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Usability Problems With New Garmin Connect Web Courses Page

TLDR: With the list of courses on the left hand side, you cannot CTRL-Click to open into a new browser tab (or Right Click and select 'Open in New Tab'). This makes it SUPER ANNOYING when planning out what Ride/Run course I want to follow. #GarminPleaseFixThis

So I've got almost 600 courses saved in my Garmin Connect Courses.

My usual workflow is to: Open MyCourses list, then filter by Type e.g. 'Road Cycling', then add a distance filter e.g '50-80 Km'
   (* Props admittedly due to the Devs for the very useful new 'Course Name' filter and actually functional distance filters!)

I would then scroll through the list and open the Courses I was thinking about riding into New Tabs (so that I could look at the routes in more detail)

With the new UI (v4.65.2.0, it does look better, but it has BROKEN the ability to open the separate courses into new tabs (NO Ctrl-Click or Right-Click)

If you click on a Course it loads the full Course Details page (which you could duplicate the tab), but then when you go back it has lost the Filters and you have to apply them again.

This makes looking at or comparing multiple courses almost impossible, thus making the new UI absolutely useless!
[Tested on Windows 11, Firefox v112.0 + Chrome v112.0.5615.86]

GARMIN DEVS... can this please be fixed ASAP (and if anyone knows a way of temporarily going back to the old UI, that would be really helpful!

Cheers, Derek 

  • I'm experiencing a number of issues with the new course creation program.  It is really clunky & hard to use compared to the old one and a lot of space is wasted on big, white, empty boxes.  Where I used to feel it superior to Strava and RideWithGPS, now I'm not so sure.  Some of the issues I have:

    1) When selecting a course I can't right+click and open in a new tab.  Sometimes I open a couple courses at a time that I want to look at.  Particularly useful when working on a series of Saturday rides or something like that. Now I am unable to do that.  One at a time.

    2) Selecting a course tabs are huge now.  I like that I can see previews of the course, but at the same time, that adds a lot of scrolling to find things.  The old way was much simpler.  I liked being able to scroll through 10 or so at a time.  3 now is a bit harder.

    3) Too Many Pulldowns / Not Enough Buttons on the left - tools that used to be buttons are now replaced with pulldowns.  For instance, routing has gone from 3 buttons (Follow Roads, Popular, Freehand) to a pulldown.  It doesn't seem to save space.  Why?  Now I have to click twice instead of once when I want to tinker with how the drawing algorithm works.  There's a big white, empty box in place where you could just display the buttons.

    4) Pull-out tabs on the right are weird too.  I like that I can open and close them, but why are they so big?  I think they were on the bottom before.  Now we just have a big, white rectangle on the bottom with an Activity Tracking button.  Could we just put them back on the bottom and have the monitor space to look at roads please?  Previously when trying to route around/over hills and things I might be using several of the map display functions at a time - between the normal route, elevation plot, and who knows what else.  And again. lots of big, empty white box space where I want to see roads.

  • In case (hopefully?) anyone from Garmin is reading, I basically came here to post exactly what 8620102 said.  I use Courses often to plot out runs and rides.  The new interface is making it so much harder to do so.  

  • Perhaps they could alter it back to the text list of courses, but hovering over one would present the little map preview? On my screen I can only see 1.5 entries, rather than the dozen or so before. It takes a lot of scrolling to wind through my list of 120ish courses.

  • I used the course creator a lot but this new update has made it all but useless and Ill have to move across to a new platform.

    Always defaults to Olathe, USA. Zooms back to Olathe when I change base maps.

    Doesn't sort my courses depending on the location of the map, now just shows smallest to longest no matter where I am on the map.

    Map is smaller and the Activity Tracking Accuracy bar at the bottom now just stays

    Cant right click and open in new tab.

    To name a few.......

    Its hardly an update

  • I'm having the same issues. Where is Garmin on this issue? If you search for a specific address, like a trailhead, at 5974 Cove Rd, Laurys Station, PA 18059, the map doesn't change the selected address. I found if you drag the map to a different location and search again, it now responds, but it still fails to zoom into the specific address. It's almost useless. My workaround is finding the location on Google Maps and hunting around the Garmin map for the landmarks to pinpoint the stuff. OMG! It was working fine before they updated it.

  • I'm having the same issues. Where is Garmin on this issue? If you search for a specific address, like a trailhead, at 5974 Cove Rd, Laurys Station, PA 18059, the map doesn't change the selected address. I found if you drag the map to a different location and search again, it now responds, but it still fails to zoom into the specific address. It's almost useless. My workaround is finding the location on Google Maps and hunting around the Garmin map for the landmarks to pinpoint the stuff. OMG! It was working fine before they updated it.

    I don't see any acknowledgment or response regarding this problem. Has anyone heard a peep?

  • I don't see any acknowledgment or response regarding this problem. Has anyone heard a peep?

    Has anyone reported it to Garmin Support? That would be the best way to report the issue and get a response. I sent an email to yesterday. Will probably hear back early next week.

  • Thank you for your participation in this thread. Sorry to hear about your feedback regarding the new web update. We have a ticket open to track the number of riders reporting this issue. If you would like to be added to the report, please reply with the following:

    1. May we have permission to email you?
    2. In which country are you located?
  • Maalesef Garmin çalışan her şeyi bozmayı çok seviyor. GC' de rota çizmeyi çok seviyordum, GC' de rota çizmek diğerlerinden (comoot, strava, alltrail vb.) çok daha kolaydı. Tek eksik olan güncel OSM verileriydi. Fakat Garmin bu eksik kısmı tamamlamak yerine, çalışan sistemi bozup bir de saçma bir arayüz yapmış ve harita alanı küçülmüş. Rota tespiti kısmında "yolları takip et" çalışmıyor. Bence hemen eski sisteme dönülmeli ve sadece günce OSM verileri eklenmeli ve mükemmel bir rota çizme bölümü yakalanır böylece..