having my garmin watch connected to smartrow (simultaneously with smartrow being connected to the smartrow app) would be great. does its bluetooth profile support multiple connections? and if, who is to…
having my garmin watch connected to smartrow (simultaneously with smartrow being connected to the smartrow app) would be great. does its bluetooth profile support multiple connections? and if, who is to blame (garmin or smartrow) that this is not possible yet?
having just got a smartrow i have synced the SR account to Strava and tonight if i get the kids into bed on time i plan to create a Indoor Row activity on my fenix with Broadcast HR turned on within the activity settings.
I assume that it will create 2 strava activities (1 with power/stroke details etc, 1 without) not elegant but at least it should keep my Garmin health/training records in balance.
If anyone has any better ideas i am all ears!
Check out https://github.com/inonoob/pirowflo. It's a Raspberry Pi project that will forward the SmartRow data to the Fenix.
The SmartRow app has also recently started re-broadcasting the data for Zwift, etc. You may be able to get that to work with the ArduRower-IQ ConnectIQ data field. I have not been able to get the data field working on my FR945, but I use the Raspberry Pi solution when I row. Worth a try, I think.
I recently wrote about my experience with Smartrow and the Garmin Forerunner 955 here: https://harder-better-faster-stronger.de/garmin-forerunner-955-smartwatch-im-test-5156/ - This might be of interest for you
Hi Ulf Mayer
thank you for your article regarding Smartrow and the Forerunner 955. Can I check how you establish the connection that sends the data from the Waterrower to the Garmin watch.
I have installed the ArduRower-IQ app but I am not sure if I need to any pairing of any type or so? The Com Module manual does not feature any instructions how to reset the pairing.
Thank you for your help with this
Hey J, thank you for your interest in the article about the connection. Not sure if I understood you correct - the commodule is something different than the smartrow roll. Maybe you want to contact the developer of the IQ app to check if it is also comaptible with the com module.