the changes here when I go into Loaded Waypoints!)
    • (new) Air pressure and Temperature (including the FW's 4 hr graphs). This one won't be available on the 735 (one of the things I needed to check...) The Temperature is based on the internal temperature sensor on the va-hr so it's there even if you don't have a Tempe!) Some simple "weather info" that goes back before you started!
    • Elevation (with Ascent and Decent and on the va-hr the Firmware's 4 hr graph of that!)
    • (new) Compass with bearing. (using the device's Hardware Compass) While a small one was there on the va-hr on the Elevation page, it's now bigger and available for the 735!
    • Latitude/Longitude/GPS Quality (showing current location and heading, as well as start location direction and distance)

    On any of the screens, pressing Menu brings up two options you can change:

    • Again, Toggle Background
    • Toggle Waypoint Numbers (on the chart) This is connected to Loaded Waypoints, so I'll go into it when I discuss that!

    As with 2.00, you'll still be notified for things like getting close to a Waypoint and your Start Location. The basics haven't really changed that much...

    Pressing Start will still show you the Resume/Save/Discard menu, but there's a new "Also Save Waypoints" option! :)

    (to be continued - All about Saved Waypoints and Loading them!)
  • Loving the updated version. Just one really basic question though. I have a 735xt - you say to switch between hike and walk use the "Menu" key. Which one is this? The up-down buttons on the lhs which I used to use to switch between options don't change it, then there is the light button top left, lap button bottom right, and start top right. What am I missing? Thanks, Melanie
  • On a 735, a long press of "up" is "menu".
  • Thanks for your reply. Doesn't work for me unfortunately. I have tried this whilst screen says waiting for GPS and also when GPS has been found. It just starts the session. Thanks, Melanie
  • It should work... Maybe not a long enough press? Could it be too long?

    Once you start the recording, a long press of "up" should also give you a menu to change a couple things. Could you try that? What version of firmware is on your 735?
  • Long press on the up button works a treat! Many thanks.