HMs DIY #1-6

Store Link

Because I want to keep this datafield and the app free for use I would be very grateful about a small donation to PayPal

A detailed description of how to use it can be found here: 


Thanks very much to mcinner1 for putting so much time into this documentation!

Designer download

You can contribute on my github page.
You can upload your layout so others can use it as well.
Also any changes to the fonts.txt can be updated there as well.


* switched to new SDK 7.2.1
* added devices: Approach S7 42mm, Descent Mk3 43mm /Mk3i 43mm, Descent Mk3i 51mm, Edge 1050, epix Pro Gen2 42mm, epix Pro Gen2 47mm / quatix 7 pro, epix Pro Gen2 51mm / D2 mach 1 pro / tactix 7
Fenix 7 Pro, Fenix 7 Pro Solar, Fenix 7S Pro, Fenix 7X Pro, Fenix 7xPro Solar, Forerunner 165, Forerunner 165M, Venu 3, Venu 3S, Vivoactive 5
* switched to new SDK 4.2.4
* added devices: FR265, FR265S, FR965, GPSMAP 67/67i, Marq (Gen 2), Marq (Gen 2) Aviator, EDGE 540, EDGE 840, Instinct 2x Solar
* added two new font types GLANCE, GLANCENR (only available if device supports it!)

for full releasenotes see: releasenotes.txt


  • Hi

    You can set the average for power with "nr of values" ! It means average over xx seconds

    So just add 5 power fields, with a "nr of values": 60, 300, 600, 1200, 3600

    new version coming in half an hour....



  • New version 2.5.5 is available:

    * its now possible to take a screenshot of the device preview in the designer with shortcut 'Ctrl + P'
    (Please note that shortcut for 'Append' has changed to Ctrl+I)
    * new values: version number, appname, phone connected (0: disconnected, 1: connected)
    * Elements in the right preview window are now clickable. The element will then be selected in the element list and highlighted.
    * Ctrl + Left/Right/Up/Down can now be used to move elements in the preview (changes X/Y).
    Shift + Left/Right/Up/Down changes X2/Y2 of the element

    I would appreciate any feedback!

    Damn notification emails not working... )-:



  • Nice tip :), thank you

    This is valid for real time values, but what about the max value for the ride? any idea to store the P20max for the ride?

  • I would appreciate any feedback!

    -Screenshot works, but only if the program-mainform ist set to 0/0 on the screen (left upper edge of screen). If the program is situated at another place on the screen, the screenshot covers a wrong part of the screen. (at least on my WIN7 PC).

    -Clicking elements in the preview works, but if you click on a place where no element is situated, the program crashes.

    Element moving works.
    Phone connected works.


  • Hi

    Could you please post a screenshot when it is wrong. I am curious how much it is off. Tried it on Win10 and it works with every window position, even when I start the app with Win7 comp. mode... damn Windows

    Fixed the crash, thanks for the info. I tried all combinations with clicking but the layouts always had a complete rectangle in the background, forgot to try it out with no element to find.

  • I get this for my Fenix 6 regardless of the window position


  • Could you please post a screenshot when it is wrong.

    Here is my PC-Screen. Red marked is the screenshot taken by the Designer. If the Designer-programm is moved to left/upper edge - the screenshot fits!

  • @hotdogpartysausage:

    Might be a DPI problem?

  • Hi

    Yes, seems to be a DPI Problem. Iwill take a look.




  • Thanks so much for putting all this together! Works great.

    Any plans to make the designer cross-compatible with other OSes? Mac specifically?

    Refuses to run in wine:

    [strex@MacBook]: wine HundsmiachnDIYDesigner.exe
    bash: /usr/local/bin/wine: Bad CPU type in executable
    [strex@MacBook]: wine64 HundsmiachnDIYDesigner.exe
    0009:err:module:__wine_process_init L"Z:\\Users\\strex\\Documents\\Outdoors\\Garmin\\HM_DIYD_2.5.2\\HundsmiachnDIYDesigner.exe" not supported on this system

    Also, any chance of adding "date" as a data-field?