App : Badminton Score Tracker

Hello! I am the creator of the application "Badminton Score Tracker".

Here is the link

Please use this thread to report bug, for feature request of any other question.

  • Is there any development work


    I am new to using the Vivoactive HR and used this app last night to keep the score, afterwards I found that the App did not write any data to the activity log

    After finding this Thread I see that you planned to do this development but not managed to as yet

    I have looked at other Apps on the Garmin IQ site and found that there is a Squash APP that does save this data, are you able to take the code from the Squash APP and add it to your app

    If I can be of use to test the app please let me know

  • Hello and thanks for your message!

    Actually, I would love to release this feature. I've already developed the code needed in a pre-version of the application, among other features. The problem is that Garmin SDK is very buggy and I'm not able to test that everything works as expected on a real device (I have a Fenix 3) before releasing this new version of the app on the store.

    You can search for "fit contributor" on the "Connect IQ Bug Reports" section of this forum and see the number of issues related to this Garmin SDK API.

    As soon as they fix this issue, be sure I will release the new version.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Badminton App for Fenix 5X

    When comes the Version from the admin app for the Fenix 5x?
  • Hi samsam3211,

    I'm almost ready with a new version that supports the new Fenix 5. This version relies on version 2.3 of the Garmin SDK that should be released soon.
  • Hi all,

    I just released a new version of the application (v1.4.5). It adds support for Fenix 5 series. I'm almost ready with version 1.5.0 that will save your badminton matches on Garmin Connect.

    Do not hesitate to report any issue in this forum.
  • Hello. I love your Badminton score tracker app for garmin watches.
    But, when a match is over, I want to have the ability to continue the activity. When I exercise, I play many matches and this results in many activities. The app is great to keep track of the score, but to have the whole workout during an activity, I can not use it. So my suggestion is to add a feature that lets you choose if you want to continue or exit and save the activity. maybe adding a lap between each match?
  • i just wanted to say thanks very much for the app and it is very useful for keeping score. I have a request that would make it perfect for me. I would also very much like to be able to save multiple games, with scores, as a single Garmin activity. I may play 20 games in a single Badminton session and having those split into 20 individual Garmin activities is painful. Is this request technically possible?


  • ... I want to have the ability to continue the activity..

    Yes the option to keep playing would be very useful.

    Also great would be to just show the current time instead of match time. Match time doesn't help me to see how much time is left on the rented the court, especially if we do some warm-up rounds before recording the match. People could choose in the settings what time display they would prefer.

    Also: in a double match, shouldn't it also ask if I'm standing left or right in the beginning? Otherwise it could show my location wrongly the rest of the match..
  • Thanks for adding the time. :)

    A free training mode would be great, without counting the points, just measuring heart rate and steps, because heart rate is measured more accurate if an activity is being recorded.
  • Feature Idea:
    Add the current borders for the gametype in the graphics of the court. So players can see the borders for single and double games. I always forget, you could show the not used parts in grey.