Hi FB Brown.
2 questions/suggestions.
Change the link to "this thread in the forum" in your QI description.
I really mis the remaining time / distance from a workout.
I often run with a workout (80% of my training), now I'm constantly changing between Dozen and the Workout datafield, to see what is remaining.
Is it possible to add this workout information into a configurable field in Dozen run?
Can you do a favor and provide some general setup guidelines for the dozen cycle, for cyclist desiring power output display with a bike setup of:
1) no cadence/speed censor or power meter
2) cadence/speed censor but no power meter
3) no cadence/speed censor HAS power meter
4) has all 3
I recently bought fr935 and found your data field. Getting a watts reading that is all over the place during my ride. (currently no censors or power meter) and confused on best way to configure app/data field to get best output. Thanks for your help!
I also would prefer the look not fully colored, but only in the edges. As it is shown on the showcase picture on a 735 in the IQ store, and how it is displayed on DozenCycle on the same watch. As a result both datafields differ now a little bit in the look on a 735. But I can understand argumentation - when I look on my HR during cycling....usually not a brilliant idea.