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Garmin Connect app broken for Android tablets. Watch won't pair with the 4.75 release

Is the app broken for Android tablets? My watch won't pair with the 4.75 release of the app. Last successful sync was with 4.74.1

I do see the other posts in a related thread and can also see the complaints on the play store that indicate others are having the exact same problem. So I know I am not raising something new here.

But I was just on a chat with support and they said there is no known issue related to tablets. I would liked to know if Garmin is saying that the current version of the app does work with Android tablets (suggesting that I have some hardware problem) or if there is a fix coming. Does anyone have any info here?


  • 4.74.1 on posts here works.

  • So what happens when you do this?  I guess you need to remove 4.75 and then side load 4.74?  Does it self load or execute once you xfer it to your device?

    Do you then need to set it up again with credentials etc.? 

  • You would have to see what others have posted here about loading the AFK.

  • 3 weeks and counting.. Not a squeak from Garmin about the problem and, more importantly, a resolution.

  • I uninstalled Garmin connect from my android tablet (Galaxy Tab S8) & then tried to re-connect the watch after re-installing the apps... DIDN'T HELP AT All. Frustrating indeed !! However, the watch can sync on the apps at any android cell phone. 

  • So they can siphon more of your data to sell to third parties.....

  • For those that want a workaround.  Remove Garmin Connect from your tablet, delete the app.  Google for Garmin Connect 4.74.1 APK.  Download the link from whatever APK site comes up then open it to install it.  If you have never side loaded an app before, you will have to grant permissions to install the app from source you downloaded it from (like Chrome).  

    Open Garmin Connect and sign in and your device will sync just fine.


    You MUST turn off auto updating on the play store.  I forgot to do this and the app subsequently updated back to 4.75

  • This is totally ridiculous...we have invested in garmin ...not just money...i still have my forerunner 305....i may not sync runs like i use to ...I'm  an old lady  but im proud of my 63 year old ass showing stats for my 4 hour walks and my 30 plus bike rides over the hills of cavan ontario ...crazy elevation stats and speed going downhill and yes I have a real bike one with gears ...I call it portaging with bike at my age I need to see stats ...please garmin fix I can't figure out how to download  an older version of the latest update 

  • I agree, totally ridiculous and still nothing formal from Garmin. I am syncing my activities to my computer which then shows on GC on my tablet. It does not upload steps or intensity or stairs. I can't figure that out. I'm just hoping they provide a fix soon.

  • I feel the same. I use my watch for a serious purpose. I am 67 and gravely ill with a disease that requires long term prednisone use and other conditions. It has been 4 years and no remission. The stats help me focus on what I can do and not on the pain and disability. God bless your biking. I rode 1000 miles a year on my Bridgestone RB-2 and Vision R-40 LWB USS when I was young. Can't pedal now and i have a balance problem. My walks show 1.8 km an hour. We do what we can. Ride a few miles for me!